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To Roy's Miracle Page

Please read the story below so that you will know that there is a God and he is real as real can be!!!.......The story below is a TRUE TRUE story...dont believe me? it and you will find out why it is true!


This story is about a man named "Roy".

Here is the real newspaper clipping about this explosion

This Man is a United Pentecostal preacher....Would you like to leave him a message? or maybe you have a prayer request that you would like to e-mail him or leave in the guestbook?..Please do He will be very glad to read it!
Please when you sign the guestbook...Please tell him you have enjoyed this cite he will be glad to read it and so will I =-þ
Thankyou so very much
May God Richly Bless You

What about some more pictures of him?...then and now?? click below =-)


Want a page?...E-mail Miriam---> Email:

Created By:Miriam on 1-27-00


Updated By: Miriam on 1-28-00