"Final Goodbye" 1/1 (Poem)
Author: Tiffany
Rating: G
Content Warnings: Major Angst, Suicide is hinted at...
Summary: My idea of Mulder's thoughts after Scully dies or leaves him.

Feedback:  Please, Please send feedback!!!!  Let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: No characters mentioned, so I guess this isn't needed...

**Author's Notes: This is kind of a depressive piece, I've been in a
funk lately, so I needed to get some of it out of my system.  If you
don't like this kind of stuff, turn back now.**

"Final Goodbye"

Constantly spiraling out of control,
My life has slipped out of my hands.  
Why am I losing
the game they call life.
No matter what I do
the results are the same.
broken hearts,
and betrayal.
I cannot live like this.
My life is no longer 
worth the air I breath.
Since you left,
There is no meaning,
no purpose to  me being here.
So, in order to end 
all the pain I've caused,
I will solve this problem
Once and For all.
It was great knowing you.
I have always loved you,
and I always will.

**The End**

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Email: emily_scully@angelfire.com