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Welcome to Chris's Homepage

Hello everyone! Well let me tell you a little about myself. I am 18 years old and I attend Northeast Community College. I am very active in religion. I am a young minister at my church and I guess you could say that its my favorite thing to do(going to church.)I love to study the Bible and i always learn about it each time i read it. I go to a United PENTECOSTAL Church and I try to be very active in it. I am training to be a computer programmer. Then I hope to go to a Bible College and study more about God's Word. Well I guess thats enough about me. If you want to get in touch with me I have yahoo pager and AOL messenger. On yahoo I am drummer_98_98. On AOL messenger I am swellguy18. Go ahead and visit some of the links listed on this page. I hope you will find them interesting. I will have more in time. Thanks for stopping by. Also I want to thank a sweet person for helping me; thanks Miriam :).
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