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World Cup Football    

France, being the host Round shaped stamp on W.Cup Footballcountry, issued a large number of stamps on 1998 World Cup. It is interesting to note that France unveiled its first stamp of 1998 World Cup long back in 1995 announcing the news of hosting the 1998 World Cup Games. In 1997 France released a series of 12 stamps on the ten cities around France which are to host the 16th World Cup Football in 1998, thus enabling Philately to play an active role in the preparations for the largest sporting event ever staged in France. The other stamps issued by France in connection with 1998 World Cup Football are unique in nature. They are round shaped like football with mascot of the game and the logo of the 1998 World Cup Football - the sunball rising on the horizon at the dawn of a new millennium which is the logo for the 1998 global championship.

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