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  The Inventor of Basketball Game  

The phenomenal feats of today’s giants of basketball, like Michael Jordan oStamp in honour of Dr. James Naismith, inventor of Basket ball Gamer Magic Johnson, would have amazed Dr. James Naismith, the modest Canadian who invented the game 110 years ago when he hung a peach basket on a gym wall. The centenary of Naismith’s invention was commemorated by a postage stamp, and a special souvenir sheet, both issued on October 25, 1991. Born near Almonte, Ontario, Naismith graduated from McGill University and the Presbyterian Theological College. In 1891, while teaching Psychology, Bible Study and Physical Education in Springfield, Massachusetts, he discovered the need to keep his unruly gym class occupied during the winter. After some unsuccessful attempts to modify soccer, football and lacrosse for indoor play, Naismith systematically thought out the elements for his new game: a large ball; no tackling or running; and an elevated goal - the peach basket. The first game was played on December 21, 1891.

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