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Ship Museum    

Stamp on Ship MuseumShip Museum In 1990, Sweden inaugurated a new-type Museum. Known as 'Vasa Museum' it is none other than a vessel which has previously been on display in a provisional museum building. All the roofs and numerous walls of the new museum are clad in sheet copper. In the centre of the museum is the Man-O-War Vasa, preserved and restored with all sculptures in their original places on the ship. The Man-O-War Vasa capsized on her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628 in the Port of Stockholm. The ship was salvaged in 1961, giving Sweden a historical object of world class to take care of and preserve. It has now became possible for the first time ever to study a practically intact ship from the early 17th century. The two stamps issued on this occasion show the Vasa's forebody and stern with the new museum in the background.

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