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Maori Language  

1995 was an important year for all New Zealanders. It was the year for celebrating and sharing one of their greatest national treasures - the Maori language. Nemaori.gif (10451 bytes)w Zealand is the only country in the world where Maori language is spoken and written and this alone makes it a potentially rich tool for distinguishing their country internationally. Thousands of new Maori words are created every year. It proves the language's flexibility and its capability for reading and writing The Maori language came to New Zealand with the Polynesian migrations around 1000 years ago. Since then, it has developed independently of other Polynesian tongues to become the Maori of today. It is estimated that currently some 50,000 New Zealanders, almost all of Maori descent, are fluent speakers of Maori. As Maori is not spoken widely anywhere else in the world, it provides New Zealand with a unique language identity. For that reason, and for the important role it has to play as a positive social force in the Maori community, its survival is seen as vital. The six stamps focus on the importance of the Maori language, and commemorate Maori Language Year.

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