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Letter Writing Week   

On July 21, Round shaped stamp2000 Japan released four 50-yen and ten 80-yen postage stamps to popularize and promote letter writing movement. This nationwide movement has been taking place in Japan since 1979. As a part of the movement, a "Letter Writing Day Stamp" is being issued every July. The 80-yen stamps are in the "omnibus" style sheet which were very popular in 1999. The 80-yen stamp sheet has ten various designs of stamps which include half-round and oval stamps.   On October 6, 2000 Japan  also released three stamps on International Letter Writing Week(ILW). ILW, spans the week during which is included the Foundation Day of Universal Postal Union on October 9. It is observed to encourage the worldwide cultural exchange of friendship and making contribution to world peace. Every year in Japan the days between October 6 to 12 have become known International Letter Writing Week and the stamps have been issued as a part of this campaign since 1958. 

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