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In my quest for happiness, what do I find? A sweet smelling rose. So beautiful, so lovely..... I decide to grab this rose by the stem, not noticing the wounds that are inflicted upon me by the thorns. I watch the blood trickle down my hand - first one drop at a time.. but when I squeeze the rose harder, more blood falls from my fingertips. I become dizzy from the loss of blood... Soon, my body falls to the ground and into a garden of thorns. The bloody rose falls out of my hand as I am left to die.

Thank you for taking the time out to visit my page. Let me tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Siobhan.
I am 22 years old.
I've been playing the saxophone for 9 years.
I am a vegetarian.
I live in Florida.

I have set up a wishlist at for my birthday, for Christmas, and for graduation.
Click here to buy me a present from Walmart
Those are just a few items that I would like, so just browse through when you get a chance. Or you can send me money through Paypal. (I accept credit card payments.) Please click on the button below to donate money to me, using a major credit card.

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The one and only fat cat (Garfield of course)
Raymond High School
Mississippi State University

Order Super DVD Ripper software! Costs only one DVD and backup dvd!
