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All My Links...Or the Best of Them:


Haven for the FBI's Most Unwanted- The Haven one of those places where an X-Phile can spend hours, it has spoilers, Fan Fic, pictures, Games, I could go on forever! But, take my word on it, it is a great resource for spoilers!

Spoilerville- One of the most well known spoiler dites on the internet. It is updated almost daily, and you can always expect new spoilers and pics that are found no where else.

MiningCo Spoilers- This place isn't as well known, but in the past, it has had good up-to-date spoilers, which is a good thing!

Other Good Sites

DamnBee.Org- Obviously a place for shippers, but not *only* shippers. There are plenty of sounds, a few pics, and some great backgounds and collages!

Dimension X- As someone who is familiar with the effort it takes to make webpages, I have to compliment the person who made this. This page has had so much work and time put into it. Also, a great page design.

Rohan's X-Files Realm- This place has everything. Transcripts, biographies, trivia, sounds, pictures, FanFic, info on Season 6, name it, this site has it!

The X-Files Studio- Yet another webpage with EVERYTHING on it. pictures, bloopers, spoilers, FanFic, sounds, quotes, FAQ, lots of links, multimedia, the list goes on and on...

The Basement Office- Spoilers, episode guide, quotes, characters, quizzes, top 12 lists, polls, shipper stuff, etc.

Cancer Fans- This page is dedicated to top 10 lists. There are quite a few of them, and they are all worth reading! Go to this page if you want a good laugh!

Script Archives- This is basically what the name says. Scripts. No, not official scripts, but scripts nonetheless...

Alien Ice Picktures- Are you a fan of the M&S action figures, whether you are or you aren't, this is a place to laugh your head off. It is comic strips, sorta, of the M&S action figures as the main characters, but also features other action figures such as The Tick, Xena:Warrior Princess, and McDonald's toys. It's pretty funny!

Official Page- This page is the official one, but is not updated that much, and doesn't have that much info...

FanFic Sites

The Gossamer Project- Crossover, X-File, Adventure, MSR, Vignette, etc. The stories are listed by author, subject, title, and date.

Elemental FanFic- Another great source for any kind of story, but only listed by Title

Chronicle X- Lots o' FanFic, mostly MSR, but some X-File

The Hub- This place doesn't have FanFic, but has links to all kinds of FanFic sites, ranging from new fanfic writer pages to DD Teens FanFic archive pages.

Romantics FanFic Archive- All MSR Fanfic..more than you could imagine...if you're looking for a particular MSR fic, this is the place to go.

If you want me to add your site, E-Mail me the address!
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