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My Teacher Page

When I first started doing this website, I was a teacher's assistant in the preschool classroom at Houlka Attendance Center, in Houlka, MS. Then, last year I was assigned to the first grade classroom. It was a totally new experience! I have learned a lot in the past two years. The differences in preschool and first grade are amazing. The difference in teachers was also something that took some getting used to. All of the teachers that I've worked with have been top-notch and I am very thankful for that. Their teaching methods are quite different but no two people are alike and the children in their classrooms all seemed to benefit. In preschool, it gave me such a good feeling when I would see a child learn to master counting, or writing their name, or their ABC's. Their little faces would just light up! In first grade, the sense of accomplishment would come when a child would say "Mrs. Regina, I studied last night and I think I'm going to make a 100 on my spelling test". Or when a child who had been struggling would finally learn that to add 1 to a number just meant counting up to the next number. Sometimes it almost seemed as if I could see that light come on in their head. And the smiles!! The smiles are worth a million! I hope you enjoy your visit to my site. I plan on putting more links in the future so please come back and visit anytime!


I have now completed my second year as an assistant in the first grade. Starting in August, I will be back in the first grade but with a different teacher and I am delighted! My daughter was in her classroom last year and I think she is an excellent teacher and I am really looking forward to working with her. Wish me luck as I start on this new and exciting venture!

ANOTHER UPDATE! It is now August 2002. I loved working in the first grade but I am going to be doing a different job this year. I will still be at the same school but I will be working in the high school instead of the elementary. I accepted a job as the Career Center Technician. This job is something that is very new to me but I really think it will be a challenge that I will enjoy! We start school on August 5, 2002.


Wow, it has been a long time since I updated my site! It is now June 2005. I have completed my third year as the Career Center Technician. Our school has been through many changes since I began this job, we have a new principal and vice principal. I have learned a lot of new things and continue learning every day. I must say that it is totally different, working with high schoolers instead of pre-k or first graders! I love it though and hope to continue improving in my job. My own children are growing up on me too. Aja will be in the 8th grade and Cassidy will be in the 6th. They grow up too fast!! I will try to update more often.

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School Related Links

Mrs. Petersen's Preschool Page
Sesame Street
Kids Castle (A great page with lots of teaching and kid's links!)
Love You Forever (My all-time favorite children's book!) (A wonderful search engine for educators!)
Crafts for Kids
A to Z Teacher's Stuff