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This page is in memory of a beloved father, husband, brother, grandfather, and friend. My daddy was 65 years old when he lost his brave battle with cancer on Novemeber 1, 2000. A retired truck driver, we wanted to do a page to honor his memory and to tell you about some of the special ways he touched our lives.


Dear God above bless this truck I drive, and help me keep someone alive. Be my mortal sight this day, on streets where little children play.
Bless my helper fast asleep when the night is long, and keep my cargo safe and sound through the hours big and round.
Make my judgement sound as steel, and be my hands upon the wheel. Bless the traveler going past, and teach them not to go so fast.
Give me strength for every trip, so I may care for what they ship. And make me mindful every mile, that life is just a little while.
Mom and Dad on their wedding day.


I have to tell this story because it was a family joke with us for quite some time. When I was little, we used to travel quite often visiting relatives. We would go from Rockford, IL, to Brilliant, AL, or to Sweetwater, TN. (Mom was from AL, Daddy was from TN). Since there were three kids (at the time) in our family, Daddy didn't want to stop for hamburgers to eat (too expensive!) so he always had Mom to pack a cooler with mayonaise and bologna, and a loaf of bread, and that's what we ate when we got hungry. Well for a long time, I HATED bologna sandwiches. It was only after I grew up that I understood how much it costs to feed a family when you are out on the road and now I LOVE bologna sandwiches. Ha. About a year ago, my Mom and sister came to visit and Daddy had given Mom some money and told Mom to take me out for a "bologna sandwich" so we went to the Cracker Barrel to eat and I told Mom to be sure and tell Daddy thank you for the bologna sandwich and to tell him that was the best bologna sandwich I have ever eaten! Ha. Daddy was real pleased that we all enjoyed ourselves. Daddy was so proud of us kids. I guess since I was the oldest I might have gotten more one on one time with him when I was little. I remember him taking me to the go-kart track and I remember him and Mom taking me to a drive-in that had a playground for the kids. I also remember that when I was real small I would always sit at the window and watch Daddy in his white uniform going out to get in the car to go to work at the bakery. He would have on white pants, white shirt, a little white cap and he would carry a black lunchbox. I always thought he was the most handsome man! Daddy was blessed with good genes though cause he always kept his good looks even after he got sick. He would ask us "does my hair look alright?" Ha. I have so many precious memories of my dad and I will cherish them always. He was such a special person and loved by so many people. He had the kind of personality that people were just drawn to and I know for a fact that he will be eternally missed.

We miss you so much Daddy! We will always love you!