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Welcome to the Medicalc Homepage :-)



Medicalc is a medical calculator for Windows and PalmPilot.

Features of Medicalc

- body mass index, estimated and mesured creatinine clearance,
- body surface area*, alveol-arterial gradient, estimated fetal weight* and age&,
- sodium excreted fraction, anion gap, corrected QT interval*
- corrected plasma sodium& and a blood count converter&
& = not on the windows version yet

Screenshots PalmPilot  /  Windows version

Warranty and Downloading

Every effort has been given to ensure accuracy.
However no liability or warranty for errors or ommissions exists,
expressed or implied. Medicalc should under no condition be a substitute
to clinical judgement. By using Medicalc you accept the listed conditions.


download Medicalc v1.9 for Windows


download Medicalc v2.0 for PalmPilot

Install Medicalc on Windows

Download the program from this site to your computer,
And launch medicalc.exe

Install Medicalc on PalmPilot

Download the program from this site to your computer,
unzip it and install medicalc.prc onto your palmpilot using the PalmPilot Installer.
You should also install mathlib.prc if you plan to use the formula
marked with an asterix. ( see above )
Mathlib is a free shared mathematical library.


Medicalc is a shareware program.
= If you use Medicalc you must pay for it.
The Medicalc registration fee is 9 USD.
I've tried to make registering as painless as possible.
Click here to register.
The information transmitted between you and Kagi,
the company that processes payments for me, is encrypted.
The registration code will be e-mailed to you within 7 days.
The registration code is for PalmPilot and Windows.


Medicalc NEEDS YOU : for further developpement I really need your
comments, suggestions, new formula, new units and bug reports.
please take the time to make Medicalc better. Thank you.
here's my email:


My name is David Monbaron and I study medicine in Lausanne Switzerland.

My Greetings go to...

Olivier my brother, without him my computer would never be working proprely :-)
my friends Tassilo, Thomas, Yann, Juan, Nicolas, Patrick and all the others...
my parents, without them Medicalc wouldn't exist !
and last but not least my dog Eva ;-)


The PalmPilot version was created using Win32 GCC 0.5.0 PalmPilot SDK
and VFDIDE, an Integrated Development Environment for the palmpilot.
The Windows version was designed around Borland C++ 4.0
The source of Medicalc can be obtained freely by writing me an e-mail.


If you want to know more about the parrots
Get a free webpage ! and why not add a counter ?

last updated on 18th April 2000.