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Author: Maggie

Rating: PG13 for violence and language

Disclaimer: The Magnificent Seven do not belong to me, they belong to the Mirish CO. I merely borrow them for the pleasure of my muse. Please do not sue me, and enjoy.

Warnings: Vin and Chris h/c

Chapter One

Vin Tanner stared off into the sunset with a quiet longing. It had been almost four months since he agreed to help protect the town of Four Corners, and in that short time he had found himself entangled in a ragtag family. Something he had long since given up on having , but with this feeling came a fear of drowning. It was a hard adjustment for all seven, but the hardest for the lone wolf frontiersman, who would grace a town with his presence occasionally for supplies and a bounty.

“Ah, hell.” Vin turned from the disappearing sight and sighed heavily.

‘Maybe I’ll get an assignment to go out of town for a few days.’ He pondered on this a few minutes, and then shook his head in frustration. These last weeks had sent them maybe, two miles out of town to clean up trouble, and the rest of the time was spent keeping drunks from shooting up the town and drifters from shooting Ezra Standish, one of the unlikely seven, for cheating. A smile came to his lips at the thought of the fancy, dressed gambler. He had been the oddest choice for the protectors but had provenhimself more than once. As Vin stepped off the porch of the jail, he headed toward the saloon for a drink; but stopped suddenly when he heard what seemed to be a heated discussion coming from the alley.

He walked toward the voices slowly, ready for anything, but soon relaxed as recognition of the two became clear. He halted at the entrance and waited for them to join him.

“So, what you do this time J.D.?”
The two men jumped to a stop, visibly startled at the intrusion.
“Damnit Vin, don’t ya know its not nice to sneak up on people.”
“Hell Buck, as loud as you two were being a whole Army troop could’a snuck up on ya.”
Buck Wilmington frowned at the buckskin clad hunter in displeasure.
“Well not everyone is as quiet as you. You know it might do you good to cut loose once in a while and actually get angry.”
J.D. Dunne, the youngest to the lawmen, began laughing.
“And just whats so funny ‘kid’?” “I was just picturing Vin going on like you do sometimes.”
J.D. tried to say something else but the look on Buck’s face had him doubled over in fits. “Sometimes I worry about that boy.”
Wilmington sighed softly.
Vin gave Buck a faint smile of sympathy and turned to resume his course to the saloon.
“You boys comin’.”
Buck glanced at J.D. and sighed, ‘ah, to be that young and innocent again.’
“Come on ‘kid’, you keep laughing like that and Chris is gonna ship you off to the nearest asylum.”
“I can’t help it, you should’a seen your face.”
J.D. choked on another laugh and was immediately grabbed and drug toward the saloon.


The three friends entered and immediately searched the room for the others. They found them seated in their usual spots. Their leader, Chris Larabee, was sitting at the table farthest from the door with his back to the wall. To his right was the town healer, Nathan Jackson, along with part-time preacher and gunslinger, Josiah Sanchez. The last but, definitely not least of the elite group, was engrossed at another table in a heavy card game. Ezra didn't even acknowledge the arrival of his fellow crime fighters.

Vin, Buck, and J.D. made their way to the table and took their seats across from the others. Chris nodded slightly to each as they got situated and pushed a bottle of whiskey toward them.

“We celebrating something.” Vin cocked his head at the black-clad man. “Let’s just say we’re beginning our long awaited vacation early.” “Vacation, I didn’t know we got vacation.” J.D. turned shocked eyes to the older men. “Even God had to rest J.D.” Josiah smiled at the innocent boy’s eyes. “Josiah’s right, 'sides it ain’t healthy to stay cooped up all the time.” Nathan downed the last of his beer and got up to get a refill. “So what are we going to do?” Buck grabbed the whiskey bottle and poured himself a glass awaiting Chris’s answer. “I don’t know.” “Whadda mean ‘I don’t know’?” “Just what I said Buck, I don’t know. I reckon you can do whatever you want. This, doesn’t have to be a ‘group’ outing.” Chris’s clipped words were the only indication of his restlessness. “Maybe it should be a group effort." Josiah waited until all eyes were on him. " I have a friend with a cabin next to the Mexican border. It would fit all of us. There’s a creek near by for fishing, plenty of hunting, and enough space so we could go off by ourselves if need be.’’ Once again, Josiah’s quiet words of wisdom had calmed the bunch and gave them a mission. “When do we leave?” Vin’s eyes sparkled as he spoke the words, more than willing to saddle his horse and ride now. “The Judge’ll be on tomorrow’s stage. I suppose we can leave then.” The enthusiasm wavered but only for an instant. “The stage gets here at 12:00, so be ready to ride by 12:30.” Chris rose to leave but J.D. stopped him. “What about Ezra?” Six set of eyes turned to gaze at the gambler, who was now sitting alone counting his winnings. Ezra somehow felt the eyes upon him and slowly raised his head to stare back. “Is there something I can do for you gentlemen?” “Have your saddlebags packed and ready to go at 12:30 tomorrow.” Chris’s statement left no room for any objection from the now stunned Southerner. “Just so I’ll know, will I be travelling alone?” “No, we’re all going.” Josiah smiled at the blink of relief he caught in Ezra’s eyes. “Well, I guess if you six are coming along it will prove to be, shall I say, and interesting excursion.” “Uh?” J.D. was lost once more at Ezra’s speech. “He means it won’t be boring, ‘kid’.” “Oh.” “Until tomorrow.” Chris left the six in thoughts of excitement and some in relief of finally getting away from civilization.

Chapter Two

The day turned out to be one of pure beauty. The sky was crystal blue and the heat was mild with a cool breeze. The seven friends had travelled for about four hours, but none showed any signs of fatigue. Actually, they each looked like they had more energy the farther they got from Four Corners.

“So, Josiah, what’s this place like again?” J.D. couldn’t hide his excitement any longer. He knew the others liked riding in silence, but he just couldn’t do it.

“Well, it sets on this hill overlooking a green valley, filled with wildflowers; and behind it, runs a fresh brook filled with fish waiting to be caught. Then to the right and left are acres and acres of trees with deer, prairie hens, jackrabbits, and almost any kind of meat for a stew.” “And how much further is this paradise, Mr. Sanchez.” “I’d say about another hour at the most.” The group fell quiet once more, this time with pleasant thoughts of what lay ahead. They had gone about ten more miles when Vin suddenly stopped the others. Chris rode up beside him. “Trouble?” “Maybe.” They waited for Vin to say more but his next words were not what they wanted to hear. “Take cover.”

The bullets began flying as each man jumped from the saddle rather than dismounting. Josiah and Nathan had taken refuge behind a dead log with J.D. and Buck across from them, hiding beneath a clump of bushes. Ezra, who had been bringing up the rear, was crouched alongside a boulder. Only the two in front seemed faced with a perilous position. Chris lay flat behind a scrawny bush while Vin was trying to use a small tree as a hiding place.

“Everybody O.K.?” Chris’s whisper echoed as they realized the volley had stopped. Quietly, a chorus of yes’ made it to his ears. He turned to Vin. “Where are they?” Vin nodded toward his left. “Up around those rocks.” “What, my fellow compatriots, are we to do now?” “That, Ezra, is a damn good question.” Buck snapped, wishing he hadn’t left Four Corners, when a bullet whizzed by his ear. He pulled J.D. down and immediately reached for the ‘kid’s’ hat. “Damnit Buck, I already took my hat off.” Buck began chuckling. “Hell ‘kid’ you can be taught.” “Very funny.” The bullets began coming from different directions cutting off all conversation. “Anybody got any ideas who these guys are?” Chris urgently searched the others for some kind of recognition. His gaze stopped at Josiah. "Who knows these hombres, Josiah?" Sighing loudly, Josiah glanced toward their attackers position and nodded. "If I ain't mistaken, there the local law in Mexico." Vin jerked around to Chris. “I didn't know Mexico had any law.” "Well, let's just say they are hired killers of the local Don's and they take their job very seriously." "But why are they shooting at us? We ain't done nothing." Once again J.D.'s innocence prevailed. "We're on the wrong side of the border J.D. And from the looks of it, we may not get back to our side." Chris glanced at Vin and then noticed a small outcropping of rocks behind the younger man. "Vin, you think if you made it to the top of that ridge you could lay down some cover fire?" He glanced back and saw what Chris had in mind, and with a slight nod began his slow crawl to the crevice. He had almost made it when a shot ricocheted off the rock in front of him. Not waiting for another round, he leapt the last few feet and safely landed behind a big boulder. Looking up he said a silent prayer that his friends could hang on until he reached the top. Without glancing back, he began his ascent.

After, what seemed like forever, Vin pulled himself over the lip of the edge. Without taken time to catch his breath, he quickly assumed his position, and began firing at the now visible attackers. As soon as he saw him disappear over the top, Chris was on the move. He ran from cover and straight for the horses. He didn't have to look behind him to know the others were there. They felt the urgency as he did. If they move fast, the ambushers would resumed the fight and Vin Tanner would be a dead man.

Chapter Three

They rode as if the devil, himself, was on their heals, but it was only in a circle. They doubled back and still heard crack of Vin's carbine, which gave them relief he was still alive. As they top the slope to help in the fight, the shooting stopped. Chris pulled up motioning the others to do the same.

"You there on the horses. I suggest you dismount and join your friend, or we will end his pitiful life." Chris felt the anger swell inside him but squelched it quickly. He knew that any move could cause a deadly end to Vin's life. "This is your last warning. He is already hurt, so I would be doing him a favor." Larabee glanced toward the others and saw the mirrored hatred, but knew they had made the same decision. They each dismounted in unison. "You got us, now let him go." The, what seemed to be Spanish vaqueros, roughly threw Vin at Chris's feet. "Hey cowboy, you alright?" "I've been better." The pain was evident in the tracker's voice. "Tie them up. We don't want them to get away before they meet Don Marqo." The desperado's tied everyone, including Vin, who from the looks of the blood dripping down his face, was of no threat to anyone. "Vin, where ya hurt?" Nathan hadn't had a chance to check the wound and now was hoping to gauge some idea of the injury. "I think the bullet grazed my head. At least, thats what hurts the most." The healer tried to hide the panic in his eyes, but was unsuccessful according to Chris's expression. "Whats wrong Nathan?" The gunslinger asked low enough so the others couldn't hear. "Head injuries are the worse, Chris. And from what I can see, Vin needs tending to and quick." Nathan paused, taking a deep breath. "Also, it could lead to something bad." "Like what?" Larabee didn't hide his worry or anger. "Well, there's two things I know for sure could happen. He could be blind or die." That wasn't what he wanted to hear. Chris glanced behind him and saw Josiah half carrying Vin. "If the first should happen, then death wouldn't be far behind." The black, clad man toward ahead once more and tried to ignore the voice in his head, blaming him once again for someone he cared about getting hurt. 'Damn.'

They walked until dusk, when a Spanish plantation appeared. The house was magnificent, with its sloping roofs and elegant statues and rose bushes of all colors surrounding the grounds. As they got closer, Chris noticed a gray-haired man standing at the front steps. He was the perfect replica of a Spanish general. When they stopped in front of him, Larabee was able to outline him better. His body stood much like the statues around him and his face was chiseled with no emotion. He looked to be at least sixty, maybe more, but the eyes held disgust born of years of hatred. “Who are these men?” His voice was heavily accented, but his English was perfect. “We found them trespassing on the east valley, Don Marqo. They were definately disobeying the laws of this territory, so we took them prisoner and brought them to you for punishment.” A vindictive smiled crossed the Don’s face. “Very good. This shall prove to be exciting. Its not often Americans enter my adobe.” He walked to Chris and faced him toe to toe. “I suppose you are their leader.” “Go to hell.” This apparently didn’t please the older man for he backhanded Chris making him stumble. “Ah, American stubbornness. You will need it my friend." Swiveling slowly to take in the rest of the group, he finally rested his gaze on Chris once again and continued. "You seven will have the chance to save your lives. There will be several 'trials' to test, not only your talents, but tolerance. This is how I judge your innocence or guilt. If I deem you worthy to live, then you shall, but if you fail, you will die.” Don Marqo glanced at them with obvious contempt. “Take them to the shed until morning. The trials shall begin then.”

They were marched to the back of the grounds and shoved into a shack the size of a wood shed. “This isn’t exactly what I had in mind as a vacation.” J.D. dropped beside Buck and groaned softly. “Don’t sweat it ‘kid’. After we prove were 'worthy' tomorrow, we’ll be home free.” J.D. rolled his eyes heavenward and groaned again. The vaqueros left them untied so they could roam freely in the cramped space. “Alright Vin, lets have a look at that wound.” Nathan squatted next to him and began his examination. He didn’t like what he saw. “Josiah, bring me a pan of water and tear up some cloth for bandages.” After retrieving the water he ripped up his bandana for Nathan as bandages. The healer started washing the wound, which caused Vin to wince in pain. “It’ll be over in a few minutes. This is deep and needs to be cleaned so no infection can make it worse.” Nathan took Vin’s silence as acceptance of his explanation. It wasn’t till after he was finished, he realized Vin had passed out from the pain. He sighed. “It’ll do him good to rest.” Josiah nodded, walked over to sit beside Ezra, and began to pray. He had seen the extent of Vin’s wound and knew he was lucky to be alive. Nathan had walked back to the water to wash off the blood and met Chris there. “How is he?” “An inch deeper, he’d be dead.” Chris inhaled sharply and glanced toward Vin. Even in the darkness he could make out the pale and pain-filled face. “Will he live?” This time it was Ezra’s soft- spoken question that got everyone’s attention. “ As long as it don’t get infected and he gets plenty of rest, he’s got a good chance.” “You don’t sound too convinced.” Buck’s anger was evident in his voice. “The mess we in right now. I’m not sure any of us will get out of here alive.” “You must have faith, Brother Nate.” “Yeah.” Chris turned back to stare out the small window and wonder.

Chapter Four

The night was restless for all involved. Vin’s anguished cries of pain had kept them awake and on edge. He would thrash about violently and looked to be struggling with someone or against something. None of them had a clue, and this disturbed them even more. They decided in the early hours to take turns by Vin’s side to try and calm his pain-filled sleep. Chris had taken the last watch, and Vin had gotten silent closer to dawn, which all took to be a good sign. “What the hell happened?” The soft voice broke Chris’s reverie. “You got shot.” He noticed Vin’s eyes were open, but not looking at him. He figured it was still painful to move, so he decided to get him some water. He brought a cup back and held it out for Vin to take, which never happened. “What the hell.” Chris raised his hand and waved it back and forth in Vin’s face. The buffalo hunter didn’t even flinch. He felt his heart-tighten and realization hit. “You can’t see.” Chris didn’t know if he had spoken out loud because his ears were ringing from shock. “Only shadows.” The sadness of the statement caught him off-guard. Chris got up slowly and began pacing around the sleeping others. Blind. That can’t be possible. Not to Vin. His eyesight help define who he was. “Chris.” Vin’s usually calm voice held a slight tremor. Chris hurried back to his side and sat down. Squeezing his arm in reassurance. “ Its alright. We’ll get you out of here and then Nathan can fix you up.” "I don't think even Nathan can fix this." Vin took a shaky breath. "Chris, don't tell the others. They have enough to worry about right now. They need to be on their toes." Chris stared heavily at his best friend. He knew if he told the others they would be madder than a swarm of hornets, but Vin was right. They did need to be on their toes. "Alright, we'll keep between us right now." The two friends sat in silence wondering what would happen when the Don put Vin on trial. He could have passed any test the madman had, if he was healthy. But, now that wasn't the case.

“Everybody up and out. Don Marqo has called the court to order.” The bright light made them flinch as they emerged, almost all of them. Chris kept close enough to Vin so he could lead him around without anyone noticing. “I have decided what each of you do to prove your worth. You in black will go first. I have given you the honor of an age-old tradition. Bull-fighting. Diablo, my red bull, has never been beaten. You must plunge this sword into his neck and kill him before he kills you.” Six of them looked toward the corral and came face to face with a bull the size of a sixteen hand horse. “Our prayers are with you, my friend.” Josiah whispered. Chris nodded. “I’m gonna need all the help I can get.” He walked to the fence and climbed over slowly, watching the animal the whole way. He had seen a bull-fighting event once, and unfortunately, the man didn’t win. “Begin.” It was as if the beast was possessed by Satan. He charged Chris at top speed. Thankfully, Chris was able to get out of the way, but not before one of the horns caught him in the left arm. Luckily, it only grazed him but had left his arm throbbing and useless. He kept ahead of the animal waiting for his opening. He finally got behind it and with all his energy he plunged the sword through its neck. It gave an angry snort, then as if in slow motion, began to fall. Chris heard the triumphant yells of his friends, and wanted to get as far away from the ring as possible. “Way to go Chris. I knew you could do it, old buddy.” Buck slapped him on the back, which brought a grunt of pain. “Thanks Buck.” Chris went to stand by Vin. “You alright?” Chris nodded his head in an affirmative, but then remembered Vin couldn’t see it. “Yeah, nothing a bottle of whiskey wouldn’t cure.” “I commend you senor, you have surprised me and also deemed yourself worthy. You shall live today. Well, on to our next test. A test of strength.” Josiah felt the hands drag him to the center of the crowd. “This event entails another fight to the death. You win only when your opponent can no longer get up. When you gentlemen are ready.” Josiah sized up the man in front of him. A burly Mexican, about six foot tall and with muscles born of hard days on a ranch. “God forgive me.” And then they began. The man was on Josiah and had him down with two swings, but that wasn’t enough to stop the preacher. He was determined not to let this 'man of justice' destroy him or his friends. They swapped punches for what seemed an eternity, when the Mexican finally fell and didn’t move. The Don walked forward and checked to see if he was dead. “He is still breathing. You must finish it.” “No. I did as you said. He can't get up. There is no honor in beating a dead horse, as they say.” The Don was about to object when he saw Chris’s face. “Yes, you did meet my requirements. I will concede to you the victory and you shall live.” Nathan ran over and helped Josiah back to their group. “You alright?” “Ah, nothing a long hot bath would not cure, my friend.” He eased down to the ground trying to catch his breath. “Now to proceed. It seems our young, black prisoner has a thing for knives, so we will witness how good he really is.” As the Don was talking, the vaqueros were rolling a huge wooden wheel into the middle of the courtyard. “This will involve two of you, which will lessen the tests but I felt it more appropriate.” Two of the bandits grabbed J.D. and took him to stand in front of the wheel. “Hey, what do you think your doing?” “Take it easy ‘kid’. Nathan won’t let anything happen to you. Ain’t that right Nathan?” Buck turned worried eyes to his friend. “Ain’t that right Nathan?” “Why sure, Buck.” “See.” The bandits proceeded to tie J.D.’s ankles and wrists and then cinched a leather strap around his neck. “If you’ll notice I have placed X’s on the board behind the young man. You must hit each X without touching or wounding the boy. You, young man, this is your test of trust. Do you really trust these men?" As J.D. listened to the Spanish man, he looked to his friend's and realized he did trust them, explicitly. "Begin when ready.” "Its okay Nathan, I trust you." Nathan breathed deeply, letting J.D.'s words try to steady his now shaking hands. ‘No sweat now. Just forget J.D.’s on that board.’ The first knife embedded beside his right ankle perfectly centered in the X. As did the next three, but Nathan hesitated on his last throw. The last X lay above J.D.’s head. “I wouldn’t worry, Mr. Jackson. I would personally place my on money on the outcome. And you know I abhor gambling.” Nathan nodded his thanks to Ezra’s calming words and then let the knife go. Buck let out a happy yelp. “Way to go Nathan.” “Thanks Buck.” “Well done. It seems my challenges are not proving hard enough. Well I still have a chance to change that. You to win and shall live.” J.D. wobbled over to the others. “You okay ‘kid’?” “I don’t ever wanna do that again.” Buck laughed and gave him a pat on the back. “Our next event shall be for our Southern gentleman.” “Ah, how wonderful for me.” “This I have decided will also include two of you.” Buck gave Ezra a wink as he was led to a tree about 25 yards away. “This Ace of Spades will be placed on his hat. You must hit it dead center without killing your friend.” Chris glanced at the Don then back at Ezra. “Lets get it done.” He looked into Chris’s eyes and for the first time since they had met, he saw trust. A calm came over Ezra and he knew he was finally accepted as one of these men. “You know Ezra, your gonna owe me a new hat after this.” “Mr. Wilmington, if we survive this battle of wits and talents, I will personally buy you any hat of your choosing." Slowly he raised his side pistol and took aim, careful not to look in Buck’s eyes. The shot echoed around them like thunder. “Damn Ezra, you wanna not get so close next time.” Buck was shakily inspecting his now ‘holey’ hat. “Hopefully, my friend, there will never be a next time.” “Amen brother.” Ezra bowed to Josiah as he too wobbled back to the others. “It seems I may have underestimated your talents, but I am a man of my word, you too will live.” The Don turned and walked back to the hacienda to, they assumed, retrieve the last test. “Vin, I think now is a necessary time.” Chris sighed at his helpless friend. “Yeah, I guess it is.” “And what, Mr. Larabee, is so necessary?” “I’m blind.” Vin said it so softly, they thought they were imagining things. “Did you just say your blind?” “Yeah Buck. I can’t see anything but shadows.” “Nathan.” J.D.’s shocked yelp was mirrored in the faces around him. “When did this develop?” “When I woke up this morning.” “Damn.” “I’m hoping, Mr. Jackson, that was a relieved curse rather than a defeated one.” “You’d be wrong.” They all felt a dread not only for their impending doom, but for their friend who was suffering and in undescribable fear. “Now for our last defendent. I gather you are a hunter. Am I correct?” “Yeah.” “Good, then lets see how good you are.” The Don snapped his fingers and two of his cowboys led a young Mexican boy, no older than 10 to a clearing 100 yards from the crowd. “The boy will be holding a bulls-eye above his head. If you hit it, then the trial is over. If not, then the boy and you will die.” “Damn, if I could see I wouldn’t have any problems.” Vin stated this low enough so only Chris would hear. “I can’t do this Chris. If I try to shoot with my eyes this way, I'll definitely kill that boy.” “I don’t believe that. I’ve seen what you can do, and you can’t tell me its all based on sight." Chris squeezed his friend's shoulder, trying to convey some strength and support. "I’ll be your eyes and the rest is up to you.” “How?” “I’ll stand behind you and sight for you.” “Can you see that far?” “Good enough to tell you what you need to know. Then the rest I’m betting your instincts can handle.” Vin nodded hesitantly, wondering if Chris was putting too much faith in him. Chris led him forward and gave him his Winchester, then stepped back to stand directly behind him. “I’m afraid you have proved yourself, please go back to the others.” “Can’t. He concentrates better if I’m with him.” “Very well. It makes no difference to me as long as he shoots.” “You ready cowboy?” Vin relaxed a little at Chris’s attempt at humor. “Yeah.” “The boy’s about Billy Travis’s height and he’s got the sign about a foot above his head. He’s weaving a little back and forth, but no more than three inches. The bulls-eye is at his wrists. You need me to tell you anything else?” “Which way is he leaning first, left or right?” “Left.” “Alright.” Vin brought his Winchester to eye level and weighed everything Chris told him. He zeroed in his hearing to try and pinpoint the boy’s breathing and sniffed to see if he could smell him. He heard the heavy puffs, along with the wind hitting the board. He pictured it in his mind and then without thinking, fired. The seven stood in a half circle behind Vin preparing to go down with a fight. The boy had dropped to the ground at the shot but was slowly making his way to his feet. He picked up the board and made his way to the Don. As the Don looked over the bulls-eye, Chris whispered to Vin. “Could you see anything?” “Nothing but a shadow.” “It seems the trials are over. The judgement is: you shall all live and leave this place. But if you should be caught breaking the law again, I will have you killed on site.” Don Marqo turned the board for everyone to see and there, dead center, was a hole. “Damn Vin.” Buck’s awe was felt by all. Chris gave the Don a look that screamed of unfinished business, and then they were led to their horses. Nathan and Chris helped Vin mount, with Nathan taking Vin’s reins, since Chris couldn’t due to his arm. They fell in single file once again and headed toward home.

Chapter Five

The seven left the Mexican ranch 24 hours after leaving Four Corners. They travelled until dusk and agreed to stop considering the injuries three of them had suffered. Nathan had them stop as soon as they got out of sight of the Don, so he could bandage Chris’s arm, check Josiah’s wounds, re-bandage Vin’s head and eyes. He included the eyes hoping the lack of stimuli would speed up the healing. They set up camp not far from a brook and once again took turns watching their friend after he fell asleep. Chris awoke with a start. He looked around the now dwindling campfire at the five sleeping forms. ‘Five’. He counted a second time and this time recognized it was Vin who was missing. He felt a panic he hadn’t encountered in years and became angry. He had made a point since Sarah and Adam’s death not to get close enough to someone to feel this way. Apparently, he had failed. Not wanting to wake the others, he quietly began his search. Finally, about 10 yards from camp he heard the soft hum of a harmonica. “You know if Nathan wakes up and finds you missing, you’ll have hell to pay.” Vin laughed softly. “I reckon I could handle it.” “I reckon so.” Chris sat down on the boulder beside Vin and tried to silently ease some of the pain. “I don't think I can handle it.” “I’d say you’ve came across a lot tougher obstacles and succeeded.” “Yeah I have, but the blindness. If you six hadn’t been around, I’d already figured out a way to end it.” Chris puffed slowly on his newly lit cheroot, not liking the course of the conversation. Vin was the last person he would ever picture willingly end his life. “Then it’s a good thing we're around, then, isn’t it.” Vin thought about it then began to smile. “Yeah, good thing.” They sat in companionable silence for a few more minutes, then Chris grabbed Vin’s arm and led him back to camp. More as an assurance for himself, rather than Vin needing it. “Damn boys, you had us worried. We thought you went back after the Don without us.” “We’d never do that, Buck. Ruin the fun.” There was still an underlying tension as they looked at Vin. “Nathan?” “Yeah Vin.” “The sun come up yet.” “Nah, but its on its way.” “Take this bandage off my eyes.” “Now Vin, its only been a couple of days since the accident. Your gonna need more time to heal.” “I don’t think so. If they were gonna get better, it would be before now. Go ahead, take it off.” Once again they stood in a half circle, this time facing him and waited. As Nathan began unwrapping his eyes, the sun peeked over the mountain, casting shadows in the shade and light on the dawn of a new day. “Alright, now take it slow.” Vin nodded and slowly lifted his eyelids. He blinked once and the shadows brightened and so he blinked again and this time they emerged into figures. Very bright and very real. His friends. “Damn, if you six ain’t the ugliest bunch to see this early in the morning.” A contagious smile spread across each man’s face, only to turn into a very wide grin on the man dressed in black. “YES! Now Vin can take us home, considering Buck got us lost.” “I did not get us lost ‘kid’. I figured we could take the long way home and enjoy a little more of our vacation.” “Brother Buck, I hate to intrude, but if I remember correctly, there’s only one way back to Four Corners.” “Hey Buck, don’t feel too bad. At least you found the cabin.” They all turned and saw Vin pointing to the back of an old building. “How about we start this relaxing endeavor again, without the intrusion of overzealous Spanish men.” “Well, if that means to go fishing and hunting without being shot at, then I’m in.” J.D.’s enthusiasm had returned. “There’s no pretty ladies, but I guess I’ll survive a little while longer.” “Some fried fish does sound mighty tempting.” “Amen Brother Nate.” “I’m in, Vin?” Vin glanced around at the trees and then back at his friends. “I guess I could use some practice hunting. I’m feeling a little rusty.” They all mounted and as a whole, seven protectors, friends, and some would say brothers, rode together into a new day.


I hope everyone enjoyed it. Please feel free to comment. I would greatly appreciate any feedback.