




Enneagram Australia | Jungian Studies Australia


I have a professional background in psychotherapy, pastoral ministry and education as well as a personal background in traditional and contemporary forms of psychological and spiritual development, especially Jungian psychology and the Enneagram of Personality.

My therapy training and studies have principally been in the Jungian, Transpersonal and Ericksonian traditions.

I have also trained in Sandplay therapy, including some study in Zurich with Dora Kalff the therapy's principal developer.

I have been presenting and organising programs on Jungian psychology since 1988, including lecture and workshop presentations for the C. G. Jung Society of Melbourne (1992, 2012).

My own Jungian studies includes programs of the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago, the Jung Center of Houston (with Ira Progoff), the C. G. Jung Analytical Psychology Club in London, the Esalen Institute the Center for Applications of Psychological Type, the Australian College of Wholistic Therapy, the University of Western Sydney and La Trobe University.

I have organised two three day public conferences on Jungian psychology and spirituality in Melbourne - the Journey Into Wholeness conference in 1992 and the Soul, Psyche & Mandorla Consciousness conference in 1996. Presenters at these conferences included Robert A. Johnson, Jungian analyst and author (United States); David Tacey, author of books on Jungian and spirituality themes (Australia); Lauren Artress, psychotherapist and authority on labyrinths (United States); and Dirk Evers, analyst and lecturer at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich (Switzerland).

I have also been a presenter at several Jungian conferences in the United States and a participant at a number of other Jungian conferences, including the 1989 Association for Psychological Type International conference in the United States and the two week long Einsiedeln Conference in Switzerland in 1992.

I began teaching Enneagram of Personality programs in the United States in 1989 and in 1990 I was a member of Don Richard Riso's first training program. In 1996 I also trained with Jerome Wagner at Loyola University in Chicago. I have also studied the Enneagram in the Diamond Approach tradition of A. H. Almaas as well as in programs presented by many other leading Enneagram teachers, including Claudio Naranjo who, with Oscar Ichazo, is usually considered one of the two principal developers of Enneagram of Personality theories. Over time, however, I have developed some independent approaches to understanding the Enneagram model of the psyche and personality.

I attended the First International Enneagram Conference, held at Stanford University in 1994, as well as the subsequent International Enneagram Association (IEA) conferences at Loyola University in 1996 and in Baltimore in 1997. In 2000 I was a workshop presenter at the IEA conference in San Francisco.

I have organised three public Enneagram conferences, two in Melbourne (1994, 1999) and one in England (1998).





Tipis at the Cree Indian community of Wemindji on James Bay in Quebec, Canada, where I have lived.



