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margaux's super happy fun page

hello. well it's basically the middle of summer now. this is where we all start to panick cuz we haven't done cool enough stuff yet and our summer will be a waste and we'll have to go back to school....but then we breathe and realize no, there is still a month and a half left no worries :) claire comes home today and since i know you'll read this sweetie, i missed you!! and i'm so jealous of you going to wmm. oh well buy me a shirt or something if they have any there. the shows this month were amazing and warped is in 8 days. i'm getting giddy :) well i gots me a job...finallly. it's ok. i will get used to it. ugh i have to go to work in 3 hours. at least i'm making some money. ok compitition is this sunday so i've got riding coming out of my ass these days. but i don't mind it's fun:) write stuff on my message board cos you guys are all dumb if you don't so there. if you want to be cool, you can e-mail me at
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