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Web For Everyone!!

My Mission !!!

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Download...Free Softwares any kind
123 cards! A great Site for sending cards to your loving Ones!!
CareerPath - Where Employers and Employees Click
LinuX System-You can Find many things here for linux

Updated at 26/7/2001


What I like :

As most As I am going through this temporary life I like people I like to be a friend of people every where no matter who they are whether poor or rich.Beside this I like many other things....I like to go on long Drive very much...But alone until I can find someone to sit with me :). I like to goto Movies like MATRIX,BiCentinnial Man, The Patriot,Saving Private Ryan or The Net, Mummy 2, and more... I like to goto Fast Food resturants , Pizzas Places and other Hotels. The most we all me n my friends like is the P.C easy for us to afford...our P.C is Pathan Canteen:))) As i think not everyone will like my style P.C but its affordable.
Mostly I like people who like truth and can face the truth


First of all the people who lie. I never like those people who break other peoples heart and dreams. Then there are many other too who just make people fool and play with their emotions.And all the persons who want to meet to other people when they have some work for them else they even dont remember you and give you a (TOPI)Skip.
As I want to go more further I dont like those girls who think of themselves that they are the miss WORLD YUCK! whatever they think of themselves finally they know that their destiny is to marry and prove that they are good wifes thats what our Religion said not just running after life to prove that they are better then men,of course they are good but their real place is their home not the offices
other things are too much vegetables and wake up at 5:00 am ... the movies with sad ends , when a teacher think of himself that he is the most inteligent person in the world , the situations when (RANGHAR & less educated parhey likhey)people travel in women compartment of the bus and think that they are the most handsome person in the bus and take advantage of the RUSH (Load) of our buses.
Mostly I never like the people who smoke or take any type of tobacco in any form like Gutka , Pan Parag etc...I dont like people who steal the dreams of our youth...before I belive on the politicians huh! but they all are same just want to play with the innocent people of our country.As everything is going on I dont like the rate of development of IT sector in our country it must be better then this
finally those people who giving only frustrations to our youth

Thank you for visiting my page

Soon I will Give you the ways to make money over internet & MP3 Songs also available on your demand :)))

Mansoor Zafar Khan

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