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What some International Madonna Ministry members have to say about attuning/attunement

Attunement to source, is in the form of my prayer - Gentle, loving Father, Hear my thoughts please. We come before you, Asking that (name), your child, receive your healing, May he/she receive what they need. I then pause for a few seconds, until I feel the different energy flow, then I know I am attuned upwards.

I find it difficult to delineate when I attune to the healee, in reality I would say the process begins on meeting/talking, expanding into increased attunement as I stand with hands on shoulders, consciously grounding/connecting both of us to source, as I become a channel, the necessary is channeled towards me, I suppose, or, the blending of our energies. Probably both.

I take three slow deep breaths to align my energies and become centered; I then set my INTENT for the healing session. Whether it is for healing, energy, relaxation, to help someone pass over, nurturing or whatever. I also reinforce this intent by adding to my hands my healing oil. I then offer up a prayer to the Source and give thanks and ask to be a clear channel for the source to work through me.

A sample prayer
Great Spirit, Quan Yin I give thanks and ask that I may become like a hollow log, an instrument for you, so I may be a channel your most healing love Let this healing love be for my highest good and the highest good of this client. So be it and it is So

I then check in with my higher self to make sure that I am in my own energy and haven't brought in any energies. If I am clear I then proceed, if not I clear myself. (I feel it is really important for healers not to bring in their garbage into a healing session as sometimes happens.) Once I have determined that I am clear I then seal off my 4 1/2th Chakra at my C7. I then wrap myself in my crushed velvet cape of cobalt blue. At this stage *I* step aside. I put myself on the shelf, into another dimension if you like. So that I am not there. My ego self is not in the way of the healing session.

I again take three deep breathes to align my energy with my clients and then I connect with my client at their feet or shoulders (depending if they are sitting or laying) Once I connect with the client, I connect with their higher self (with a Reiki Master symbol) and gain permission from their Higher self to proceed with the healing session even though I have verbal permission from the client) If the Higher Self does not want a healing, it is the Higher Self that I respect not the physical self. At all times I stay within my Three I's of Integrity, Intention & Intuition. Integrity to me is not to infringe on the higher self; Intention is that my ego self is not part of the healing session, I have put myself aside and Intuition will lead my hands to where they need to go. To trust my hands.

I have recently adapted to a technique that I know many people use. Having grounded I visualize a bright point of light above my head. This represents to me the Source of Healing. I then feel that light moving towards me as a ray and then hover over my head as a ball of golden light which I then draw down into the crown. At the same time light enters through the brow.

The light then travels down to the heart, which expands, as the light reaches my own Inner Light. I also have Sri Sathya Sai Baba in mind whilst this is happening. The expanding light surrounds me and flows directly from heart and hands.

To attune to the patient, I first bond on a personality level with the talking and responding part of the session. When we are ready to go into the healing, I attune with my hands on their shoulders, becoming at one with them until I feel the energy begin to flow. As I raise my hands above their head, I then feel the direct flow from the Source and the flow from the Source through me uniting us in one sphere of Light, Love and Harmony. My hands are palms up at this stage and well above the physical head feeling a layer of the crown Chakra. I expect you will deal with separating at a later stage, so will leave that for now.

First I ground my self and the healee. Usually I would have a grounding stone in place. Next I ask that I be used as a channel for healing for our - mine and healee's - highest good (this is another way of asking for protection as well as making assuring that the healing is appropriate) and that I be in attune with the Divine Will. I feel this intent and generally at this stage I feel a change of consciousness. The next stage is for me to ask my higher self to ask the healee's higher self to accept any healing that is channel for our highest good. Periodically I check the grounding. If I am to use crystals I check - feel - what crystals to use though this process sometimes happens before, I seem to become aware of what to use as I consider the impending healing session. If I am to construct a pyramid then I do it at this stage otherwise I create a cocoon of silence as follows. I become aware of light streaming in to my 7th Chakra down into my chest. Here it starts to expand as a white ball of light that fills me and then my energy field becoming whiter with each in-breath. I then expand it over the healee and ask for protection for us both and for a quiet space within which to work. I check my attunement through out the healing session and reaffirm my intent to be in attune with the Divine Plan and to dedicate the healing to the Highest Good. If the healee is sitting I stand behind with my hands on the shoulder. I like to feel that my palm Chakra's are on the shoulder Chakra - are these called the angel points? I become aware of the healee and try to become in phase with them by becoming aware of the rhythm of their breathing and of their being. I also ask them - silently - to relax. I think that this helps the healee attune as well as me. If the healee is lying then I kneel by their side and do the above by intent only. I do not touch the healee. As part of the attunement I feel light streaming through me into the healee but I do not feel that this is healing. I then usually " look " at the energy field, this is also, I believe part of the attunement process which involves my attunement with my higher self and beyond, the Earth, with the healee and the healees attunement with these as well. As important, I believe, is the intent and feeling I have which is to channel healing to the healee for our highest good and to bring Love into the Universe.

I tune in by grounding (as previously described) and then use my pendulum (or just my intuition) to inquire whether the healee wants healing. If the answer is "yes" I proceed to the next question, which is "what method of healing" is wanted (flower remedy, crystal remedy, Reiki, perfect dose of a particular body part or function, etc). Then I send that method, check to be sure the person "got it", and move on to the next person. As far as tuning in to the Source is concerned, I kind of keep up an ongoing conversation with the Source throughout my waking hours, so there is no formal tuning in to speak of.

Attunement to the Source: How do I attune to the source, first and foremost, I get comfortable and quieten the mind, attunement is then usually affected for me by a simple prayer asking that I may be used as a channel, I always include in the prayer the request that the quality of the healing may not be affected because of my shortcomings (i.e. the patient will not suffer as a result of my actions). Prayer is said silently in my mind.

I then visualize the crown Chakra opening and a pure white light pouring down into the Chakra in a funnel shape, sometimes that is all I do other times I visualize the light pouring down my right arm and hand into the patient and being received back into the source through my left hand so completing the circuit. I have to say however that most of the time I take for granted that all I have to do is have the intention to heal and the source opens for me or to me.

I am not big on rituals, or techniques, I do feel that techniques for healing like techniques for meditation are great in the beginning because they focus the physical mind so allowing the spirit mind to surface, but as you move on, the intention becomes the focus or the key to the source. And the techniques become accessories to assist you if your mind is cluttered.

I believe that: The belief that you have of what is required to attune, becomes the key to open the source for you. But the technique should never become more important than the intention, which is to serve humbly the source and those in need through assisting in the healing process.

Attunement to the Healee: Again attunement for me to the patient comes automatically in the first moment of contact, be it by phone or in person, but more so in person, I begin immediately to have impressions, these impressions can only be described as an inner knowing, for they do not present them self as images or as words, although sometimes the impression inside my heard is almost audible in the sense that it is so strong.

This remains so if I am only doing " normal " Hands On Healing. However if I am doing what I call Holistic Healing which is a combination of Natural Healing and the skills gained from my counseling and hypnotherapy training, then it is different in many ways.

I will use simple relaxation suggestions while I place my hands on the patients body, beginning at the chakras on the soles of the feet and on to the ankles, knees, hips, base, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, shoulders, elbows, hands, then back to the throat, forehead and finally crown, while I do this I visualize, the source energy flowing through my right hand into one Chakra and through into the next Chakra above, where it is received by my left hand. So not only helping to balance the energy system but also scanning the system for any blockages. Information is received by me regarding blockages in a way that I can only describe as "knowing", sometimes this will include the reason for the block, this is usually some emotion that has not been expressed due to some trauma or other life incident, I do not give this information to the patient, I hold it and sometimes in subsequent sessions, include in my suggestions that they will find the cause, as I work on the Chakra that is holding the energy.

I then link the patient to the source by guiding them into a visualization of the source as a white light flowing down through the head, and back down through the system in the reverse order of that I have just given. Nine out of ten patients are no longer " with me at this point " unless I wish to keep them with me for specific work that will require input from them. Healing then becomes for me a matter of running energy from the source into those chakras from the Seven Major chakras that need it. Invariably in my experience this is usually the Sacral solar plexus and heart / sometimes the base.

I use similar techniques when doing past life healing although it is not often necessary to use hands on, with past life healing, obviously past life healing requires additional skills and techniques but they are similar.

Attuning: I place my hands on the client's shoulders and wait while I sense the energy flowing through them, waiting until it feels that they are also earthed. During that time I also notice any areas where their energy seems blocked or flawed or dim. When I have a good sense of connection to the client and of them being as earthed as possible, I move my hands to their crown. There I wait until their minds are as quiet as possible and until they also have a clear connection to the Source.

I was taught a wonderful technique for this, which I use every time I am giving healing - overtly or covertly! I visualise my chakras opening gently. I visualise a white beam of absolute soul connection reaching to the Source. Once that connection is secured, I see a beam of light extending from my heart Chakra to the heart Chakra of the healee. I gently suggest a link, and I observe the willingness or otherwise of the other person to connect with me at a heart/soul level. Once that connection is made, I visualise their crown extending a light up to Source as well, thus creating a holy trinity. For me, this act tunes me into the healee at the level THEY need.

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Madonna Ministry International Star Council
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