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"I'd rather be flying"

Alex McarthurBased on: Richard Trenton Chase
What is for real? This movie by William Friedkin, shows the story of Charles Reece that is very close to Richard Trenton Chase obsessions and crimes. Richard thought he was losing his blood, and he drank animals and people blood for your own didn't turn to powder. Richard marked on a calendar dates he'd make his killings. Richard was interned in a madhouse and started to kill few times after being released. Richard was considered sane and killed himself in deathrow to not spend the rest of his life there. Isn't it familiar? But one difference between Charles Reece and Richard Chase were their victims. That spetacular scene in church was performed in Friedkin's head not Richard's.
About director: Besides it being based on a real serial killer, what attracted me to get this movie was the fact it was directed by William Friedkin that also directed my fave movie of all time: The Exorcist. In fact, I felt some deja-vu with the scenes like when Charlie is walking on a quiet street to pick up his former victims, or the profanation in church, which made it turning one of my fave movies too!
About Alex Mcarthur: I became quite impressed by his role and to my surprise he played most on policial or suspense movies, so check this page.