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Global 2000 Sids Questionnaire

Please take a moment to listen to the midi playing in the
background. The name of the song is 'Cavatina'. It is so

All Sids parents are urged to complete this questionnaire.
Originally, this was a 6.5 year study. However, due to the
Scripps Howards Special Report on Sids, I have extended the
submission end date of the Global 2000 Sids Questionnaire to
July 16, 2011. The more information we can gather from the parents,
the better chance we have of determining the cause(s) of Sids.

Your participation will assist researchers in finding the cause(s)
of Sids. Only then, will our precious babies stop dying from
reasons unknown.

This text is linked to a Microsoft Word Document for printing,
completing and mailing back. You may need to right click on this link
and choose "save as" or "save target as".
Thank you all for helping in the fight against Sids!

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