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This page is dedicated to Scary movies!

Like all real horror enthusiasts, I will mostly only dwell on the original movies. Sequels are rarely any good, but if they deem being listed here, they will be!

I want Michael Myers body soooooo bad! Halloween was a great flick! Too bad they made part three! Yeckk! What were they thinking? Masks that make heads explode? Better yet, I wish I had a plethora of those right now! "Hey mom. Put this on real quick! Now watch the television!" Yeah!
Nightmare on Elm Street! Oh yeah! Why'd they make that Wes Craven's New Nightmare movie anyway? Pssha!

Links to this page and beyond!
Freddy page! This page was very nicely donated to us! The original author made this page perfectly, but we transferred it over here so we could cut down on load time! There are 7 pages to it! It has everything you could want! Sounds, pictures, and information! Check it out!
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Stick Figure World's Super Site!

This is my stick figure! His name is Spencer!
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<bgsound src="/ms/goretown/images/Halloween.mid" loop=>

This Stick Figure World site is owned by Mindy Spigner.

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