English II
English II
On your own paper, tell whether each sentence is a correct sentence, a run-on sentence, or a sentence fragment by writing C, RO, or SF next to the number. Then, number from 1-10 and rewrite the 10 incorrect sentences, making any changes necessary to form correct sentences.

1. The light was fading as we rode our bikes through the park last Saturday evening.

2. A huge brown bear, coming through the glade near the entrance to the park.

3. We couldn't believe our eyes we stopped short and stared at the gigantic creature before us.

4. The bear was walking on all fours when it noticed us it reared up and raised its front paws in the air growling and moaning and us.

5. We stood silently, frozen in place for a moment, until John whispered, "What do we do?"

6. His quiet question broke the spell we were under we all began pedalling furiously in the direction of the park entrance.

7. Shouting breathlessly urging each other to hurry.

8. We arrived at the entrance and stopped to catch our breath.

9. Looking behind me, I came to the horrifying realization that one of us was missing!

10. I quickly announced this discovery we looked at each other in fear, our hearts pounding.

11. Noticing with dawning terror that it was John who was nowhere to be seen.

12. I knew immmediately that I would have to go back and try to help my friend.

13. The others were too afraid they each came up with an excuse not to go with me they were all cowards.

14. Retracing our route, trying to remember exactly the way we had come, squinting in my attempt to peer through the encroaching darkness, calling John's name loudly and desperately.

15. Finally I came to a clearing and saw John, calmly feeding an apple to the bear, who was sitting sedately on the grass it seemed I had panicked for nothing but I wasn't angry, I was relieved.

Email: chaude@webtv.net