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It's been quite a while since I decided to write anything. I believe that it's time. Today's date is 26 August 2004. 6 years and 5 months since we buried this wonderful young woman. Her mother and I (whom I dearly adore and admire) have long since gone our separate ways. We do not communicate with each other anymore and that is truly sad. We shared so much in such a short time. I am of the belief that God brought the two of us together for a specific purpose. Delaine once said that God brought me into her life so that I could see Callie through into adulthood, so that I could care for Callie after she was gone. There may have been some foresight there. Delaine saw a future where she and Callie were no longer together.. where they had been separated by death. That future is today's grim reality but, not even in our wildest dreams could we have imagined that it would be Callie who would be taken away. A mother is supposed to outlive her children, right?

God brought me and Delaine toghther so that I would be there to help Delaine through the roughest of her struggles and to help me learn what true, unconditional love is all about, to help me to grow as a human being. I hope that I lived up to the task. I have since re-married. I found a truly wonderful woman who has a deep respect for my feelings about Callie & Delaine. Callie's picture is prominently displayed in our home. I still mourn the loss of my daughter, but her friends (who I have become very close with) and I have healed together and the days aren't so hard anymore.

Delaine, if you read this... and I hope you do... please accept my apologies for the way things happened at the end. I truly do still admire you and care about you. I hope you have turned the house into a home once again. I hope you have someone in your life to help you through and help you to smile again. Not the smiles that you and Jan talked about, but a true beaming smile that only you and your beautiful eyes can show. Give your family my best and let them know that I still grieve for Callie, let them know that I still care! My love and respect goes out to you and your whole family for taking me into their hearts for the time I was there. Cristy and I wish you all the best.

And for those of you who still care (for you are reading this after all)... THANK YOU!


Southern sun, shine friendly here. Southern winds, blow kindly here. Green sod above, rest light, rest light...

Callie, I miss you and I love you.