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Jaime aka Jay Jay's Homepage

My Other Pages:

G and Me's Memory Page
G's Homepage
Hot Chic Council
The Hosehead Page
NEW!! Pix Page. See some of my life :)

;;;;{Jizzaime World};;;;;;;

Another pic of me!

01.30.2005 Well holy balls. I cannot believe this website is even still running. I havent worked on it in years, seriously. I almost forgot how to do this, but I am quite impressed with my work for being a rookie and not knowing what the hell I was doing. Im much more experienced now, mwa ha ha... So how is everyone? As most of you may know, I hang out with an entirely different ground and dont really have much contact with all the old friends, but they are still friends!!! So here are all my new shoutouts:

To My Greatest Friend Linz: You dont even know about this website, but youre the greatest and I love you!!

To My SHAUNATHON: Past, Present, and Future. You are the one for me. You are my closest friend and my greatest lover. We are approaching damn near two years. There are not enough words to describe the way I feel about you. You make me smile, laugh, giggle, cry, hurt, love, mad, sad, excited, anxious, and give me that warm tingling feeling plus a lot of other great feelings, wink, wink. I dont know what I would do without you and I know you are the same, otherwise everyday you would be asking: "Where's my hat, belt, briefcase, shoe, etc., etc.?" Here's to the next two years and beyond that. I love you.

To Gaylyn Faulky- Through good times and bad right? Im a shitty roommate and I appoligize. But you know me, and you know I love the men... Let's always be friends to the end and there will be no end. Good luck in Seattle!! Love ya Hosehead!

To Kari- You are the best lil' sis to me. Thanks for all your help, advice, and talks. Call me anytime you need me for anything! I love your clothes!!!

To all my guy pals that I used to call my gang. I hope you are all doing well in your mature lives. I know that Sherwin, Elliott, and Stoney are on their way to earning that good ol' college degree. Best of luck to you. Mattey has become successful with another band in Portland, ROCK ON MATTEYFAME! Toady Greg now has a baby girl but I dont think she is a baby anymore. Way to go DAD! As for all the rest of you that I once kicked it with, best wishes and good fortune to you all in the future.

Ive typed enough. You can still check out the rest of the site but its all outdated. Maybe Ill work on it...or maybe I wont. Im quite the lazy ass these days, working two jobs and all. HELLLO AND GOODBYE.

Jizzaime Jam Jam the one and only.

Write in my freaking guest book you bitches! I want to feel somewhat popular!! Grrr.....

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days until my 22th birthday. Hooray!
