Book Reviews


Reviewed by MaryKay Moore
5 Moons!

Title: Dark Salvation
Author: Jennifer Dunne

Desmond Lacroix has a secret, one that not only endangers him but his three year old daughter as well. He puts his own life on hold, literally, to set his scientists on a journey to find a cure for his little girl before it's too late to save her. The secret he keeps has been with him a long time and if not for his daughter he might throw in the towel. Desmond is the Prescott Institute's director, but in reality he is also the owner. The Institute is located underground in the Arizona desert, with a maze of corridors leading to where research for a cure is being done.

Rebecca Morgan wants a story and she knows how to get one. No matter the odds she always gets information out of others, even when they don't realize they are giving her exactly what she's looking for. As a freelance reporter she'll stop at nothing to get the scoop. Life has taught her that if you want something in life you go out and grab it. Rebecca wants a story that will get her into a major paper and she knows this is the one that will do it, if she can uncover all the mystery surrounding the Institute and especially Desmond Lacroix.

When something happens in one of the labs, Desmond feels that Rebecca is the answer they've been looking for to cure his daughter. Now he has to convince the woman to stay and help him without revealing his secret. Can he get Rebecca to aid them in saving his daughter's life? How can one get a reporter to help when you can't give them details, when that's what they do for a living, searching out the truth, find what others are hiding, giving them the story they want and need? Can either of them keep denying what they feel for each other? How far will both go to meet their goals and what will the consequence be in the end?

Jennifer Dunne has taken Immortality to a new level in her paranormal novel, Dark Salvation. If you enjoy the unexpected then get this book, you won't be disappointed. Jennifer puts a new twist on how and why one becomes an Immortal. If you think there is only one way someone ends up being Immortal then you are in for a surprise. Read Dark Salvation and find out the answer.

Books by Jennifer Dunne:
Dark Salvation (Oct 99), from Starlight Writer Publications
Raven's Heart (Nov 98), from New Concepts Publishing
Raven's Heart trade paperback edition (November 2000) - Speculation Press.
Short Stories by Jennifer Dunne:
"To Life" in Stardates: Infinite Celebrations (Nov 99), from Dreams Unlimited
"Unlocking the Heart" in Morning Star (July 99), from Starlight Writer Publications
Short Stories written as Jason Fortenbraugh:
"You Can't See Me" in Wired Hard 3 (Nov 2000), from Circlet Press

If you have any comments or would like your book reviewed, please contact the Mystic~Visions book reviewers
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MaryKay Moore

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