Ontario Media Literacy Homepage
What You'll Find
- History of Media Literacy
- Mission Statement of Ontario Media Literacy Homepage
- Monthly Commentaries on Media Issues and Strategies to use them in your classroom
- Lesson plans for all Levels of Education, K-12
- Important Announcements and Conferences and Links to other media sites
- Calls for Submissions of Ideas, Lesson Plans, Commentaries
- Marshall Mcluhan Center (including McLuhan Quotes)
- Media Literacy Book and Resource Center

Welcome to the New Millenium in Media Literacy!
Welcome to the Ontario Media Literacy Homepage.
I hope you enjoy your visit to the website. Your presence here says you are interested in educating yourself or others in media literacy. Congratulations! My name is Ron DeBoer, and I am a high school media literacy teacher at Eastwood Collegiate Institute in Kitchener, Ontario., and am not connected with the Association for Media Literacy or the Jesuit Communication Project, although much of the work you'll find here is drawn from decades of work by the likes of Barry Duncan and John Pungente. I constructed this website simply to fulfill a desire: to enable Ontario teachers to bring critical thinking skills about advertising, television, music, and popular culture into their classrooms. As you go on your tour of the Ontario Media Literacy Homepage, don't be afraid to ask questions. Email me if you have questions or suggestions.
I am building and adding onto the site each week. My 'carpenters' and 'builders'
are working hard after school hours to construct this site into a living, thriving center for resources and discussion about media issues.
If you feel you can contribute, I'd love to hear from you. Until then, enjoy the ONTARIO MEDIA LITERACY HOMEPAGE.
Click and Browse
The Media Literacy Movement: Fledgling to Full Flight
Mission Statement
Call to Action
Introduction and Definition of Media
Demographics and Media
History of Communication (Timeline, Pictures)
Grade 1 Media Literacy Expectations and Activities
Grade 2 Media Literacy Expectations and Activities
Grade 3 Media Literacy Expectations and Activities
Grade 4 Media Literacy Expectations and Activities
Grade 5 Media Literacy Expectations and Activities
Grade 6 Media Literacy Expectations and Activities
Grade 7 Media Literacy Expectations and Activities
Grade 8 Media Literacy Expectations and Activities
Grade 9 Media Literacy Expectations and Activities
Grade 10 Media Literacy Expectations and Activities
The Power of the Camera
Monthly Media and Popular Culture Commentary
Marshall McLuhan Center of Ideas and Quotations
Expert Quotations on Television's Impact
Resources for Parents of Children
Resources for Parents of Teens
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