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- Charter and Bylaws -



1) The International Alliance of Martial Arts Masters is an independent organization dedicated to the support of Master Instructors, Sokes, and Headfounders of systems from all styles and systems with additional focus on:

    - Certification of member rank
    - Promote growth of members' martial arts systems
    - Promote growth of members as martial artists
    - To recognize achievements
    - To recognize Master Instructors, Sokes, and Headfounders of systems

2) Leadership of the Alliance:

    - President - Soke James Mahan
    - Vice President - Shihan John Geyston
    - Council of Masters -
       1. Sifu C. Michael Hall (Senior Member)
       2. Vacant
       3. Master Calton W. Mitchell, Jr.
    - Secretary/Treasurer - Vacant
   *NOTE - Term of office will be one (1) year for all positions.

3) Rank promotion, Instructorship certification and System Recognition:

    a. The alliance will offer certificates of promotion and rank recognition to all members.

    b. Rank through 5th black: This is a requirement for membership unless the members' system recognizes mastership at 4th black.

    c.  6th black and above:

        - Time in rank/time in system promotions
        - Special promotions - by experience, testing
        - Promotions by or through the alliances' bylaws

    d.   Age/Rank Requirements for promotions:

       - The alliance will offer promotions either by the age/rank requirements and the successful test or through the members' age/rank requirements.

       - The alliances' matrix is as follows:

            5th black - at least 26
            6th black - at least 30
            7th black - 35
            8th black - 40
            9th black - 45
            10th black - 50

        - The alliances' time in rank req.'s are as follows:

            4th to 5th - 4 years
            5th to 6th - 4
            6th to 7th - 5
            7th to 8th - 5
            8th to 9th - special appointment
            9th to 10th - special appointment

        - The Council of Masters will review the test either by video presentation  or at a seminar, camp or gathering. The fee structure is as follows:

            4th to 5th - $50
            5th to 6th - $100
            6th to 7th - $125
            7th to 8th - $150
            8th to 9th - $175
            9th to 10th - $175

    e.  The alliance will issue certificates for the following:

        - Rank recognition
        - Promotional
        - Master Instructor and Soke recognition
        (Soke recognition will only be granted upon recommendation and approval
         by an acknowledged Sokeship Board)
        - Membership

        * Note - members will be required to demonstrate ability in the art in which rank is requested. You may do this by:

        - RankCertificate
        - Video Presentation
        - Judging Panel

    f.  Master Instructorship Certification:

        - must present 4th or 5th degree rank certificate
        - must have 5 years documented teaching experience
        - must present a 10 page thesis on some aspect of teaching the arts
        - must be a current member
        - consent to a full background investigation
        - must provide three (3) Letters of Recommendation attesting to character

    g. Headfounders Certification:

        - must be current member
        - must be at least a 5th degree
        - must consent to a full background investigation
        - must present a resume and vitae
        - must submit a complete syllabus and curriculum of system, to include:

                rank structure and requirements

        - must submit a video presentation of system
        - must submit copies of system patch, colored belt rank certificates
        - must submit copies of black belt rank certificates
        - must provide five (5) Letters of Recommendation attesting to character
        - must submit copies of previous Headfounder Certification

4) Dues and Fee structure:

    - Annual Membership = $35
    - Lifetime Membership = $100
    - Rank Recognition = $50
    - Rank Promotion = see article 3
    - Master Instructor Certification = $100

    *NOTE-funds for Master Instructor recognition will be refunded if member does not meet the standards of commission.