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Alliance Membership Application

International Alliance of Martial Arts Masters

Type Membership

Check One From Both Categories

[    ] Annual Membership $35.00    [     ] Life Membership $100.00

[    ] Master/Sifu  [    ] Soke/Head of Family  [    ] Master applying for system recognition

Personal Information

Name: D/O/B:
City: State: ZIP:
Home Telephone: (___) Fax :(___)

Martial Arts History

Martial Arts System: ______________________________ Present Rank: __________ 

Martial Arts System: ______________________________ Present Rank: __________

Martial Arts System: ______________________________ Present Rank: __________

Martial Arts System: ______________________________ Present Rank: __________

Instructor Experience: __________ Years

Martial Arts Awards: ___________________________________________________

Name of Associations in which you ARE a member:


How long have you been a student of the Martial Arts? _________________________

List your Martial Arts Instructors:


Do you hold Soke/SiJo/Sigung/Pundador status?    Circle one:  Yes/No

If yes, name of Association where status was attained:

Associations Address and Phone Number:

Reason for joining the International Alliance of Martial Arts Masters?


By signing this application, I state that I agree to the concepts and ideas contained within the International Alliance of Martial Arts Masters.  I also understand that when submitting videos or curriculum materials for Rank Certification or System Recognition, they become the sole property of the International Alliance of Martial Arts Masters and will not be returned to me.  I hereby give the International Alliance of Martial Arts Masters permission to distribute these materials to the approving counsel for perusal and possible approval.

Date ____________ Signature _____________________________________________________

Make checks or money orders payable to :

International Alliance of Martial Arts Masters

Mail application to:

President, International Alliance of Martial Arts Masters
- Contact the President via E-Mail for mailing instructions -