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April 17, 2000---

New Host?---
     I submitted our order to be linked with Myth-Ads hopefully they'll take us on.

April 14, 2000---

My Birthday---
     Happy Birthday to me!! Hope gaming is going well. That is all.

March 2, 2000---

Films Updated---
     Grave and I have been kicking ass lately, I added a pack of nine films to the section. Go check 'em out.

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February 27, 2000---

Films Updated---
     Films have been updated. Also, the Mill is gone forever, oh well, it seemed like everything that could go wrong with that site did. You can still get the Mill files from Clan Mac Gaming.

February 14, 2000---

New Site---
     Have been kicking around some ideas to "up" the site. I have no new news about so until we are back up with them I will keep the site here.

November 18, 1999---

     Got Chimera last night. Since it's a huge 95mb I just let my comp run through the night. Downloading at 4.5k/sec takes quite a while. From what I've played so far, I say get it. The first couple missions have you locating other heroes to help you on your way. It's kind of like the Shiver level in Myth 2. Only a small band of heroes to take on armies of evil. Very fun.

November 9, 1999---
Howdy Boys---
     A nice set of films simply called "Tuesday Night". Very fun to watch and nice going DB. In other news, CHIMERA is coming!!! I am really excited about this, it looks awesome.


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