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One Heart - Two Families

Dear Friends and Family,

     We have come to another one of those intersections in our journey. We were able to sit down, face to face, with Callie's heart recipient and talk, laugh and cry.

     We would like to thank the people at MORA for their hard work and support for bringing our two families together. Please visit the MORA website and take a closer look at all these fine, hard-working people do. You can click on the logo below to take that trip...

     Hopefully, you took the time to visit that site. Now... on to other things.

Joy, Sam, Fred, Delaine, Chris & Hattie Mae

     We would like to introduce you to Fred and his family. Fred is married to Joy and they share one son, Sam. Fred is the recipient of Callie's Gift of Life.

     You really know the two people closest to Fred in the Pic but the other lady may (or may not) be new to you. Her name is Hattie Mae Cox. She is not only grandmother of our precious Angel, but she is also one of the strongest ladies you will ever lay eyes on!

     We were scheduled to meet with Fred at the MORA offices at 2pm on Thursday 24 February 2000, twenty-three months to the day after we lost Callie. We, with Hattie Mae driving, due to a flat tire on our car, arrived shortly before the appointment and were informed that Fred and Joy were already there and he wanted to wait on Sam before the meeting took place. That was okay with us, we were waiting on Michael and Beth (Delaine's brother and his wife).

     Fred, apparently as impatient as we were, decided to go ahead and get the introductions over with and asked for us to be led into the meeting room. Delaine was the first to get to Fred and the two embraced as if they'd known each other for years. Hugs were dispensed and introductions made and we began to talk. Mike and Beth showed up, as did Sam. We talked, laughed, joked, cried, looked at pictures and took some more pictures. (look to the bottom of the page... after you read)Fred was even gracious enough to allow Delaine to hear Callie's heart... no... his heart .... no... that's not it either... THEIR heart beating. (Thank you, Fred!!! From the bottom of our hearts!)

     Two and a half hours later we were ready to let the MORA staff get back to their regularly scheduled lives but were in no way ready to part ways with Fred, Joy and Sam. We can definitely see many more meetings between the two families! Hopefully soon!













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