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Member Profile

Lill Nolan
18th November 1983
Portsmouth, England
Lill's X-Files Site

What I think about the 1X79SHIPPER Mailing List

I joined the 1X79SHIPPER list when I first got the 'net, and since then it has been my main source of activity when I come online, either downloading and replying to the hoards of mail, or chatting to my friends from the list on ICQ or AIM. Joining this list was one of the best things I've ever done, simply because of the lovely, caring and X-Files obsessed people we have here. I really feel I have everything in common with them, and we have great discussion on topic and off. We've become such great friends over time and there are some people I would class as some of my closest friends - you know who you are ;o) I even met my best friend through this list. So if you're focused on The X-Files and you are a friendly person, I suggest joining as soon as possible!

More about me

My X-Files Info

I am a hugely focused shipper. My favourite season is season 5 and my favourite character is Dana Scully.

Favourite Episodes:

Season 2:- Irresistible, Aubrey, Ascension/One Breath
Season 3:- Pusher, Quagmire, Wetwired
Season 4:- Unruhe, Paper Hearts, Never Again, Memento Mori
Season 5:- Redux/ReduxII, Christmas Carol/Emily, Chinga, Bad Blood, All Souls
Season 6:- Triangle, Milagro, How The Ghosts Stole Christmas, Arcadia

Interests other than 'The X-Files'

My favourite foods are lollipops, McDonalds, little fruity sweeties and Pizza Hut pizza.

As well as TXF I adore Star Wars. I am a Jedi and I have a purple Lightsabre!

My role models are Dana Scully and Padme Amidala. I think they show the true meaning of girl power with their dignity, power, strength and courage.

I enjoy football and I support my local team Pompey FC.

My favourite place in the world is Disneyland because it gives such a wonderful feeling to those who go there: pure magic and perfection.

My favourite music is Madonna, No Doubt, The Cardigans, Jamiroquai, Sarah Maglachlan and Garbage.

Other TV shows I enjoy are: Ally McBeal, Dawson's Creek, ER, Friends and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

My favourite X-Files sites

The Official X-Files Website
The Ultimate Dana Scully Shrine
The Haven For The FBI'S Most Unwanted
The Church Of X
The Smutfic General Store

My other favourite sites

The Official Disneyland Paris Website
The Essence Of Ally McBeal
The Official TGI Friday's Website
Star Wars Episode One - The Phantom Menace
Portsmouth FC

My favourite X-Files fanfic

The Zoe and Hold On series
by Smurf

For Her 1 and For Her 2
by Alli

by Adrienne

Star Crossed
by Jedi Kris

Lightening Shadows
by Liz

The Official Disneyland Paris Website