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Pace -
Corporal Thomas - 3rd Dragoon Guards.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"3rd Dragoon Guards. Sacred to the memory of Corporal Thomas. Died Rawalpindi 17 August .... "
Pacey - Driver Thomas - Royal Artillery.
Grave at Quetta -
"Sacred to the memory of No. 34469 Driver Thomas Pacey. 57th Battery RFA, who died at Quetta 24 Oct. 1909. Aged 24 yrs 9 mths."
Packard - Sergeant Thomas - King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.
Grave at Quetta -
"Sacred to the memory of Sergeant Thomas Packard. 1st Battalion Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. Died 16 May 1920. Aged 41 yrs. For 15 yrs Mess Sergeant to the Officers Mess."
Padgett - Bombadier E. - Royal Artillery.
Grave at Peshawar -
"No. 111902. Bombadier E. Padgett. 74th (HOWR) Battery, RFA. Died Peshawar 19 Oct. 1918. Aged 32 yrs."
Painter - Pte Charles - Wiltshire Regt.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"In memory of No. 5607 Private Charles Painter, F Company 1st Wiltshire Regiment, who died 28 Sep. 1903 at Rawalpindi. Aged 21 yrs 3 mths."
Parkes - Corporal C. - Military Mounted Police.
Grave at Quetta -
"In memory of Corporal C. Parkes of the Military Mounted Police who died at Quetta on 31 Dec. 1919."
Parry - Sergeant W. - Lancashire Fusiliers.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"Sergeant W. Parry. 1st Battalion Lancashire Fusiliers. Died at Rawalpindi 2 Oct. 1908. Aged 34 yrs."
Passant - Bandsman Richard - 8th Foot.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"Sacred to the memory of Richard Passant. Band, HM's 2/8th The King's Regiment. Died Rawalpindi 8 June 1878. Aged 23 yrs. This tomb is erected by his brother bandsmen as a slight token of affection."
Patterson - Colour Sergeant Walter Nathaniel - The Buffs.
Grave at Peshawar -
"Sacred to the memory of No. 680 Colour Sergeant W.N. Patterson, 1st Battalion, The Buffs, who died at Peshawar 15 Jan. 1896. Aged 32 yrs."
Peace - Sergeant William George - King's Royal Rifle Corps.
Grave at Peshawar -
"A Company. 4th Battalion Kings Royal Rifles. Sacred to the memory of Sergeant William George Pearce who died Peshawar 8 August 1887. Aged 34 yrs."
Peach - Private J.R. - East Yorkshire Regt.
Grave at All Saints Church, Maymyo, Burma -
"J.R. Peach. Private. East Yorkshire Regt. Died 8th June 1906."
Peacock - Fusilier G. - Northumberland Fusiliers.
Grave at Peshawar -
"To the memory of No. 4263290 Fusilier G. Peacock. 2nd Battalion The Northumberland Fusiliers. Attached Indian Signal Corps. Died Peshawar 18 Sep. 1931."
Pearce - Pte R. - Devonshire Regt.
Grave at Rangoon, Burma -
"No. 4808 Private R. Pearce. 1st Battalion Devonshire Regiment. Accidentally drowned on 1st August '07. Age 30 7/12 years."
Pearse - Lance Bombadier Earnest Nicholas - Royal Artillery.
Grave at Quetta -
"No.102 Battery RGA. In memory of No. 116632 Lance Bombadier Earnest Nicholas Pearse. Died at Quetta 19 Oct. 1918. Aged 23 yrs."
Peat - Pte L.L. - Sherwood Forresters.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"Sacred to the memory of No. 4966437 Private L.L. Peat. A Company 2nd Battalion Sherwood Forresters. Died 1 Oct. 1925. Aged 21 yrs."
Pennington - Pte Percy - Devonshire Regt.
Grave at Quetta -
"Private Percy Pennington. C Company. 1st Battalion The Devonshire Regiment of Bidford, North Devon. Died Quetta 22 June 1930."
Penrose - Corporal C.F. - Royal Engineers.
Grave at Quetta -
"Royal Engineers. Corproal C.F. Penrose. Aged 37 yrs. Died 10 Oct. 1920."
Penticost - Pte P. - South Wales Borderers.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"In memory of No. 3907504 Private P. Penticost, 1st South Wales Borderers, who was accidentally killed at Westridge on 14 Jan. 1935."
Perolz - Hospital Sergeant Henry - 7th Royal Fusiliers.
Grave at Quetta -
"Sacred to the memory of Henry Perolz Hospital Srgt. Hr Ms 1st Battn 7th Royal Fusiliers who departed this life on the 20th June 1859 aged 29 years and 10 months. This tomb is erected as a mark of esteem by the sergeants of the Battalion."
Perrett - Pte Alfred - Wiltshire Regt.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"In memory of Private Alfred Perrett. 2nd Battalion C Company Wiltshire Regiment. Died Rawalpindi 28 August 1884. Aged 22 yrs."
Perrett - Pte H. - Royal Welsh Fusiliers.
Grave at Quetta -
"In memory of No. 9464 Private H. Perrett. A Company 2nd Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers who died at Quetta 4 Jan. 1912."
Perryman - Private G.W. - King's Own Scottish Borderers.
Grave at All Saints Church, Maymyo, Burma -
"G.W. Perryman. Private. KOSB. Died 27th May 1904."
Peters - Quarter Mmaster Sergeant Alexander - Royal Artillery.
Grave at Peshawar -
"In loving memory of Quarter Master Sergeant Alexander Peters. 51st Field Battery RA who departed this life 9 July 1897 in his 45th year. Deeply lamented by his sorrowing wife and children."
Pharaoh - Corporal Herbert Henry - Rifle Brigade.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"In loving memory of Herbert Henry Pharaoh, Corporal, 3rd Battalion Rifle Brigade, who died from dysentry contracted on the return march from the Tochi Valley on 2 Dec. 1897. Aged 27 yrs. Interred at Rawalpindi."
Phillips - Lance Corporal A.W. - Royal Corps of Signals.
Grave at Quetta -
"Sacred to the memory of No. 2312962 Lance Corporal A.W. Phillips. Royal Corps of Signals. Accidentally drowned at Pishin 25 May 1926. Aged 25 yrs. Erected by the officers, NCOs and men of No.2 Wireless Company, B Corps Signals."
Phillips - Gunner E.G. - Royal Horse Artillery.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"Sacred to the memory of No. 26071 Gunner E.G. Phillips, A Ammunition Column, Royal Horse Artillery, who departed this life 29 July 1914 at Rawalpindi. Aged 33. Erected by the officers, NCOs and men of Mountain Battery, Royal Horse Artillery, and A Ammunition Column, Royal Horse Artillery."
Phillips - Bandsman Walter Delatre - Dorsetshire Regt.
Grave at Peshawar -
"In ever loving memory of Walter Delatre Phillips. Late of the Band, 2nd Dorset Regiment. Died of enteric fever at Peshawar, India 9 March 1898. Aged 25 yrs."
Phipps - Farrier Staff Sergeant Sidney - Royal Artillery.
Grave at Peshawar -
"In memory of No. 1024774 Farrier Staff Sergeant S. Phipps. 100th Field Battery RA. Died Peshawar 15 Feb. 1925. Aged 37 yrs."
Pickup - Bombadier J. - Royal Artillery.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"Sacred to the memory of No. 23735 Acting Bombadier J. Pickup, No.6 Mountain Battery Royal Garrison Artillery, who was accidentally drowned at Rawalpindi 26 Oct. 1913."
Pike - Bugler Fred - Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry.
Memorial in Mandalay, Burma -
"In memory of the undermentioned NCOs and privates of C Coy, DCLI. Bugler Pte Fred Pike who died at Mandalay on 9th Oct 1891 aged 24 years. Also Cpl Frederick Clayton."
Pilkington - Pte E.F. - Devonshire Regt.
Grave at Quetta -
"In memory of Private E.F. Pilkington. 2nd Battalion The Devonshire Regiment. 29 July 1922."
Plummer -
Pte Alfred J. - Royal Sussex Regt.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"Sacred to the memory of No. 7352 Private Alfred J. Plummer, G Company 1st Royal Sussex Regiment, who died Rawalpindi 24 August 1909. Aged 29 yrs."
Pollock - Sergeant Bugler Hugh - Highland Light Infantry.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"Sergeant Bugler Hugh Pollock. 2nd Battalion Highland Light Infantry. Died Rawalpindi 8 August 1897. Aged 32 yrs."
Porritt - Pte Watson - Yorkshire Regt.
Grave at Peshawar -
"In memory of No. 44470 Private Watson Porritt. C Company. 1st Yorkshire Regiment who died at Peshawar 8 July 1918. Aged 38 yrs."
Porter - Pte J.H. - King's Own Royal Regt.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"In loving memory of No. 3704951 Private J.H. Porter. B Company 2nd Battalion The King's Own Royal Regiment. Died Rawalpindi 23 May 1929. Aged 27 yrs."
Potts - Shoeing Smith D.R.B. - Royal Artillery.
Grave at Quetta -
"No.102 Battery RFA. In loving memory of No. 710978 Shoeing Smith D.R.B. Potts. Died at Quetta 19 Oct. 1920. Aged 23 yrs."
Potts - Pte James J. - Border Regt.
Grave at Peshawar -
"Sacred to the memory of No. 3521840 Private F. Bertenshaw and No. 3594876 Private J.J. Potts. 2nd Battalion Border Regiment. Killed in action Peshawar 5 June 1930. Erected by the officers, warrant officers, NCOs and men of their company."
Powell - Driver Edgar - Royal Artillery.
Grave at Peshawar -
"In loving memory of Driver E. Powell. 80th Battery RA. Died at Peshawar 8 Dec. 1908. Aged 29 yrs."
Powell - Pte G. - King's Shropshire Light Infantry.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"In memory of No. 4031226 Private G. Powell. 1st Battalion K.S.L.I. Died 4 Sept. 1933."
Pratice - Sergeant James - 78th Highlanders.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"Sacred to the memory of No. 127 Sergeant James Pratice, 78th Highlanders (late 72nd Highlanders), who died at Rawalpindi 31 Dec. 1888. Aged 36 yrs."
Pratt - Bombadier Edward - Royal Horse Artillery.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"Sacred to the memory of Ac. Bombadier Edward Pratt, F Battery, Royal Horse Artillery, who died 7 July 1903. Aged 29 yrs. Erected by his comrades."
Pratt - C.Q.M.S. T.E.J. - The Buffs.
Grave at Maymyo, Burma -
"In memory of No. 6188524 CQMS T.E.J. Pratt. 1st Battalion The Buffs who died at Maymyo 28th December 1933 aged 46 years 6 months."
Price - Pte Owen - Welch Regt.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"In loving memory of No. 3955843 Private Owen Price. 2nd Battn The Welch Regt. Died Rawalpindi 29 Nov. 1931. Aged 23 yrs."
Price - Corporal William - Royal Artillery.
Grave at Peshawar -
"Sacred to the memory of No. 4617 Corporal William Price. 3rd Battery RFA. Died 18 June 1903."
Prince - Farrier Sergeant George Herbert Gordon - Cavalry.
Grave at Peshawar -
"In memory of No. 1859011 F/S/Sergeant G.H. Prince. 1st Cavalry Brigade Signal Troop. Died Peshawar 10 June 1931. Aged 35 yrs."
Pring - Lance Corporal E.G. - Royal Corps of Signals.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"To the memory of No. 2306825 L/Corporal E.G. Pring, Royal Corps of Signals, who died at Rawalpindi 8 Feb. 1926. Aged 22 yrs. Erected by all ranks of No.1 (Line) Company, B Corps Signals and comrades of D Divisional Signals."
Proberts - Driver William - Wiltshire Regt.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"Driver William Proberts. F Company 1st Wiltshire Regiment. Died Rawalpindi 12 Feb. 1905. Aged 28 yrs. Erected by his brother.
Proctor - Rifleman Horace - King's Royal Rifle Corps.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"Rifleman Horace Proctor, A Company, 4th Battalion, King's Royal Rifle Corps, who was drowned at Baracow 16 April 1914. Aged 21 yrs."
Puddephatt - Driver Ernest - York & Lancaster Regt.
Grave at Quetta -
"In loving memory of No. 8528 Driver Ernest Puddephatt. H Company. 1st York and Lancs Regiment. Died Quetta 28 April 1909. Aged 19 yrs."
Pughey - Pte - Royal Scots.
Grave at Mandalay, Burma -
"In memory of No. 3765 Pte Pughey of 2nd Bn Royal Scots who died in Mandalay on 12 Aug 1896, aged 28 years 11 months. Erected by the Officers and men of C Coy."
Pye - Shoeing Smith Edward - Royal Artillery.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"Sacred to the memory of No. 9804 Shoeing Smith Edward Pye. 57th Battery RFA. Died Rawalpindi 16 Dec. 1904. Aged 26 yrs."
Pymont - Gunner A. - Royal Artillery.
Grave at Rawalpinid -
"Sacred to the memory of No. 26243 Gunner A. Pymont. No.7 MB RGA who died at Rawalpindi 1 June 1908."
Pyves - Sergeant Master Tailor Henry Lamb - King's Own Royal Regt.
Grave at Quetta -
"Sacred to the memory of Sergeant Master Tailor Henry Lamb Pyves. 2nd Battalion KOR Lancaster Regiment who died at Quetta on 9 July 1886. Aged 31 yrs. Erected by his brother freemasons of Lodge Bolan 691.SC."