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EGYPT 1882-1885
(Reported in The Times newspaper)

2040 Pte James Adams - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders (Black Watch) - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
15953 Sapper O. Adams - 24th Company, Royal Engineers - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
1842 Pte J. Allan - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
344 Pte J. Allen - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1532 Pte A. Amer - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1146 Pte James Anderson - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2415 Corporal William Anderson - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
Pte Arnold - 25th Company, Royal Marines - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2695 Pte Alexander Arthur - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
Pte Ashley - Scots Guards - Killed at Hasheen 20th March 1885
4575 Sergeant H. Atkins - 1st Bn Coldstream Guards - Killed at Hasheen 20th March 1885

? Baker - HMS Condor - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
264 Pte W. Baker - 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders - Missing at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1629 Lance-Corporal J. Bannigan - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
932 Pte Andrew Barclay - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
Pte John Barley - Grenadier Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
Pte William Barrowman - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
16625 Corporal Bartley - 24th Company, Royal Engineers - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2099 Pte Bates - 5th Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
Pte C.F. Bathe - 27th Coy. Royal Marines Light Infantry - died of wounds at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
18149 Sapper W. Battersby - 24th Company, Royal Engineers - missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
John Beard - HMS Briton - died of wounds at Alexandria 11th July 1882
58005 Quartermaster W.S.F. Befley - HMS Dolphin - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2061 Pte J. Beckett - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2386 Pte Beckwith - 2nd Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
Pte H. Beldham - 17th Coy. Royal Marines Light Infantry - died of wounds at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1897 Pte Bell - 5th Lancers - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
114 Pte C. Bennett - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
1690 Pte H. Bess - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
William Bethal - HMS Euraylus - wounded at Alexandria 11th July 1882. Died of wounds.
36 Pte David Bishop - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2429 Pte John Blackhall - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2494 Pte Blaine - 4th Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1304 Pte Blake - Connaught Rangers - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
Pte Blake - South Staffordshire Regiment - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
65 Pte J. Blake (Black?) - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1568 Pte Samuel Le Blaneq - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2388 Lance-Corporal J. Blood - 5th Lancers - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2606 PteGeorge Blyth - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2049 Pte W. Bodel - Cameron Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1923 Pte Bowles - King's Royal Rifle Corps (Mounted Infantry) - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1479 Pte H. Bradley - 1st Bn East Surrey Regiment - Killed at Teselah Hill 3rd April 1885
2283 Pte Brannon - Scots Greys - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
Pte Robert Brightmore - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2070 Pte Thomas Brook - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1826 Pte Brooks - 5th Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1190 Pte John Brophy - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2304 Pte R. Brown - Cameron Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
2116 Pte Budd - 5th Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2534 Pte Bunch - 4th Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1156 Pte Robert Burnet - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
Pte Burney - Naval Brigade - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1948 Pte J. Burton - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
Pte W. Butcher - Royal Marines - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885

1455 Pte D. Cameron - Cameron Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
2293 Pte Campell - Scots Greys - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2512 Pte G. Cannon - 3rd King's Royal Rifle Corps - Died of wounds at Alexandria 11th July 1882
Corporal Carey - 37th Company, Royal Marines - Killed at bu-Klea 17th January 1885
1965 Pte W. Carter - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
Pte A. Castle - 14th Coy. Royal Marines Light Infantry - killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
16774 Sapper Chapman - Royal Engineers - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
100818 AB Seaman William Chews - HMS Sterling - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
756 Pte R. Church - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
792 Pte T.M. Clark - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Presumed Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1661 Lance-Corporal J. Clifford - 24th Company, Royal Engineers - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2090 Pte Collins - 5th Dragoon Guards - Slightly wounded at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885. "Since dead."
2223 Pte Connel - Royal Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
94253 AB Seaman John Connors - HMS Dolphin - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
15521 Sapper T. Chews - 24th Company, Royal Engineers - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
1098 Pte Cooper - 2nd Royal Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2087 Pte Cordon - Royal Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
447 Pte Cosgrove - Connaught Rangers (Mounted Infantry) - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
743 Pte Frank Coulthard - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
AB Seaman Harry Coward - Naval Brigade - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
Sergeant Cowley - Royal Sussex Regiment - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1561 Pte C. Crawley - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
127 Pte G. Crawford - Cameron Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
2085 Pte Robert Cripps - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1776 Pte Cross - Royal Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
740 Pte C. Crullis - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885

1769 Pte Daley - Royal Sussex Regiment - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1659 Pte D. Day - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Missing at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
82 Sergeant W. Dempster - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
503 Lance-Corporal F.S. Devine - 2nd Bn Royal Irish Regiment - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
5097 Pte Donaldson - Scots Guards (Guards Camel Regiment) - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1789 Sergeant James Downie - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1196 Pte H. Duff - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Died of wounds at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
117 Pte A. Dumiston - Cameron Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
69 Sergeant James Duncan - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
887 Pte Alexander Durrah - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1027 Pte Charles Durrant - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884

766 Pte William Earnshaw - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
Pte C. Eastel - Royal Marines - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
Quartermaster C. Eastmead - Ordinance Store Department - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
Pte Edwards - 5th Lancers - Killed at Hasheen 20th March 1885
2114 Pte R. Edwards - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Kirbekan 10th February 1885
2276 Corporal Ehiells - Royal Scots Greys - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
Pte H. Ellis - 18th Coy. Royal Marines Light Infantry - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
2269 Lance-Corporal R. England - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882

2016 Pte T. Farrah - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2120 Pte Alfred Fennell - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
16005 Driver H. Ferguson - 24th Coy. Royal Engineers - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2062 Lance-Corporal Percy Finlay - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
887 Pte John Fisher - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
956 Lance-Sergeant P. Fitzgerald - 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
17126 Sapper I. Fletcher - 24th Coy. Royal Engineers - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
20500 W. Foley - 6/1st Brigade, Scottish Division, Royal Artillery - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2275 Sergeant Fox - Royal Dragoons - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2772 Pte Franklin - 4th Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
5414 Pte W. Franklin - Commissariat & Transport Corps - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
1732 Sergeant Ronald Fraser - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2095 Pte William Fraser - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1592 Pte William Fulton - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884

106786 AB Seaman Thomas Gears - HMS Dolphin - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
Pte Arthur Giles - 42nd Coy. Royal Marine Light Infantry - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1947 Pte Hugh Gillies - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
5912 Pte A.J. Gleeson - Commissariat & Transport Corps - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
14049 Sapper A. Godbold - 24th Coy. Royal Engineers - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
1616 Pte E. Granter - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
1992 Pte Thomas Graveson - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
876 Sergeant Peter Gray - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2246 Pte F. Gregory - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
5442 Pte Gretton - Commissariat & Transport Corps - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
5788 Pte H. Groves - Medical Staff Corps - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885

2187 Pte Hall- Scots Greys - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
182 Sergeant P. Handley - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
1662 Pte J. Hargreaves - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
Pte Harris - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Kirbekan 10th February 1885
2339 Pte A. Harris - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
1601 Pte J. Hawkins - 24th Coy. Royal Engineers - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
297 Pte Charles Head - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1952 Sergeant Heveron - 5th Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1726 Pte Hewit - 4th Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
7224 Pte Hickey - Grenadier Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2191 Pte George Higginson - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1881 Pte C. Higgs - 1st Bn Seaforth Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1732 Sergeant Hinton - South Staffordshire Regiment - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
102129 Signalman 2nd class Francis Hogas - HMS Dolphin - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
18344 Sapper Holding - 24th Coy. Royal Engineers - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
Pte Holland - 21st Coy. Royal Marines - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
Colour-Sergeant Holmes - 2nd Bn Grenadier Guards - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
Pte E. Hockey - Royal Marines - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
263 Pte Hopkins - 1st Bn South Staffordshire Regiment - Killed at Kirbekan 10th February 1885
171 Pte Isaac Hops - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
Leading Seaman James L. Howarth - HMS Dryad - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2680 Pte Hower - 20th Hussars - Killed at Suakin 14th March 1884
810 Pte R. Humphries - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - died of wounds at Alexandria 11th July 1882
Pte C. Hutchings - Royal Marines - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2477 Pte Hutson - Scots Greys - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
18011 Pte J. Hutson - 24th Coy. Royal Engineers - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2051 Pte J. Hyslop - Cameron Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882

675 Lance-Corporal William Inkson - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884

4456 Pte R. Jackson - Commissariat & Transport Corps - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2034 Corporal Jacques - Lancers - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
Sergeant E.A. Jarvis - 14th Coy. Royal Marines Light Infantry - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
4058 Pte W.H. Jenkins - Commissariat & Transport Corps - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2696 Pte David Johnson - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
465 Colour-Sergeant Michael Johnson - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1657 Sergeant Samuel Johnson - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2227 Pte Johnston - Royal Dragoons - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2357 Pte W. Johnston - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1657 Pte Jones - Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2763 Pte Jordan - 20th Hussars - Killed at Suakin 14th March 1884

2445 Sergeant Kekewich - Coldstream Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1815 Pte Charles Kelly - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
625 Pte R. Kemody - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Missing at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
20568 W. Kennedy - 6/1st Brigade, Scottish Division, Royal Artillery - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
80 Pte P. Kenny - Cameron Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1572 Pte G. Kental - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
194 Pte A. Kerridge - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
Sergeant King - 1st Bn Royal Irish Fusiliers - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
405 Sergeant John King - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2300 Pte T. King - Cameron Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
300 Pte Andrew Kirby - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884

693 Pte James Law - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - "reported dead" at Tamaai 13th March 1884
AB Seaman Armourer Miller Law - Naval Brigade - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
5032 Sergeant Leaning - 2nd Bn Coldstream Guards - Wounded at Metameh 25th February 1885, now dead
1763 Pte John Lebreth - 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1763 Pte Leppard - Royal Sussex Regiment - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
759 Pte G. Liddiard - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
Pte William Lock - 24th Coy. Royal Marines Light Infantry - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
40 Pte J. Lockett - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
16 Pte Lucking - Guards Camel Regiment - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885

26 Pte Maclorley - Royal Sussex Regiment - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2633 Pte H. Malloy - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Missing at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
735 Pte Peter Malloy - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2558 Pte M. Manning - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Missing at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
4456 Pte J. Marr - Commissariat & Transport Corps - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
160 Pte James Marshall - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
Samul Marston - HMS Dryad - Killed at Alexandria 11th July 1882
2202 Pte Martin - 5th Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
482 Pte D. Martin - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Missing at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
2087 Pte W. Martin - 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders - Missing at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
402 Pte W. Matchett - 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders - Missing at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1616 Corporal William James Maynard - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1286 Lance-Corporal Richard Mayors - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2783 Lance-Sergeant J. McAlister - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
Pte McCaul - 1st Bn Royal Irish Fusiliers - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
Pte William McCann - 16th Coy. Royal Marines - died of wounds at Alexandria 11th July 1882
2596 Sergeant R. McClay - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2339 Pte McCombe - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1616 Pte Alexander McDonald - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1300 Pte Donald McFarlane - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1711 Pte William McInnes - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Kirbekan 10th February 1885
1076 Corporal McIntosh - Royal Horse Guards - Missing at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1282 Pte William McIntosh - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1666 Drummer James McKay - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2786 Pte W. McLean - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
AN Seaman James McLemon - HMS Briton - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
Pte James McNally - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1294 Sergeant-Major J. McNeil - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
2714 Pte Finlay McPherson - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
Pte Meade - 41st Coy, Royal Marines Light Infantry - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1988 Pte Mellow - Scots Greys - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2163 Pte Meograth - 5th Lancers - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
839 Pte J. Metcalfe - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Missing at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1434 Pte A. Michie - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
2611 Corporal Miles - West Kent Regiment (Mounted Infantry) - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2480 Pte John Miller - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
Pte Mitchell - 24th Coy. Royal Marines Light Infantry - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
Sergeant J. Mitchell - Royal Marines - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
9060 Sapper Moffat - 17th Coy. Royal Engineers - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
364 Pte J. Montgomery - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
2056 Pte W. Moore - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2025 Pte Alexander Morgan - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2018 Pte John Morley - 1st Bn Royal Sussex Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2825 Pte Morris - 4th Dragoon Guards - Missing at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
229 Pte J. Morrison - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Missing at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1329 Pte Hugh Morton - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
17390 Sapper J. Mundie - 24th Coy. Royal Engineers - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
49 Lance-Corporal W. Munro - 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
768 Pte M. Murphy - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Presumed Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
5385 Pte Andrew Murray - 2nd Bn Scots Guards - Killed at Hasheen 20th March 1885
Pte R. Murray - 22nd Coy. Royal Marines Light Infantry - died of wounds at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882

2204 Corporal Newton - 5th Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1461 Trumpeter Newton - 20th Hussars - Killed at Suakin 14th March 1884
Richard Nichel - Royal Navy - Killed at Tamaai 14th March 1885
705 Pte Nichelson - 1st Life Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2277 Pte Nichol - Scots Greys - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
Troop-Sergeant-Major Nicholls - 5th Lancers - Killed at Hasheen 20th March 1885
1302 Sergeant Norman - Royal Dragoons - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
Pte Nye - Naval Brigade - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885

Thomas O'Brien - Naval Brigade - Killed at Tamaai 14th March 1884
2322 Pte W. O'Neil - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Missing at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
8056 Pte Orminston - Guards Camel Regiment (Grenadier Guards) - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
3000 Pte Osborne - Lancers - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885

5502 Pte W.C. Packman - Commissariat & Transport Corps - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2415 Pte William Page - 19th Hussars - Killed at Tamaai 14th March 1884
2333 Corporal Parker - 5th Lancers - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
Benjamin Parrick - Naval Brigade - Killed at Tamaai 14th March 1884
2344 Pte Parton - 19th Hussars - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1483 Pte A. Patterson - Cameron Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1283 Corporal Arthur Patterson - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Kirbekan 20th March 1885
1024 Pte Donald Patterson - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1553 Pte Fred Payne - 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 14th March 1884
1072 Pte Thomas Peacock - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2625 Pte Thomas Peacock - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2343 Sergeant Perceval - 5th Lancers - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1954 Sergeant Philips - Royal Dragoons - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
146 Pte M. Pink - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
30 Pte Albert Pinn - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 14th March 1884
2156 Pte J. Pollock - Cameron Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
455 Pte Frederick Poole - 1st Bn South Staffordshire Regiment - Killed at Kirbekan 20th March 1885
2481 Pte J. Porteous - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
2308 Pte Powell - 2nd Dragoon Guards - Wounded at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885, since dead.
214 Pte Frank Prime - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884

2284 Sergeant Read - Royal Dragoons - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2230 Sergeant Reed - Royal Dragoons - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
42258 J. Reed - 6/1st Brigade, Scottish Division, Royal Artillery - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
80 Sergeant J.E. Reed - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1818 Pte Alfred Reeves - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 3rd April 1885
2361 Pte Reid - 2nd Dragoons - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
Chief Boatswain's Mate Rhodes - Naval Brigade - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1830 Pte John Richards - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
25351 Corporal G. Richmond - 6/1st Brigade, Scottish Division, Royal Artillery - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2155 Pte Robb - Scots Greys - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2485 Pte G. Robertson - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
958 Pte Robinson - Royal Dragoons - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2739 Lance-Corporal George Robinson - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
19 Drummer Rogers - Royal Sussex Regiment - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1180 Pte W. Rogers - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
1712 Pte William Rogers - Grenadier Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1840 Pte Charles Rookyard - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2000 Pte Rose - South Staffordshire Regiment - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1665 Pte John Roy - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
279 Pte John Roy - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2087 Pte G. Rugg - Cameron Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
16 Pte M. Russell - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Died of wounds at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882

1387 Pte Michael Sanda (Sande?) - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
6139 Pte G. Savage - Medical Staff Corps - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2801 Sergeant J. Scott - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
2701 Pte Thomas Scott - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1787 Pte Sergeant - 5th Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2762 Pte John Sheldon - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1999 Pte J. Shaughnessy - 5th Lancers - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
647 Pte S. Sheen - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
Pte Henry Shipston - 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2044 Pte Silvester - Lancers - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2354 Pte W. Simon - Cameron Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
224 Pte W.J. Simpson - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Missing at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1454 Pte A. Smith - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
2121 Pte Benjamin Smith - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
Pte E. Smith - Royal Marines Light Infantry - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
Pte H. Smith - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
1638 Pte T. Smith - 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
299 Pte W. Smith - Cameron Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
Pte W. Stanton - Royal Marines Light Infantry - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
263 Pte J. Stapleton - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Missing at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
2255 Pte P. Starrs - 2nd Bn Royal Irish Regiment - Wounded at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882, died of wounds.
2202 Pte Steadman - Royal Dragoons - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1583 Pte John Steele - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2537 Pte Stenning - 2nd Dragoon Guardss - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
300 Pte R. Stevenson - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1812 Colour-Sergeant A. Stewart - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
2073 Pte Alexander Stewart - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1952 Pte George H. Stone - 1st Bn South Staffordshire Regiment - Killed at Kirbekan 10th February 1885
1522 Pte James Storey - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
Torpedo-Instructor John Strike - HMS Euryalus - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1778 Pte A. Sturgess - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
1298 Pte John Swanson - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884

27038 W. Talbot - 6/1st Brigade, Scottish Division, Royal Artillery - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
560 Sergeant H. Tattersall - 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders - Missing at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
2109 Pte S. Tavernor - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
1823 Pte Taylor - Lancers - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
5248 Pte Taylor - Guards Camel Regiment (Coldstream Guards) - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2788 Pte John Taylor - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
8 Pte W. Taylor - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Missing at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1252 Pte William Taylor - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1942 Pte Thompson - 5th Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
99 Pte George Thompson - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2070 Pte William Thorn - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1410 Pte Thornhill - 5th Dragoon Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1616 Pte James Truntt (?) - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
3476 Pte Turner - Mounted Infantry (KRRC) - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
Gunner Thomas Tustin - 8th Coy. Royal Marine Artillery - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
480 Pte J. Tweedie - 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry - Missing at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882

2155 Corporal Walker - Lancers - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1616 Pte James Walker - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1806 Sergeant P. Walker - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Died of wounds at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
4 Pte Walter - Guards Camel Regiment (Marines) - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2082 Pte Walton - Scots Greys - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
Gunner's Mate Webb - Naval Brigade - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
1262 Pte William Webb - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
2047 Pte G. Welsford - 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
5074 Pte West - Scots Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
593 Pte William West - 1st Bn York & Lancaster Regiment - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
37 Pte Weston - Royal Sussex Regiment - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
381 Pte Wilford - Mounted Infantry (Essex Regiment) - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
2220 Pte Willis - Royal Dragoons - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
Pte R. Willon - Royal Marines - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
2836 Pte J. Wilson - 5th Lancers - Missing at Suakin 22nd March 1885
554 Pte W. Wilson - 1st Bn Gordon Highlanders - Killed at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
Pte W. Wilson - 2nd Coy. Royal Marines Light Infantry - died of wounds at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882
1491 Pte W. Wingrove - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
118 Pte J. Woodall - 2nd Bn Royal Irish Regiment - Wounded at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882, died of wounds.
1019 Pte F. Woodhouse - 1st Life Guards - Killed at Abu-Klea 17th January 1885
205 Pte A. Wooldridge - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Wounded at Suakin 22nd March 1885. Since dead.
4832 Pte R. Wray - 1st Bn Coldstream Guards - Wounded at Hasheen 20th March 1885. Since dead.

1721 Pte John Yilbepi (?) - 1st Bn Berkshire Regiment - Killed at Suakin 22nd March 1885
102 Pte A. Young - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Killed at Tamaai 13th March 1884
1089 Pte H. Young - 1st Bn Royal Highlanders - Died of wounds at Tel-el-Kebir 13th September 1882