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Graves at St. Mary's Churchyard, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland :

"In memory of Bombadier R. Bale of G Battery, 9th Brigade, who died at Clonmel 21st June 1867 aged 30 years.
This stone was erected as a mark of respect by the Officers and comrades of his battery."

"Beneath are the mortal remains of James Coo, Trumpeter Royal Artillery, who died at Clonmel
on 31st July 1850, at the age of 58 years. This stone erected by his comrades in proof of their respect and regard."

"The burial place of Quartermaster Sergeant John Hicks 1st Battery, 4th Brigade, Royal Artillery.
He died at Clonmel on the 27th January 1881 aged 37 years."

"Erected by his comrades to the memory of Christopher Lawless, E Battery, 4th Brigade Royal Artillery,
who died at Clonmel 12th February 1871, aged 29 years."

"Sacred to the memory of Driver William Lovell, E Battery, 9th Brigade, Royal Artillery,
who departed this life 13th October 1868, aged 29 years. This monument was erected by his comrades."

Memorials at St. Patrick's Cemetery, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland :

"In loving memory of John Carter Sergt. 13th Bde R.A. and of Tippy Artillery Staff
who died 14th January 1891 age 56 years.
And is widow Marguerita E. Carter.
who died 7th October 1893 age 54 years.
This stone is erected by their sorrowing children."

Memorials at Quetta:

"Sacred to the memory of Gunner John Morgan, Gunner John Weston, Gunner George Dean and Mrs. S.A. Croud, wife of Gunner T. Croud, Gunner Fred Ridler of 20th Western Division RA, who died at Quetta between the years 1891 and 1893. This memorial is erected by their comrades."

"Sacred to the memory of Corporal George Riach, Gunner George Jenkins and Gunner Samuel Moss, 16th Western Division RA who died in Quetta between 1891 and 1893. This memorial is erected by their comrades."

"In memory of the soldiers of No.5 Mountain Battery, Royal Artillery who died in Quetta Nov 1891 - Feb 1896.
Gunner G. Barham - Gunner G. Short
Gunner R. Ponsford - Gunner F. Clarke
Gunner J. Smith - Corporal E.A. Evans."

"In memory of the following NC officers and men of No.28 Company Southern Division RA
who died at Quetta between Nov. 1893 and Oct. 1897.
Sergeant T. Cunningham - Corporal W.J. Edwards
Trumpeter H.C. Dolan - Gunner H. Dolan
Gunner P. Doran - Gunner S. Kerr
Gunner J.R. Smith - Gunner G. Smith."

"In memory of the following NCOs and men of No.7 Company, Southern Division, Royal Artillery
who died at Quetta during the years 1894 to 1896.
Gunner R. Crowley 24 Dec 1894
Gunner W. Struthers 7 Jan 1895
Gunner T. Small 1 Mar 1896
Gunner J. Anderson 9 Jul 1896
Gunner R. McNeill 26 Jul 1896
Corporal A. Goodfellow 2 Aug 1896
Gunner J. Murray 22 Aug 1896
Corporal A. Smith 23 Aug 1896
Gunner F. Woodhouse 27 Jun 1897
Gunner C.C.G. Fleming 5 Jan. 1898."
Memorials at Peshawar:

"Trumpeter A. Savage
Gunner D. Hayes
Driver F. Stay
Driver R. McLeod
Driver A. Downes
This stone is erected by the officers, NCOs and men of the Battery."

"Sacred to the memory of 67 Battery RFA who died during the stay of the Battery at Peshawar 1904-1906.
Gunner Austin James Bowen
Gunner Edwin Drover
Gunner Edwin William Johncock
Gunner Mark Villavoice
Driver Matthew Adams
Driver Nathan Charville
Driver Andrew Haig
Driver James Law
Driver George Westhall
Erected by their officers and comrades."

Memorials in St. John's Church, Peshawar:

"Sacred to the memory of:
Sergeant George Jackson - 25 May 1884
Gunner John Murrow - 8 Aug 1884
Gunner John Hoare - 17 Aug 1884
Bombadier Alexander Low - 24 Nov 1884
Corporal John Whelan - 10 Aug 1885
Bombadier Walter Mansfield - 7 Jul 1886
Driver Edward Fowden - 9 Dec 1886
Corporal Patrick Doody - 24 Feb 1887
Driver Patrick O'Brien - 15 Aug 1887
All of 'M' Battery 3rd Brigade, RA who died while the battery was stationed at Peshawar from Jan. 1884 to Jan. 1888."

"In memory of NC officers, men, women and children of 15th Field Battery, Royal Artillery,
who died while the battery were at Peshawar 1890-1892.
Sergeant Worthington - Sep 1892
Sergeant Halliday - Aug 1892
Driver Payne - Dec 1890
Driver Heather - Jun 1891
Gunner Godden - Apr 1891
Gunner Hutchinson - Sep 1891
Sergeant Farrier Burwell - Aug 1892
Gunner Adair - Jan 1892
Bomber Snelling - Aug 1891."

"Sacred to the memory of the following officer, NCOs, men, women and children
51st Field Battery, Royal Artillery who died at Peshawar 1897 - 1898.
Driver J.H. Richardson - 4 Jul 1897
Qr Master Sergeant A. Peters - 9 Jul 1897
Bombadier J.C.D. Hamilton - 29 Jul 1897
Gunner W. O'Brien - 27 Aug 1897
Major A. Burton - 27 Sep 1897
Gunner M. Moran - 28 Oct 1897
Corporal Wheeler W. Bodin - 17 Nov 1897
Driver W.J. Winkley - 19 Dec 1897
Gunner J.E. Harris - 27 Mar 1898
Bombadier W.C. Nunn - 25 Apr 1898
Driver L.H. Walker - 25 May 1898
Gunner W.J. MacDonald - 29 May 1898
Gunner R. Spiers - 30 Jun 1898
Gunner G. Rowlinson - 2 Jul 1898
Trumpeter E. Kemp - 22 Nov 1898
Gunner J. Ellis - 2 Dec 1898
Gunner R. Scott - 3 Dec 1898
Erected by their comrades."

"Sacred to the memory of
2nd Lieutenant James A. Ellice - 1 Jun 1889
Sergeant William H. Swinnerton - 22 Nov 1888
Bombadier John Manning - 12 Jul 1888
Bombadier Henry Barnes - 7 Jun 1888
Bombadier John Penfold - 11 Jun 1889
Shoeing Smith Alfred Castle - 29 Jun 1888
Trumpeter Thomas Power - 25 Jul 1888
Gunner Charles Wilkinson - 31 Jan 1888
Gunner John Biscumbe - 24 Jun 1888
Gunner James McDonald - 3 Apr 1889
Driver Thomas Lewis - 24 Jul 1888
Driver Edward Watts - 17 Jul 1890
This tablet is erected by the officers, NC officers and men 44th Field Battery Royal Artillery (late L.3RA) as a token of esteem for their comrades who died whilst the battery was stationed at Peshawar from Jan 1888 to Oct 1890."

"Sacred to the memory of their comrades of the 68th Field Battery who died in Peshawar in 1895 to 1896.
This tablet is placed by the officers, NCOs and men of the battery.
Gunner R. Foot - Driver W. Robertson
Gunner F. Hawkins - Gunner C. Stratton
Gunner A. Blake - Driver C.A. Smale
Gunner A. Mawhinney."

Memorials at Rawalpindi:

"In memory of:
John Evans - Gunner 15/9th Battery. Died at Rawalpindi 15 Nov 1877. Aged 33
William Cook - Gunner. 15/9th Battery. Accidentally killed at Rawalpindi 15 Jan 1877. Aged 31
John Lawrence - Gunner 15/9th Battery. Died Khaira Gali 3 Aug 1877. Aged 26
James Doherty - Gunner 15/9th Battery. Died at Umballa 1 Jan 1876. Aged 28."

"Sacred to the memory of the following men of 'D' Battery 4th Brigade Royal Artillery,
who died while the Battery was quartered at Rawalpindi:
Gunner A. Bonham - 17 Nov 1878
Farrier Sergeant R. Penfold - 7 Dec 1878
Trooper D. Hamilton - 16 Aug 1879
Sergeant J. McConnell - 15 Dec 1879
Gunner J. Earle - 17 Sep 1879
Gunner H. Hitchcock - 27 Oct 1879
Driver W. Allan - 4 Dec 1879
Gunner R. Lilley - 8 Dec 1879
Gunner J. Booth - 17 May 1880
Gunner J. Jepson - 14 Jun 1880
Gunner A. Learmouth - 14 Jan 1881
Gunner W. McGrath - 27 Aug 1881."

"This monument was erected by the officers, NCOs and men of No. 15 (Late 7/1) Eastern Division, Royal Artillery,
as a mark of resepct to their departed comrades:
Bombadier W. Hannant - Bombadier W. Watkins
Gunner F. Wooton - Gunner J. McGregor
Gunner A. Otter - Gunner J. Gibbs
Gunner J. Brown - Gunner J. Pettitt
Gunner J. Duggan - Gunner W. Williams
Gunner W. Yourey - Gunner J. Brimson
Gunner C. France - Bombadier J. Lumsdain."

"Sacred to the memory of the NCOs and men of 60th Field Battery, Royal Artillery,
who departed this life during the stay of the Battery in this station from 19 Feb 1891 to 18 Jan 1894:
Gunner Frederick Neill - 29 Mar 1891 at Jhansi
Gunner John Powell - 11 Jul 1891
Driver John Moffat - 31 Jul 1891
Bombadier James Cartledge - 6 Sep 1891
Driver William Brown - 15 Oct 1891
Driver William Powell - 12 Jan 1892
Gunner Edward Mott - 16 Jan 1892
Bombadier Patrick Dolan - 26 Mar 1892
Gunner Charles Hodder - 29 Sep 1892
Bombadier James Harrison - 7 May 1892
Bombadier Clifford Andrews - 23 Jun 1892
Gunner John Latimer - 11 Jun 1893
This memorial is erected by the officers, NCOs and men of the 60th Field Battery, Royal Artillery, as a mark of esteem."

"10th Field Battery Royal Artillery. In memory of the officers, NCOs and men who died in India from 1884 to 1898:
Driver M. Bolley - at Kirkee
Lieutenant A.H. Simpson - at Kirkee
Gunner W. Barrett - at Kirkee
Gunner T. Constable - at Karachi
Gunner W. Smith - at Karachi
Sergeant W.H. Pulsford - at Karachi
Driver M. Hannon - at Karachi
Gunner G. Noddle - at Karachi
Corporal F. Monks - at Karachi
Driver J. Hannen - at Karachi
Gunner D. O'Connell - at Karachi
Gunner T. Matheson - at Dalhousie
Bombadier Collar Maker William Herbert - at Multan
Bombadier George Kyle - at Multan
Driver Ed Westwood - at Multan
Driver William Shrimplin - at Multan
Major G.T. Kennedy Skipton - at Multan
Gunner James Dawson - at Dalhousie
Gunner H.R. Fincke - at Meean Meer
Gunner W. Eggers
Corporal T.H. Revening
Gunner M. Phelan
Driver J.C. Taylor
Gunner J. Titley
Gunner J. Monkton
Trumpeter G.E. Orchard
Gunner L. Anderton
Gunner E.C.T. Winter
Driver D. Dobson
Driver A. Lomax
Gunner C. Fielder
Driver J. Johnson
Gunner E. Shardlow
Driver W.J. Lance
Driver A. Allsebrook."

"Sacred to the memory of the NCOs and men of No.7 Mountain Battery Royal Artillery who died between the years 1895 and 1898.
Erected by the officers, NCOs and men as a mark of their esteem and respect:
Khyra Gali
Bombadier Haddon - 9 Jun 1896. Aged 30
Chitral Relief Force
Gunner Sturney - 16 Sep 1895. Aged 25
Malakand Field Force
Gunner Blissett - 1 Aug 1897. Aged 26
Bombadier Davies - 27 Dec 1897. Aged 26
Tpr Mallon - 28 Sep 1897. Aged 25
Gunner Johnson - 12 Nov 1897. Aged 26
Qtr Master Sergeant Collister - 20 Feb 1897. Aged 36
Corporal Wallhead - 22 Jan 1897. Aged 30
Bombadier Manuel - 30 May 1898. Aged 30."

"In memory of:
Corporal M.H. Sinel - Gunner W. Hall
Gunner W. Noad - Gunner J. Bosley
All of No.5 Company, Western Division, Royal Artillery
who died at this station 1895-1899. Erected by their comrades."

"Sacred to the memory of:
Corporal T. Sinden. Died Rawalpindi 14 Nov 1896. Aged 23 yrs 9 mths
Gunner D. O'Sullivan. Died Rawalpindi 9 Oct 1896. Aged 25 yrs 5 mths
Sergeant S. Packer. Died Rawalpindi 14 Jun 1898. Aged 28 yrs
Gunner G.A.S. Modget. Died Rawalpindi 15 Jul 1898. Aged 24 yrs 6 mths
No. 11666 Gunner John Hawkins. Died Rawalpindi 1 May 1899
No. 93110 Gunner John Davies. Died Rawalpindi 27 Dec. 1899
No.5 MB, Royal Artillery."

"The undermentioned NCOs and men of 'D' Battery 16th Brigade RA,
who have died since the arrival of the Battery at Rawalpindi:
Gunner George Renny - 22 Jul 1872
Driver John Bates - 3 Sep 1872
Wheeler Sergeant R.E. Jarrett - 31 Mar 1873
Driver James Hillyer - ..6 May 1873
Gunner Patrick Matthews - 18 May 1873
Erected by the officers, NCOs and men of the Battery as a mark of esteem and respect. 24 Sep 1873."

"Sacred to the memory of warrant officers, NCOs and men of No.2 Column Royal Field Artillery,
who died Rawalpindi during the war 1914-1918:
No. 1197 BSM F. Rovery - 24 May 1917
No. 9759 Gunner A. Lewington - 15 Jul 1918
No. 214380 Gunner H. Senior - 13 Jul 1918
No. 781498 Gunner Wright - 1 Nov 1918
No. 45379 Gunner Louden - 14 Jun 1918 at Simla."

"In memory of men, women and children of 67th Battery, Royal Field Artillery
who died during the stay of the battery at Rawalpindi:
16953 John Acton - Died 12 Oct 1907
5778 James Cook - Died 9 May 1908
45541 George Spicer - Died 9 May 1908
33227 George Cook - Died 23 May 1908
14079 Richard Findal - Died 3 Jul 1908
99755 John Weston - Died 27 Jul 1908
32282 Samuel Johnson - Died 27 Oct 1909
20375 Patrick Coughlan - Died 5 Apr 1910."

Memorials in Christchurch, Rawalpindi:

"In memory of the NC officers and men of No.9 Mountain Battery, RA,
who died during the period of 1884-94 whilst serving in the Rawalpindi District
Sergeant D. Connell - A/Bombadier W. George
Gunner J. Johnson - Gunner A.C. Bland
Gunner R. Ward - Gunner R. Bilby
Gunner C. Vardon - Gunner J. Cheeseman
Gunner W. Evans - Gunner D. Horgan."

"In memory of the following NCOs and men of No.1 (Mountain) Battery, 1st Brigade, Eastern Division Royal Artillery
who died on service in Burma 1886-8.
No. 30329 Gunner William Bourke
No. 29465 Gunner Robert Glynn
No. 20437 Bombadier George Harris
No. 48926 Gunner John Abbott
No. 31920 Gunner Patrick Young
No. 32344 Gunner Cornelius Buckley
No. 50606 Gunner Francis Gleeson
Erected as a token of respect by the officers, NCOs and men of the battery."

"Sacred to the memory of the following NCO and men 51st Battery Royal Field Artillery who died at Rawalpindi 1899-1900
Driver R. Downing - 16 Aug 99
SS Farrier G. Tiller - 1 Sep 99
Gunner D. Sheehan - 7 Jul 00."

Memorial in Holy Trinity Church, Bangalore:

"Sacred to the memory of
Patrick Duffey
John Sheldrake
Robert Shearing
Henry Doyle
"S" 1st Brigade R.A. Who died of Cholera at Donat and Maugral on the march from Kamptee to Bangalore in November, 1882.
This stone is erected by the Officers, NCOs and men of the Battery."

Memorials in Rangoon Cantonment Cemetery, Burma:

"North Irish Division. 4th Battery 1st Brigade R.A.
Gr. Isaac Maids - Died 25.5.82 - aet 28
Gr. George Davies - Died 7.x.82 - aet 25
Alexander Henderson - Died 28.1.83 - aet 24
Gr. William Charman - Died 13.12.83 - aet 24
Br. Francis Edwin - Died 19.4.83 - aet 24
Peter Mullen - drowned in the Royal Lakes - 7.5.84 - aet 39
Ernest Horne - Died 19.ii.82 - Deolali
Erected by Major A. Burton Brown Commanding and by the Officers, NCO's and men of Irish Division R.A."

"Sacred to the memory of the undermentioned NC Officers and Men who died at Rangoon
belonging to No.9 Southern Division RA.
This stone was erected by the Officers, NC Officers and Men in remembrance of -
Gunr P. McNaughton R.A.
Gunr M. Redmond R.A.
Gunr R. Allen R.A.
Bomb. W. Chalmers R.A.
Gunr G. Stevenson R.A.
Gunr A. Sherreffs R.A.
Gunr J. Brown R.A.
Gunr A. Hand R.A.
Sergt. Instructor Fredk McNaughton R.V.A."

Memorials in St. John's Church, Rangoon, Burma:

"Erected by 18 Company Southern Division Royal Artillery
To the memory of its NCOs and Men who died while serving in Burma 1891 to 1895.
Bmr. Michael Walsh - Died 18.5.92 Aged 25 yrs
Gunner William McLaughlin - Died 9.12.92 Aged 27 yrs
Corpl. William Conlon - Died 6.4.94 Aged 34 yrs
Gunner Michael Carroll - Died 3.6.94 Aged 24 yrs
Sergt. George Kittle - Died 31.7.94 Aged 27 1/2 yrs
Gunner Alexander Stewart - Died 20.9.94 Aged 21 8/12 yrs."