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Memorial at Quetta -
"Sacred to the memory of the undermentioned men of the 2nd Border Regiment who died at Quetta 1896 - 1897:
4529 Private T. Smith - B Coy. - 17 Jul 1896 - 21
4055 Private E. Richardson - A Coy. - 17 Jul 1896 - 21
3689 Private G. Jones - C Coy. - 23 Aug 1896 - 21
4567 Private W. Green - H Coy. - 27 Sep 1896 - 21
2829 Private C. Cook - E Coy. - 2 Nov 1896 - 25
3641 Private A. Styles - F. Coy. - 18 Jan 1897 - 22
Erected by their comrades as a mark of esteem."

Memorial at Quetta -
"Sacred to the memory of the officers, non commissioned officers and men and the children of the 2nd Battalion The Border Regiment who have died at Quetta between Mar 1896 and Mar 1899.
Major Hamilton M. Richards - 19 Dec 1896
Major Joseph Langton - 15 Jun 1896
Quarter Master Sergeant Robert L. Caulfield - 18 Oct 1896
Sergeant John J. Bell - 27 Jul 1897
Lance Corporal George Beattie - 10 Sep 1898
Lance Corporal Ernest A. Hampson - 11 Oct 1897
Lance Corporal William R. Clatworthy - 4 Sep 1898
Lance Corporal Richard Humphreys - 25 Nov 1898
Lance Corporal Thomas Ferguson - 9 Sep 1896
Private Bernard Geraghty - 28 Jun 1896
Private Robert Derbyshire - 11 Jul 1896
Private Thomas Smith - 17 Jul 1896
Private Ernest Richardson - 17 Jul 1896
Private George Jones - 23 Aug 1896
Private William Green - 27 Sep 1896
Private Charles Cook - 2 Nov 1896
Private Arthur Styles - 18 Jan 1897
Private Alfred Trinder - 19 Jun 1897
Private Robert Jarvis - 11 Aug 1897
Private Clifford H. Summers - 7 Aug 1897
Private James Metcalfe - 11 Aug 1897
Private Arthur Bates - 14 Oct 1897
Private William Walker - 1 Nov 1897
Private Frederick Bannister - 12 Dec 1897
Private Joseph Martin - 11 Aug 1898
Private George Thompson - 17 Aug 1898
Private Percy Labbett - 21 Aug 1898

Ursula Ovens - 22 Jul 1896
Pamela Ovens - 5 Apr 1897
Ernest Pallant - 4 Oct 1896
Catherine M. Waters - 27 May 1897
James G. Golden - 16 Sep 1897
Timothy Golden - 5 Jul 1898
Eleanor M. Bennett - 15 Aug 1898
Ernest M. Carnes - 3 Nov. 1898

Private Walter Blewitt - 9 Sep 1898
Private John Russell - 13 Sep 1898
Private Herbert Salmons - 18 Sep 1898
Private John H. Thomas - 25 Sep 1898
Private Michael Grogan - 4 Oct 1898
Private Robert Cornthwaite - 13 Oct 1898
Private Joseph Rothwell - 1 Nov 1898
Private William Belcher - 15 Nov 1898
Private Robert Wilson - 22 Feb 1899
Private Frank Daniels - 9 Mar 1899"