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Memorials at Rawalpindi:

"The undermentioned men of A Company 70th Regiment who have died since the arrival of the Corps at Rawalpindi:
Private G. Russell - Died 26 Dec 1871. Aged 21
Private C. Williams - Died 2 Apr 1872. Aged 36
Private N. Symons - Died 17 Jun 1872. Aged 24
Private P. Walsh - Died 11 Dec 1873. Aged 32
Private D. Calder - Died 14 Feb 1874. Aged 29
Private William Ellis - Died 2 Sep 1874. Aged 24
Erected by Lieutenant R.S. Riddell, Commanding, and NC officers and men of the company as a tribute of respect."

"In memory of the undermentioned men of A Company 70th Regiment who have died since the arrival of the Corps at Rawalpindi:
Private H. Hehir - Died 18 Jan 1872. Aged 20
Private J. Lappin - Died 6 Apr 1873. Aged 36
Private P. Doherty - Died 28 Sep 1874. Aged 37
Erected by Lieutenant R.S. Riddell (Commanding) and NC officers and men of the company as a tribute of respect."

"In affectionate remembrance of the undermentioned men of C Company HM's 70th Regiment, who died as stated below:
Private P. Doran - Accidentally killed 28 Dec 1871
Private T. Matthews - Died at Lawrencepure 23 Jan 1873
Private W. Hall - Died at Murree 21 May 1873
Lance Corporal W. Yarnold - Died at Rawalpindi 15 May 1873
Private J. Watson - Died at Rawalpindi 4 Oct 1874
This stone was erected by the officers, NCOs and men of C Company as a token of respect and esteem."

"Sacred to the memory of the undermentioned men of E Company 70th Regiment:
Private William Morley - Died 13 Jan 1872. Aged 21 yrs
Private D. O'Shea - Died 7 Sep 1872. Aged 22 yrs
Private J. Jenkinson - Died 15 Oct 1875. Aged 23 yrs
This stone is erected by the officers, NC officers and men of the Regiment as a mark of esteem."

"Sacred to the memory of the undermentioned men who died at Rawalpindi on the following dates:
Private George Dean - Died 23 May 1872. Aged 25 yrs
Private William Francis - Died 27 May 1872. Aged 21 yrs
Private Fred Ruddock - Died 28 May 1872. Aged 20 yrs
Private Thomas Band - Died 7 Jun 1872. Aged 21 yrs
This is erected by the officers, NC officers and men of D Company HM's 70th Regiment as a mark of esteem and regard."