Summary of GRID Clues

GRID Home Page

Yellow text: " You have discovered a secret place, an entrance to a world few have seen. Keep coming back and you will be rewarded.This is a journey few have taken. No one has been here before or seen all there is to see. I warn all that proceed"

Picture of Rock Formation: titled deep one

Part One

Yellow text: "Like pieces of a puzzle, one must gather all the interlocking components to complete the keep.Only one place exists that can draw one in. Dare you make the discovery and get lost, your true journey will begin."

Picture of Cyan Entrance: titled Compass (NOTE: formerly titled My home, marrim, Cyan HQ)

Links: CYAN Inc., E.D.G.E. Series, Discovery, Exploration

Yellow text: "*To this day many fans have struggled to identify the drawing and the word."

Picture of Bunch of Rocks ALT tag: these were not here before

Picture of Two Rocks ALT tag: hmmm

Picture of Three Rocks ALT tag: torans (NOTE: this tag was formerly "angles")

Picture of Sitting Room in Cyan ALT tag: neat plants

Picture of Sitting Room in Cyan2 ALT tag: El Paso

Picture of Sketch of Catherine ALT tag: Catherine

Picture of Two Sketches ALT tag: Dni

D'ni text at bottom: says "Follow the procedure." links to oldnara.jpg, ALT tag is vv 13977 (NOTE:tag formerly 13445)

GRID title ALT tag: formerly titled GRID, 3649, 6731 (this tag has now totally disappeared)

Picture of Five White Circles ALT tag: L1 (NOTE: formerly titled kekhetsah)

Part Two

Yellow text: "Each waking moment is as a rung on an endless ladder. Each step we take is built on what has gone before. Many have pondered the first pathway on our journey. Now it is time to move on. Take these steps and always beware what is above you."

Picture of Watefall ALT tag: blue water

GRID title ALT tag: 9365

Picture of lamp/lighthouse and shield ALT tag: Can it be..?

Picture of Doug ALT tag: Doug working on cool stuff

Picture of Seven White Circles ALT tag: L2R (formerly L2)

Picture of Crayola Crayon Fish Tank ALT tag: Meet JPEG the fish

Picture of Steve Ogden ALT tag: the Og man

Picture of Computer Screen ALT tag: screenshot of ****

Picture of RAWA's Office ALT tag: RAWA's Office

Picture of Riven Rock ALT tag: Riven rock (NOTE:written on paper under this rock it says "Book of Marrim - Draft 2 Chap. 15)

D'ni text at bottom of page ALT tag: soon...very soon, translation: "He ?? the guilds will ?"

Part Three

Picture of Cyan entrance ALT tag: One soon returns

GRID title ALT tag: 9365

White sketch of plant: 0909158552

Yellow text: "There is an entrance to new worlds and new beginnings. The jewel of the underground. What seems natural and complete may fool those entering for the first time. Remember the others who have passed before you. There may be no turning back."

Plant photo ALT tag: Behlehtsahrah-sm

4 white circles ALT tag: L3R

Picture of Stalactites ALT tag: deep down - Chandelier

Picture of woman with bird ALT tag: island1

Quote on bottom of page: "Master, I am puzzled." -- Caine "That is the beginning of wisdom." -- Master Po"

Links: Luna Entertainment, Jim Stephenson's Web Site, Land of Point

Part Four

Picture of Cyan entrance ALT tag: One soon returns

Yellow text: "A great length of time has passed since I visited these new worlds. Many thought I lost my way...but this is not so. And now many of you will see exactly what I have seen and venture forth. If you thought the puzzles at were exciting, then prepare yourself. I have returned with something you will all find very interesting. AVIDS unite...its getting very close."

Clue: dubh ross, liath stob

Quote on bottom of page: "....we may have Gordon and his AVIDS to thank for opening our eyes to a chapter of the D'ni past of which we had virtually no awarness until now.... D'ni scholar"


marrim: probably in reference to the Book of Marrim which is supposed to be the next book in the Myst novel series.

Compass: this is the name of a program used to map Lechuguilla caves. Lechuguilla seems to play an important part in GRID.

torans/angles: in D'ni, torans is an angle measurement. Some people think that the strange degree numbers on the backgrounds could be angle measurements. The question is, what are the measurements for? Gordon once said something about thinking in three dimensions. Some people have thought perhaps we need to build something, but no one is sure

hmmm/these were not here before: many picture neat plants: there seems to be a correlation between the Lechuguilla plant and GRID. The Lechuguilla cave was named after the plant because it grew near the entrance, perhaps this is the connection? Others have mentioned that perhaps the ink for the Books was made out of the Lechuguilla plant.

El Paso: El Paso means "the passage" in Spanish. We are on a journey in GRID. Or could it be more than that? Cyantists are supposed to have made visits to New Mexico to get information for MUDPIE? Could that be where the table in this picture came from? On the table, people have said they think are a copy of From Myst to Riven, and Lechuguilla: Jewel of the Underground

Catherine: hmm...that Catherine will reappear in Myst III perhaps? Or it could be one of the few things in GRID that is not a clue at all.

D'ni: My thought is that it means that MUDPIE will have to do with D'ni. Perhaps the sketches on the wall are for MUDPIE.

proph/vv13445/vv13977: verses of D'ni prophecy most likely. Verses that we do not know. Perhaps these prophecies will be fufilled in MUDPIE.

oldnara: this picture looks very similar to a picture I found in Lechuguilla: Jewel of the Underground of the cave.

9365: date Aitrus is elected to the Council

Can it be...?: this picture shows a lamp or lighthouse or something. But in the corner is the Aztec calender! Again the connection between ancient cultures and GRID.

Screenshot of ****: Screenshot of DIRT? Or someone working on it?

Riven rock: under the rock you can see a paper that says Book of Marrim Draft 2 Chapter 15

0909158552: this is the ISBN of the infamous book Lechuguilla: Jewel of the Underground, the sketch is of the Lechuguilla plant

Behlehtsahrah-sm: picture of Lechuguilla, Behlehtsahrah is believed to be the D'ni name of either the Lechuguilla plant, cave, or both

deep-down Chandelier: a picture of the Chandelier formation in Lechuguilla cave

island1: a picture from Disney Discovery Island brochure, rumor has it that Disney was working with Cyan to turn the island into a real Myst Island

L1, L2, L2R, L3R: these circles seem to match up to map of Lechuguilla, and the Lechuguilla map seems to match up to Aitrus' map of the path to D'ni

9365: Aitrus is elected to the Council

6731: Coronation of King Kerath, the last and greatest D'ni king

3646: First Day of in D'ni celebrating their escape from Gaternay and their rebuilding of their civilization on earth

Quotes from Gordon

GRID/ "I have to close and tell you all that what we are facing and what is to come is much greater than anything you can imagine. Witness the hirings at CYAN, witness the recent articles...and don't forget that everything (and I mean everything!) has a common thread...a common bond."

"Many of you have waited.....many of you have forgotten. Many of you still believe. For for you and your faith, you shall begin a trip I started a long time ago.... And not unlike Hunab Ku, I too face a challenge...a game. GRID - the awakening" (This was when GRID first reopened.)

"I sort of liken the site to the MAYAN ruins or the STONEHENGE. We all look at these ancient artifacts and all see our own interpretation. Many who have studied these ruins have found some startling revelations and ties to mathimatical numbers and astronomy. I have always been fascinated with the Pyramids and the books associated with the ORION THEORY. Note that we will likely never know the answer to the ruins mentioned above. Whoever built the monoliths at EASTER ISLAND will never post to the lyst and say "okay, times up....this is why we built the big heads" Always remember that as a fan myself, I like to be entertained and love to find stuff hidden throughout sites. Maybe its significant."

"Well you all are very resourcefull and have done well. You are very close to the translations.....but you need a helper clue or two. Only those on the Riven Lyst will get these clues...
1) You are correct about the language.....sort of. Gaelic was prominent around the 10th century. Most of the translations on the web are from newer sources. Look for translations that are in much older.
2) Why would I pick Gaelic ( beyond the fact my parents speak it and we come from Elgin and Lossiemouth Scotland). What significance would an ancient language like this have? " (In reference to the Gaelic words on GRID).

GRID/ Gordon has also said that the yellow-paged journals relate more to him and GRID, while the chime journals were written by someone very special, someone we may even be able to meet one day. When asked whether meet referred to on the computer or in real life, he said "maybe both."