Hole 6: The Artifacts

One of great things about the Cyan building is that the actual props and costumes used in the game are on display. Within a few steps of the front door lie many of the most significant items seen in Riven.
The cage bars About 15 feet directly above the receptionist's desk is a shelf where these first two items are kept. These bars were used while filming the arrival scene in Riven. Although it's almost imperceptible, the bars that were suddenly raised as you arrive in Riven are computer generated, but these real bars were used as soon as Cho walks on the scene.

The lever Fans will recognize this as the lever which lowers the cage.

It is significant that the first two visible items seen in Riven are also the first items seen in the Cyan building.

To either side of the front desk are large glass cases where the original costumes are on display. Being able to examine them so closely was an impressive experience. All of these items have intricate details which reinforce the sense of the reality of these characters.

Cho's uniform
Cho's uniform Cho's uniform looks even more worn and weathered in real life. The rough top coat appeared to be made of a sturdy, leather material. Around the legs, the small metal trinkets caused the noises he made as he walks.

Near this display was a replica of Cho's dagger, which is seen in detail to the right. This dagger is surprisingly heavy, and has a very sharp blade. Just by holding it, we could tell it was quite a weapon. (No wonder you gave him the book!)

Catherine's dress
Catherine's dress Catherine's dress has more intricate details than the other two. The beads and trinkets which adorn her hair, necklaces and shoes add a slightly untamed, yet feminine touch. Her red robe, with the simple shapes hand-stitched into it, looked light and comfortable.

Gehn's costume
Gehn's costume The most impressive item on display here is undoubtedly Gehn's uniform. Even enclosed in a glass case, this strong presence of Gehn was intimidating. We should have taken a picture of one of us next to the case for a height reference, because his uniform shows he is a lot taller than either of us expected.

"Gehn's Crest", symbolizing his fanaticism with the number five and his twisted understanding of the Art, can be seen on his cape clasp, buttons, and belt buckle. Though Gehn's uniform had the same sturdy, thick material look to it, his was much more white and clean, as if he were innocent of any wrongdoing.

We noticed another minute detail which could never be seen in the game: Gehn's weapon has a sight used for aiming which is exactly above the center handle. Rather than being a standard crosshair, the sight on Gehn's weapon is a five pointed star.

The green door Fans who have almost completed their experience on Riven will recognize this final artifact: the door from Gehn's 233rd age. Though we never get to pass through it in Riven, we do see Gehn enter from the outside of his harsh new world.

Cut into the 10 wooden sections of this door is again Gehn's crest. All the intricate details of the pens nibs, books, and writing are replicated here. Again, these are all details which are not visually apparent in the game, but which certainly add to the reality of these people and places.

Gordon commented "Things were starting to get a little spooky....like there was more to this building and game than met the eye. Most games wrap up and finish but this whole RIVEN / MYST / D'ni universe was much like our own...so many places that have yet to be Explored and discovered. I particularly liked the door...it was quite intricate. Certain artifacts around the building held many more secrets than one would have noticed in the game. Even after solving the puzzles and game, you could go back and see something you missed. Every trip around the CYAN building brought new clues. As I round the last corner I see Doug with his camera taking pictures of pretty much everything. As he approachs Gehn's green door, I sort of get a weird feeling....something maybe genetically buried deep inside....a hidden D'ni gene. I don't think so but if my instincts are on track......Doug, don't open that DOOR!"

Doug says, "As you can imagine, having the chance to look at all of these items was fascinating. It all very seemed real, as if these few items were just part of a larger collection of tangible evidence. I had a few moments by myself to stand in front of the Gehn's green door and think about how many people besides me had wanted to open it. Just as I had wanted to do in Gehn's Age, when I was by myself for a second, I took hold of the handle and wondered what there might be to explore behind it..."

All photos © 1998 - Doug McBride.



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