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The FleshFarm Presents:
The films of Jorg Buttgereit.
                             -Subject Matter

          "Sex Murdr Art" is the definitive book on Jorg Buttgereit, the controversial German film director whose works Nekromantic, Nekromantic 2, Der Todesking, and Schramm have earned him a reputation as one of the most original, innovative and dangerous of all modern filmmakers - banned the world over.
          Traversing both horror and art-house film genres, Buttgereit's work deals explicitly with sex and death, and features graphic images of necrophilia, murder, and suicide. Detailed analysis of all the films plus promotional features, many rare photographs, and extensive interviews with Buttgereit and his principal actors, go to create this comprehensive and illuminating study.
          "Sex Murder Art" is possibly the ultimate testament to the obsession, paranoia, and politics of underground filmmaking.

"The film book of the year!"

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Featured throughout The Flesh Farm:
A Nightmare on Elm Street     Friday the 13th     Halloween     The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 
Hellraiser     Night of the Living Dead     Re-Animator     The Shining     The Exorcist     Creepshow 
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All movies featured above include the entire series.