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Strictly Ballroom

Remember Romeo and Juliet with Leo DiCaprio and Claire Danes? Well I don't know what the director, Baz Lurhman is up to these days, but back in 1994 he made this wonderful film Strictly Ballroom which is (quelle suprise) about ballroom dancing. It's a funny and heart warming story about Scott, a dancing champion who struggles between wanting to win the Pan Pacifics Grand Prix Ballroom dancing competition by dancing federation regulated dance moves, or risk it and dance his way, which consists of strange, crowd pleasing brovado moves. He loses his partner, Liz, who is too caught up in wining to go along with his whims. Meanwhile, Fran, a dancing beginner and ugly duckling, tells Scott she'd loved to be his partner, dance his way, and win the Pan Pacifics. Fat chance, huh?... or is it? Touched with romance, and black comedy, its a delightful way to spend 94 minutes of your time. In other words...Rent it dammit!

     -J H[3:47 PM]

What Lies Beneath

Starring: Michelle Pfieffer, Harrison Ford
Director, Robert Zemeckis, who has done some pretty well acclaimed movies in his past, has really bombed with this one. The movie is as typical as typical gets. It followed a "scary mystery movie" formula to a hitchcock tee. Sure there were your jumpy suspense moments, but it was all pretty predicatable. The plot was slow moving and the climax continues for a neverending 20 minutes or so which leaves one asking "Is it over already?".
Kudos to Michelle as always, who seems to do a good job no matter what the film but Harrison Ford was no match for her. He trailed along in the movie like an old geezer, his lines delivered like stale no sodium crackers. As a film student, I'd recommend seeing this movie in order to do learn what not to do. As a mainstream audience, you can take it or leave it.

     -J H[12:18 PM]

The Patriot

Starring Mel Gibson, and Heath Ledger.
I enjoyed every moment of this Revolutionary war flick. Maybe it was the plot, or the cinmetography, or maybe it was just because I enjoyed watching Aussie "It" boy Heath Ledger in all his curly blond sumptuous glory. But enough about him for I don't want to send any heterosexual males puking or even worse, surfing on too soon.
Mel Gibson is as exceptional as always and no complaints to the writer either. Mel plays a revolutionary war hero gone soft, as he struggles between his duty to father his 7 mother-less children and fighting for patriotism and freedom which he strongly beleives in. Gabriel, played by Heath Ledger, is the insubordinate son who signs up for the war, determined to serve for honor. After many perils and a terribly evil villan (a sadistic RedCoat lieutenant), Mel is pushed to the limit and organizes a successful militia which helpes turn the war around to favor the Patriots.
A terribly moving film, bring tissues. But definately a crime not to miss.

     -J H[5:10 PM]

The Last Broadcast

Flipping through the channels, I caught this (student?) film on Cinemax. The info read:" A man makes a documentary on a group of boys who went into the wilderness in search of the Jersey Devil and only one returns. ". These group of guys decided to take their cable access show "Fact or Fiction?" (appropriately titled) into the pine barrons where they camped out and searched for the Jersey Devil. With 2 boys are found murdered (somewhat disturbing graphic pictures) and one mysteriously missing, Jim Seurd is the only man left alive and is accused for the killings. This film has a successful creepy tone to it helped out by music and graphics and ending that blew me away. Kudos goes out to the gang of guys who produced this film. It made Blair Witch look like child's play and an overrated joke.

     -J H[4:22 PM]

Road Trip

There's Something About Mary meets Overnight Delivery with a side serving of American Pie. And I have to admit, this combination turned out to be not as bad and painfully dumb as I imagined. I forced myself to see Tom Green as his usual self only with a script as well as some other small time actors who I recognized. The highlights of the movie are all shown on the trailer so basically you haven't missed much except a witty dialogue that produces laughs one after another. I couldn't help but enjoy myself. It's not a film you take seriously by any means: Sex, sex, and college guys is the only thing these scenes contain.So if you walk in expecting just that you won't be dissapointed. I sure wasn't. The plot, though not original, is a clever formula. Guy misses girlfriend at college, guy gets with other girl, guy makes mistake and travels miles to save his relationship with girl, realizes he doesnt care about his girlfriend after all. Since this movie isn't deep enough to get into any analyzing, I'll leave it at that and just add that I don't regret paying my 5 bucks.

     -J H[3:45 PM]

Fight Club

I've watched it, pondered it, hit the rewind button a couple of times, took breaks, and still don't know exactly what to think of this movie. If you're not too movie savy or get confused quickly, rent this sucker twice. But definately, as the hype on this film continues, you are very much obliged to see this flick. You will get more out of it than Brad Pitt's fine ass, I assure you.
If you listen closely, the theme of this film which eminates from Brad Pitt's quirky character Tyler, you will understand that the writer didn't just sit down one night after an acid trip and type this one out. Suprisingly, exactly what this movie states can be found written down in some spiritual book located in the religious section of your local bookstore. So there is a point if you listen. The other misconception about this movie is that it's just about guys beating eachother up, which I quickly found was wrong. Infact, the beginning introduces us to the kind of black, wry comedy, centered around Edward Norton's character, that exists throughout Fight Club. There is a fight club however, which offers missing teeth, and blue no.4, red no.6 + corn syrup smeared all over everyone's face. Not too mention Jared Leto, who lingers around with a bit part, a very bleached do, and gory facial scars. Above all, Helena Bonham Carter (Marla), Edward, and Brady-poo offer phenomenal performances that regained my confidence in all of them. This is by far Edward's best performance (I've so how seen them all....) and he fit the part beautifully. And in case you didn't know, Helena's BRITISH, but that american accent could have fooled me.
One last word before I go: As Brad's preference sometimes leans to these quirky roles (12 Monkeys) that have you saying "Jesus! What the hell was that?", this movie will do just that. It's a nice alternative to getting high, eating chocolate cake and reading a philosophical book.

     -J H[3:14 PM]

Overnight Delivery

This little farce, though a little over the top, served it's purpose. Paul Rudd (who's doing very well for himself; starred in The Cider House Rules) stars as Tripps, the sensitive, pathetic college student who mistakenly beleives his girlfriend is cheating on him. Reese Witherspoon comes to the rescue and helps him write an evil letter (among other things) as revenge and they send it through Global Express, the overnight delivery service. Early the next morning, Tripps receives a phone call from his girl and he finds out his suspicion was totally wrong. Tripps, with Reese as his reluctant side-kick, tries desperately to retreive the letter but everything (and i mean everything) goes wrong. It was amusing to see Paul get hijacked on a plane, get thrown from a truck, and much more. It was non-stop slap stick comedy and Reese delivers as always. Though not as dialogue smart as some other movies, this movie has substance you can swallow. I enjoyed it, and being that I watched it on tv, means I didn't flip the channel. Not a must see, but definately worthwhile if you're sitting around and have HBO.
That was Jaclyn, up there, but this is Dan. I feel compelled to mention something about this movie. Sure, it's got some semi-famous people in it (and a brunette Reese Witherspoon is MUCH better than a blonde Reese Witherspoon, trust me.), but the true star of this movie was the Volkswagen Thing. Other than that, the movie is surprisingly entertaining, in an 80's sort of way.

     -J H[7:28 PM]