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What would the Bond movies be without the girls? This page is dedicated to the women who, one way or the other, make James Bond's life more interesting.
(The girls are listed by movie.)

Sylvia Trench
  Movies: Dr. No, From Russia With Love
  Actor: Eunice Gayson
    Sylvia Trench is perhaps the most neglected Bond girl of all time. Everybody knows about Honey Ryder, but only the most devoted of Bond fans know anything about Sylvia. Sylvia is an important Bond girl in a number of ways. Most importantly, she is the first Bond girl ever seen in the movies. She is also the person to whom Bond first speaks the famous line, "Bond. James Bond." Also, except for Moneypenny and the new M, she is the only female character to appear in more than one movie. Sylvia is also stronger willed than many of the early Bond girls. She holds her own at the card table against James Bond, and is forward enough to break into his room and start putting with his golf clubs. She has a lesser part in From Russia With Love, but was a way to bridge the two movies to make them seem more connected.

Honey Ryder

  Movie: Dr. No
  Actress: Ursula Andress
  Voice: Monica van der Syl
    Honey Ryder is the first major Bond girl. For most purposes, the major Bond girl in any given movie is the girl he ends up with at the end, although more recent movies seem to have two major girls per movie; a good one and a bad one. In Dr. No, Honey pretty much had the screen all to herself in terms of other women. She set the standards for all future Bond women. From the very first moment she came out of the sea in a white bikini with a dagger on her belt, the Bond girl was born.
    Bond met Honey on Crab Key, where she was collecting shells. Although she is very independent and strong, she doesn't do much in terms of plot. She follows Bond around, and eventually needs to be saved.

Miss Taro

  Movie: Dr. No
  Actress: Zena Marshall
    Miss Taro is one of the first Bond girl villains. She tries to keep Bond at her house so that Dent can come kill him. She sleeps with him in the process, but Bond is never fooled. Taro is taken away by the authorities, but not before spitting in Bond's face.


  Movie: Dr. No
  Actor: Marguerite LeWars
  This girl is working for Dr. No, and tries to photograph Bond at the airport, but only gets his hat. When she tries again Quarrel grabs her and Bond tries to get information from her. She resists when her arm is twisted, and after Bond destroys her film he lets her go.

Dancer in Credits

 **It is interesting to note that the silhouette of the woman dancing in the credits belongs to Martine Beswick. Beswick would later portray Zora in From Russia With Love, and Paula in Thunderball.

Tatiana Romanova

  Movie: From Russia With Love
  Actress: Daniela Bianchi
    Tatiana is chosen by Klebb to seduce Bond in a plot to destroy his reputation and kill him. She worked at the Russian Consulate in Istanbul. This provides the cover of how she fell in love with a photo of Bond in one of their files. After meeting Bond, she eventually does fall in love with him, and betrays Klebb. Tatiana is perhaps most famous for her bedroom scene with Bond. Even today, that scene is used to screen test possible new Bonds. It is interesting to note that, like Honey, Tatiana ends the movie in a boat with Bond.


  Movie: From Russia With Love
  Actress: Martine Beswick
    Zora is one of the two gypsy women that are fighting over a man at the gypsy camp. There fight is interrupted, and Bond asks that it not be started again. Vavra, the head of the gypsies, considers Bond a son after he helps fend off the attack on the camp, and he gives the girls to Bond to decide the matter.


  Movie: From Russia With Love
  Actress: Aliza Gur
    Vida is the other girl involved in the gypsy fight that Bond ultimately decides. (See Zora above.)

Pussy Galore

  Movie: Goldfinger
  Actress: Honor Blackman
    Pussy is most famous for her name, which has a not-so-secret double entendre. She starts out as a villain and a lesbian, but Bond quickly changes that. By the end of the movie she helps him to foil Goldfinger's plot, and also ends up with him at the end of the movie. Pussy is an excellent pilot, and is both Goldfinger's personal pilot and head of Pussy Galore's Flying Circus. She helps save the day when she switches the poison in the plane's tanks with something harmless for Operation Rock'a'bye Baby.

Jill Masterson
  Movie: Goldfinger
  Actress: Shirley Eaton
    Jill Masterson is the famous "golden girl" of the movie. The image of her painted totally in gold on the bed is one of the more famous Bond movie images. She was Goldfinger's girl, helping him cheat at cards and perhaps providing some other services. She quickly falls for Bond, but like many of the Bond girls to follow, sleeping with Bond would become her undoing. She is painted and dies of skin suffocation shortly thereafter.

Tilly Masterson

  Movie: Goldfinger
  Actress: Tania Mallet
    Tilly is Jill's sister, and she tries to kill Goldfinger in revenge. She fails once because of lousy aim, and Bond stops her the second time. Tilly ultimately meets her death at Oddjob's hand, when he breaks her neck with his lethal bowler hat. While alive, Tilly was very rude, and actually interrupts the "Bond. James Bond" line.


  Movie: Goldfinger
  Actress: Nadja Regin
    Nadia is the woman in the pre-credit sequence who lures Bond to her room for him to be killed. However, the attacker's reflection in her eyes alerts Bond, and he spins her around to take the hit meant for him.

Mei Lei

  Movie: Goldfinger
  Actress: Mai Ling
    Mei Lei is one of the women on Goldfinger's plane. She tries to spy on him while he is in the bathroom, but she is thwarted three times.


  Movie: Goldfinger
  Actress: Tricia Muller
    Sydney is Pussy's co-pilot on Goldfinger's private jet, and a member of Pussy's Flying Circus.

Pussy Galore's Flying Circus

  Movie: Goldfinger
  Actresses: Unknown
    The girls of the Flying Circus are very fond of Pussy, and call her skipper. They take part in the sabotaged Operation Rock'a'bye Baby.

Domino Derval

  Movie: Thunderball
  Actress: Claudine Auger
    Domino is the brother of Major Francois Duval. She was Largo's girl, but when she learns that he has killed her brother she turns on him, ultimately killing him. Domino has the claim of being the first girl to make love to Bond underwater.

Fiona Volpe

  Movie: Thunderball
  Actress: Luciana Paluzzi
    Fiona is the first major Bond girl villain. She is multi-talented. She can drive a motorcycle, and she drives it very fast. She is an excellent shot, and as Bond finds out, she is wild in bed. She mocks Bond and how he "turns" women to the good side. She is never turned, and she is ultimately killed when Bond uses her as a human shield.

Paula Caplan

  Movie: Thunderball
  Actress: Martine Beswick
    Paula is Bond's assistant in Nassau. She takes him around on a boat to get a better look at Largo's yacht. She is then captures, and takes cyanide rather than betray her allies.

Patricia Fearing

  Movie: Thunderball
  Actress: Molly Peters
    Molly is the irrigator woman at Shrublands. She resists Bond's charm while she treats him, but ultimately gives in.

Kissy Suzuki

  Movie: You Only Live Twice
  Actress: Mie Hama
    Kissy Suzuki becomes James Bond's fake wife to help him keep up his cover of being a Japanese worker. She goes with Bond to the crater of Blofeld's volcano, and survives being shot at by a helicopter to bring help. She does seem a little short sighted when she comes back to fight in a bikini, but it looks nice when she ends up on a raft with Bond at the end of the movie. This makes her the third girl to end a movie on the water with James Bond.


  Movie: You Only Live Twice
  Actress: Akiko Wakabayashi
    Aki is agent 294, one of Tanaka's female agents. Bond meets her at a sumo wrestling match, and saves Bond twice by arriving in her car at the nick of time. She is killed when she swallows poison meant for Bond.

Helga Brandt

  Movie: You Only Live Twice
  Actress: Karin Dor
    Helga poses as Mr. Osato's secretary, and is also #11 in SPECTRE. She threatens to cut Bond's skin off with a dermatome, but does not. She is then killed by Blofeld when she is tipped into a pool full of piranhas.


  Movie: You Only Live Twice
  Actress: Tsai Chin
    Ling is the girl at the start of the movie who seems to be his undoing when men burst in and "shoot him" with machine guns.

Contessa Teresa de Vicenzo

  Movie: On Her Majesty's Secret Service
  Actress: Diana Rigg
    Teresa was married to an Italian count, and keeps the title Contessa even after he kills himself.
    Bond first meets Tracy when he stops her from drowning herself. He meets her again at a casino, and bails her out of debt. Tracy pays back the money, and perhaps that would have been the end of their meetings. However, Bond needs information from Tracy's father, Draco, about the whereabouts of Blofeld. Draco agrees to tell him if he will date Tracy. Bond agrees, and eventually the two fall in love. Tracy is a good match for Bond. She has her own style of witticisms, such as when she says "We didn't even stop for the prize", after the two are nearly killed in a car chase through a race course. She fools Blofeld into thinking she is falling for him, and holds her own against two of his henchman. Tracy and Bond get married, and she is very happy. That happiness doesn't last long, however. Blofeld and Bunt drive by and shoot Tracy, ending Bond's marriage after mere minutes.

Ruby Bartlett

  Movie: On Her Majesty's Secret Service
  Actress: Angela Scoular
    Ruby is one of Blofeld's allergy girls. She is from Lanceshire (Morgan Bay, actually), and is allergic to chicken. She likes Bond (or rather Sir Hillary), and writes her room number, 8, on his leg with lipstick. Bond sneaks into her room, but their fun is interrupted by her "treatment", which is really a brainwashing scheme by Blofeld.


  Movie: On Her Majesty's Secret Service
  Actress: Catherina von Schell
    Nancy is the only other allergy girl named. She sneaks into Bond's room, having used a nail file to get past the door's electric security system.

Blofeld's Allergy Girls

  Movie On Her majesty's Secret Service
  Actresses: Julie Ege (Scandinavian Girl), Mona Chong (Chinese Girl), Sylvana Henriques (Jamaican Girl), Dani Sheridan (American Girl), Joanna Lumley (English Girl), Zara (Indian Girl), Anoushka Hempel (Austrian Girl), Ingrit Back (German Girl), Helena Ronee (Israeli Girl), Jenny Hanley (Irish Girl)
    These girls from around the world are the rest of the girls that Blofeld is brainwashing.

Tiffany Case

  Movie: Diamonds Are Forever
  Actress: Jill St. John
    Tiffany is part of an international diamond smuggling ring. She first meets Bond when he is pretending to be Peter Franks, a fellow smuggler. Bond later reveals who he is, and Tiffany helps him to foil Blofeld's plot, although she isn't much help. At the end of the movie she is on a yacht with Bond, wondering how to get the diamond satellite down.

Plenty O'Toole

  Movie: Diamonds Are Forever
  Actress: Lana Wood
    Plenty meets Bond at a craps table and becomes his lucky charm. They later go to Bond's room, but before things can get interesting Plenty is thrown out of a window into a pool by some thugs. Her luck continues to be bad, and she is drowned at Tiffany's house, presumably because she is mistaken for Tiffany.

Bambi and Thumper
  Movie: Diamonds Are Forever
  Actresses: Lola Larson (Bambi), Trina Parks (Thumper)
    Bambi and Thumper are the security guards at the house Willard Whyte is at. They attack Bond, and aren't afraid to use low blows. Bond finally beats the two women by knocking them into a pool and holding them underwater until they agree to tell him where Whyte is.


  Movie: Diamonds Are Forever
  Actress: Denise Perrier
    In the pre-title sequence, Bond is searching for Blofeld. The last person he asks is Marie. He isn't very nice. "There's something I'd like you to get off your chest," he says just before choking her with her own bra. Presumably she tells Bond where to find Blofeld, as the next scene is in one of Blofeld's lairs.


  Movie: Live and let Die
  Actress: Jane Seymour
    Solitaire is the high priestess and "bride to the prince no longer of this world". She has the ability to see the future through reading tarot cards. She loses this, however, when Bond tricks her into sleeping with him. Kananga is then going to have her sacrificed, but Bond rescues her.

Rosie Carver

  Movie: Live and Let Die
  Actress: Gloria Hendry
    Rosie is an agent of Kananga's who pretends to be working for the CIA. She meets Bond, having taken the cover of being Mrs. Bond. Bond learns that Rosie is working for Kananga, and threatens to shoot her if she doesn't tell him what he wants to know. She is too scared, and tries to run off. When she does, she is shot by one of Kananga's sentry scarecrows.

Miss Caruso

  Movie: Live and Let Die
  Actress: Madeline Smith
    Miss Caruso is an Italian agent who has been "missing" since her last case, in which she worked for Bond. It turns out she is at Bond's house. They weren't ready to say goodbye.

Mary Goodnight

  Movie: The Man With the Golden Gun
  Actress: Britt Eckland
    Goodnight is an efficient liaison officer in MI6. She helps Bond, and is willing to put up with a lot, including sleeping in a closet. She can sometimes cause trouble, however. She knocks Frazier, one of Scaramanga's guards, into a vat of liquid nitrogen, without realizing this will raise the temperature and cause Scaramanga's entire base to explode. She also activates the Solex machine by hitting one of the buttons with her butt, nearly killing Bond. She then can't turn it off. Despite this, however, she ends up on a junk with Bond, becoming another girl to end up on a boat with Bond.

Andrea Anders

  Movie: The Man With the Golden Gun
  Actress: Maud Adams
    Andrea is Scaramanga's kept mistress. She wants him killed, and lures Bond with a golden bullet with his name on it. She helps Bond, but is killed by Scaramanga for doing so.


  Movie: The Man With the Golden Gun
  Actress: Carmen Sautoy
    Saida is the belly dancer Bill Fairbanks, 002, was with when he was shot by Scaramanga. She took the golden bullet out of the wall and uses it as her lucky charm. Bond meets her, and steals the bullet, since he needs it to track down Scaramanga.

Chu Mi

  Movie: The Man With the Golden Gun
  Actress: Unknown
    Bond meets Chu Mi at Hai Fat's estate. She is swimming. She invites Bond to swim. When he says he doesn't have a bathing suit she responds that she doesn't either.

Anya Amasova (Triple X)

  Movie: The Spy Who Loved Me
  Actress: Barbara Bach
    Anya Amasova is Agent Triple X in the KGB. She is sent to retrieve the microfilm containing the submarine-locating technology. Bond is also sent after the microfilm, and the two compete to see who gets it. After working together to beat Jaws, Triple X uses a poison spraying cigarette to knock Bond out. It turns out the microfilm is worthless, and Bond and Triple X have to join forces to stop Stromberg. They get along well enough, and even become attracted to each other. When they are riding on the train, they play a "waiting game" to see who will come to the other's cabin first. We never see who the winner would be, because Jaws interrupts. The two continue to get along well, until Triple X learns that Bond has killed her lover. She swears revenge after the mission is over. Bond rescues Triple X from Stromberg's sinking lair, and this must be enough to win her back over, because she doesn't kill Bond, even though she has the opportunity. She ends up on the ocean with him, in a floating escape pod.


  Movie: The Spy Who Loved Me
  Actress: Cardine Munroe
    Naomi is Stromberg's assistant. She comes to "collect" Bond and take him to Stromberg's lair. Later she attacks Bond in a helicopter. Bond uses the Lotus' underwater abilities to evade her, and then blows her up with a missile.


  Movie: The Spy Who Loved Me
  Actress: Olga Bisera
    Feliccia is sent to entertain Bond while he waits for Fekkesh. Sandor shows up to kill Bond, but he misses, and Feliccia takes the bullet.

Log Cabin Girl

  Movie: The Spy Who Loved Me
  Actress: Sue Vanner
    This unnamed women is wrapped up in a fur blanket with Bond when we first see her. It turns out that she is bad. When Bond leaves, she informs the attackers waiting outside.

Dr. Holly Goodhead

  Movie: Moonraker
  Actress: Lois Chiles
    Dr. Goodhead is in the C.I.A., and works at NASA. She is a good fighter, and has almost as many gadgets as Bond. She is invaluable to him in helping stop Drake's plans, as she is the one with space shuttle knowledge.


  Movie: Moonraker
  Actress: Emily Bolton
    Manuela is an agent for MI6's Station VH. She is Bond's contact while he is in Venice. She is nearly killed by Jaws, but Bond arrives in time to save her.

Corinne Dufour

  Movie: Moonraker
  Actress: Corinne Clery
    Corinne is Drax's pilot, and it is she who first takes him to Drax's estate. Bond quickly befriends her, and she provides him with valuable information. For this, Drax has his trained dogs kill her.


  Movie: Moonraker
  Actress: Leila Shenna
    This unnamed woman is diverting Bond's attention on the plane before Jaws pushes him out of it.


  Movie: Moonraker
  Actress: Blanch Ravelec
    Dolly is Jaw's girlfriend. Like him, she is silent, but unlike him, she is very small. It is concern for Dolly that is largely responsible for making him decide to help Bond stop Drax.

Countess Labinsky

  Movie: Moonraker
  Actress: Catherine Serre
    Countess Labinsky is seen enjoying Drax play the piano. She later turns out to be one of Drax's perfect women.

Lady Victoria Devon

  Movie: Moonraker
  Actress: Francoise Gayat
    Lady Victoria is the other woman enjoying Drax's piano playing. She is also one of Drax's perfect women.

Drax's Perfect Women

  Movie; Moonraker
  Actresses: Christina Hui, Nicaise Jean Louis, Chicinou Kaepller (Signoria Del Mateo), Beatrice Libert (Mademoiselle Deradier)
    These are the women Drax thinks are perfect, and with whom he plans on repopulating the human race.

Melina Havelock

  Movie: For Your Eyes Only
  Actress: Carole Bouquet
    Melina is daughter of a marine archaeologist, and knows many of his skills. When Melina's parents are killed by Gonzalez, she swears revenge and kills Gonzales. Bond meets her as they try to escape Locque's men. He tells her who is responsible for her parent's death, and Melina helps him stop Kristatos. She doesn't kill him, but Columbo does.

Bibi Dahl

  Movie: For Your Eyes Only
  Actress: Lynn-Holly Johnson
    Bibi is a skater sponsored by Kristatos. She meets Bond, and he takes her to see a biathlon, and she quickly falls for him. Bond does not take advantage of her affections, however. Later Yakoba Brink, her trainer, tries to help her escape from Kristatos, whom she realizes is evil. At the end of the movie she is free from Kristatos, and seems to have a new sponsor; Columbo.

Countess Lisl von Schlaf

  Movie: For Your Eyes Only
  Actress: Cassandra Harris
    Lisi is one of Columbo's girls, who seduces Bond in an attempt to get information out of him. She is largely unsuccessful. The next day, she is killed by Locque and his men.

Sheena Easton

  Movie: For Your Eyes Only
    Sheena Easton is an honorary Bond girl. She is the only Bond theme song singer to appear in the opening credit sequence.


  Movie: Octopussy
  Actress: Maud Adams
    Octopussy lives on an island of all women. She finds girls who need better lives and hires them as sort of body guards. She is an authority on octopi. She is a smuggler, but also has legitimate businesses such as shipping, hotels, carnivals, and circuses. She deals with Kamal, but when she discovers his real plan she and her girls help to stop him. At the end of the movie she ends up on a boat with Bond, becoming the zillionth girl to do so.
    Octopussy has the honor of being the only Bond girl to be the title character in one of the movies.


  Movie: Octopussy
  Actress: Kristina Waybarn
    Magda works for Octopussy, and for a while, Kamal. She steals the Faberge egg from Bond, after sleeping with him. After Kamal's plan is discovered, she helps Octopussy and Bond to stop him.

Penelope Smallbone

  Movie: For Your Eyes Only
  Actress: Michaela Clavell
    Penelope is Moneypenny's assistant. She has only a brief scene, in which Bond gives her a bouquet of flowers originally intended for Moneypenny.


  Movie: Octopussy
  Actress: Tina Hudson
    Bianca helps Bond in the pre-title sequence. She helps him assume Toro's identity, and then helps him escape by showing some leg after he is captured.

Octopussy's Girls

  Movie: Octopussy
  Actresses: Suzanne Jerome (Gwendoline), Cherry Gillespie (Midge), Macy Stavin, Carolyn Seaward, Carole Ashby, Cheryl Anne, Jani-Z, Julie Martin, Joni Flynn, Julie Barth, Kathy Davies, Helene Hunt, Gillian De Terville, Safira Afzal, Loise King, Tina Robinson, Alison Worth, Janine Andrews, Lynda Knight
    These girls are usually in some kind of trouble or in need of a better life when Octopussy finds them and recruits them. They are fiercely loyal to Octopussy, and help defend her home when it is attacked.

Stacey Sutton

  Movie: A View to a Kill
  Actress: Tanya Roberts
    Stacey inherited Sutton oil from her father, and is fighting a legal battle to keep Zorin Enterprises from taking it over. She refuses to settle when Zorin offers her five million dollars to drop her lawsuit. She meets Bond, and tries to help him stop Zorin, but she is somewhat "ditzy". Bond ends up rescuing her more than she helps him.

May Day

  Movie: A View to a Kill
  Actress: Grace Jones
    May Day is Zorin's personal trainer and henchwoman. She serves him well, until he tries to kill her in the explosion under the lake. She then helps Bond remove the bomb, and she dies saving the day.

Jenny Flex

  Movie: A View to a Kill
  Actress: Alison Doody
    Jenny is another of Zorin's girls, much like May Day. She has a much lesser role, and ends up drowned in the cave after some of the lake flows in.

Paula Ivanova

  Movie: A View to a Kill
  Actress: Fiona Fullerton
    Paula is a KGB agent who tries to blow up Zorin's oil pumps. She meets Bond, and the two seem to have a previous relationship. She tries to steal an important tape from him, but she ends up with only a tape of classical music.

Kimberly Jones

  Movie: A View to a Kill
  Actress: Mary Stavin
    Kimberly is the woman in the iceberg at the end of the pre-title sequence. She gets to spend five days alone with Bond, as the head to Alaska.

Kara Milovy

  Movie: The Living Daylights
  Actress: Maryam D'Abo
    Kara is Koskov's girlfriend. She is used as a pawn, posing as a fake sniper who is meant to be killed. Bond spares her, and meets up with her again, saving her from Koskov's men. She is briefly tricked into thinking that Koskov is still a good guy, but she quickly realizes she should trust Bond. She goes after Bond when she thinks he is in trouble, and brings the Mojahadin with her. She also "helps" him on the plane, although she does almost throw him out the back of it and then almost crashes. Bond manages to get them to safety, and Kara goes back to being a professional cellist.


  Movie: The Living Daylights
  Actress: Kell Tyler
    Linda has the honor of receiving the first Dalton "Bond. James Bond", line. Bond lands on her yacht after the trouble on Gibraltar, and borrows her phone. He tells headquarters he'll report in an hour, but when Linda offers him a drink he extends that to two hours.

Pam Bouvier

  Movie: Licence to Kill
  Actress: Carey Lowell
    Pam is a CIA contract pilot, and one of Leiter's contacts. Bond meets her at the bar after Leiter is hurt, and he hires her to fly him to Isthmus. She agrees, and becomes an ally of Bond. She spends much of the movie posing as Ms. Kennedy, Bonds executive secretary. She saves Bond's life by shooting Dario, and helps him again by "crop-dusting" some men shooting at Bond.

Lupe Lamora

  Movie: Licence to Kill
  Actress: Talisa Soto
    Lupe is Sanchez's girl. She runs away, and is partly responsible for him getting caught. (She was whipped by Sanches beforehand for disobedience.) She wants to leave Sanchez, and falls in love with Bond. At the end of the movie she ends up with the president of Isthmus.

Natalya Simonova

  Movie: Goldeneye
  Actress: Isabella Scorupco
    Natalya is a level 2 programmer working on Goldeneye's guidance systems. She is the sole survivor when Ourumov and Xenia steal the Goldeneye keys. Bond finds her, and she helps him stop Trevelyan's plan. She programs the satellite to burn up in the atmosphere. She also saves Bond by hijacking a helicopter and picking him up when the dish is about to fall.

Xenia Onatopp

  Movie: Goldeneye
  Actress: Famke Jansen
    Xenia works for Trevelyan as one of his killers. She shares some of Bond's passions, including fast driving and baccarat. She also enjoys killing, which she does with either guns or her thighs. She kills an admiral so that his I.D. can be used to help her steal the Goldeneye helicopter. She is a good fighter, but Bond shoots down the helicopter she is attached to, and she is crushed against a tree.


  Movie: Goldeneye
  Actress: Serena Gordon
    Caroline is an evaluator sent to assess Bond. She doesn't like fast driving, but that doesn't stop her from liking Bond.


  Movie: Goldeneye
  Actress: Minni Driver
    Irina is Zukovsky's mistress. She is a very bad singer, and makes rude gestures when angry.

Colonel Wai Linn

  Movie: Tomorrow never Dies
  Actress: Michelle Yeoh
    Linn first meets Bond when she is posing as a reporter from the New China News Agency. She is really an agent of the Chinese People's External Security Force. She and Bond team up to stop carver. Linn is an expert martial arts fighter, and is fearless. She is invaluable help to Bond. At the end of the movie, she ends up floating on the water with Bond, keeping the tradition alive into the nineties.

Paris Carver

  Movie: Tomorrow Never Dies
  Actress: Teri Hatcher
    Paris is Elliot Carver's wife. When she meets Bond, with whom she once had a relationship, at the party, she falls for him again. Elliot punishes her for her infidelity by having her killed by Dr. Kaufmann, who was then to make it look like Bond killed her and committed suicide.

Professor Inga Bergstrom

  Movie: Tomorrow Never Dies
  Actress: Cecile Thomsen
    Inga is a Danish teacher at Oxford. At the beginning of the movie Bond is with her "brushing up on his Dutch."

Dr. Christmas Jones

  Movie: The World is Not Enough
  Actress: Denise Richards
    Dr. Jones is an IDA nuclear physicist. Bond meets her when he is posing as Dr. Arkov. She exposes him, nearly getting them both killed. She makes up for it, however, when she helps Bond disarm a nuclear bomb that is going to blow up part of Elektra's pipeline, and she also helps him on the nuclear sub.

Elektra King

  Movie: The World is Not Enough
  Actress: Sophie Marceau
    Elektra was kidnapped by Reynard. When her father won't pay the ransom she seduces her guards and kills to of her captors. She then makes Reynard fall in love with her, and he essentially starts working for her. She then uses him to steal a nuclear bomb for him in her plot to blow up Istanbul. This would permanently disrupt the three Russian oil pipelines, leaving her with a monopoly. Elektra skis well, and is an excellent manipulator. She seduces Bond, and reveals an ice fetish during sex. Bond eventually realizes Elektra is in league with Reynard, and he shoots her.

Dr. Molly Warmflash

  Movie: The World is Not Enough
  Actress: Serena Scott Thomas
    Dr. Warmflash is the MI6 doctor who gives Bond a clean bill of health after he injures his shoulder. However, she makes Bond promise to call her after they "skirt the issue".

The Cigar Girl

  Movie: The World is Not Enough
  Actress: Maria Grazia Cucinotta
    This woman is never named. She delivers cigars at the bank, and later kills the banker. She then tries to escape on a boat, but Bond chases her. She ends up on a hot air balloon, with Bond hanging on to its rope. She kills herself rather than face Reynard's wrath. She shoots the balloon's air tanks, forcing Bond to drop a long distance, injuring his shoulder.


  Movie: Die Another Day
  Actress: Halle Barry
    Giacinta Johnson, better known as Jynx, is an NSA agent out to stop Grave's plan. She teams up with Bond. Jynx is an excellent agent and fighter. She is perhaps the Bond girl most equal to Bond's skill level. (Although Wai Linn was pretty good too.) Jynx is a very popular character, and may be getting her own spin-off movie soon.

Miranda Frost

  Movie: Die Another Day
  Actress: Rosamund Pike
    Miranda is a double agent. She pretends to work for MI6, but she really works for Graves, who arranged for her to win a gold medal in fencing at the Olympics. She stays close to Graves by pretending to be spying on him. This allows her to help him. Miranda sleeps with Bond, and steals his gun, putting him in a difficult position. Bond escapes, however. It is Jynx who eventually kills Miranda in a sword fight. She stabs her through the heart.


  Movie: Die Another Day
  Actress: Madonna
    Verity is the fencing instructor who taught Miranda. She doesn't have a large role, but she does introduce Bond to Graves.

Peaceful Fountains of Desire

  Movie: Die Another Day
  Actress: Rachel Grant
    "Peaceful" goes to Bond's hotel room in Hong Kong, claiming to be a masseuse. Bond knows, however, that she is one of Chang's agents.

Korean Scorpion Guard

  Movie: Die Another Day
  Actress: Tymarah
    This unnamed woman is the head torturer at the Korean prison Bond is held in. She is the one who uses scorpions to torture Bond.

Vesper Lynd

  Movie: Casino Royale
  Actress: Eva Green
  Vesper is sent to France to watch out for the money MI6 has staked Bond to win the poker game. Although at first she is cold to Bond, eventuallyshe falls in love with him, and Bond actually asks her to marry him. Unfortunately, her boyfriend was kidnapped and she was forced to work for Mr. White, the leader of a terrorist group. She drowns in an elevator in the waters of Venice as a building collapses due to a firefight between Bond and Mr. White's henchmen.


  Movie: Casino Royale
  Actress: Caterina Murino
  Solange is the wife of Dimitrios. Bond seduces her to get information about her husband's next move.

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