Written by Starlight63

Like one of my most famous passengers, I too am unsinkable.
We both saw horrors unimaginable to most.
The Titanic sinking, the horrors of two world wars, having most of yourself stripped
Away through the years, until only your hull is left.
I was once one of the most beautiful ships in the world.
Now I am but a memory of the beauty I once was,
But perhaps one day I shall again be that beauty.
Though we both are unsinkable, she was the more famous of us, until recently at least.
Like her, I was given a second chance.
I was to meet the same fate as my older and younger sisters;
I had apparently outlived my usefulness. And like most of my kind who have outlived
Their usefulness, I was to be scrapped.
But then I proved just how unsinkable I was by calling out to those who still worked at
My builders. During my years of life I had heard talk of the demise of my owners and
How my builders were not as grand as they once were.
Was I truly so unsinkable as to be the last ship left to the greatest shipping line ever?
Was that my fate? To show people just how glamorous those early years had been?
Since I too am unsinkable that is all I shall ever be, a reminder, and a tribute, to the
Greatest ships and line that were to sail the oceans.
I doubt that many will understand my true worth, but I will continue to do my duty and
Provide a good name and image for my builders and owners.
I owe all of my sisters that much, seeing as I am the only one to truly be a truly Unsinkable ship.
