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This page is devoted to 2 things (In the order of importance!)

My Awesome girlfriend Katie:

(click any photo for a bigger view) 

      katiehoop.jpg (35596 bytes)     




Here she is one night..thinking she can hawk a loogie:

loogie.jpg (28709 bytes)



some pics from her birthday:

       katie1.jpg (202123 bytes)             katie2.jpg (195915 bytes)



and the most recent pics from colgate and "around"

us23.jpg (35876 bytes)              us22a.jpg (35281 bytes)          away.jpg (50502 bytes)

nightout.jpg (25803 bytes)

what a cutie!

   kate33.jpg (29360 bytes)           kateface.jpg (31995 bytes)        pic 3.jpg (30204 bytes)


and some pictures that we had taken together: 


pic1.jpg (31738 bytes)        pic2.jpg (48232 bytes)        pic 4.jpg (17806 bytes)        pic 5.jpg (53024 bytes)


pic 6.jpg (33185 bytes)


I love you Katie!
















and the link to my car's website:

1997 Mustang GT Convertible