Coming together
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Gekko comes together.

At this point the Gekko is really starting to take shape.

Most of the parts have now been permanently attached to the fuselage or wing.

The main gear is still just in dry but all doors and tail wheel are glued in.

Other side.

looking up through the front you can see clear into the cockpit.

I must say that the tail wheel turned out much better then I expected it would.

20 mm access door just need decal and prop rods.

Overhead view.

Pitot tube and antennas are painted and attached.

Finished right hand gear.

The wheel wells are much more blue then they appear here. In fact all the anti corrosion blue coating is much more blue. Surprisingly most other colors come across pretty close.

Finished tail wheel.

The props seams and decal location marks were puttied and are drying.

Another cockpit shot.

What is left to do? Not much really. A little touch up work on seams, a wash along all the panel lines and a dusting of specail sauce, decals, glass, and final gluing of assemblies. A few other minor things (props oil cooler scoops lights) and the Tamiya Gekko will be finished.

More to come.