INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM STORY BY: GEORGE LUCAS SCREENPLAY BY: WILLARD HUYCK AND GLORIA KATZ TM* & (c) Lucasfilm Ltd., 1984 -------------- FADE IN: 1. INT. "THE DRAGON" NIGHTCLUB - NIGHT 1. A Chinese GONG SOUNDS and the glittering doors of an art Deco pa- poda slide open to reveal a mammoth silver stairway down which rows of beautiful women start descending (BEGIN MAIN TITLES) The lovely ladies are a mix of races and they sing a strange, haunting melody -- one might think them a heavenly choir, if it weren't for their sexy, clinging lame gowns. 2. INT. CLUB ENTRANCE 2. From the ethereal beauties, we cut to a street urchin's dirty face: SHORT ROUND is a ten-year-old Chinese kis wearing a beat- up American baseball cap. Sneaking into the club, Short Round weaves past the fancy gowns and silk suits, heading toward the music in the main ballroom. 3. INT. THE BALLROOM 3. Short Round enters and stares across the smoky nightclub. On the stage, he sees a giant paper-mache dragon laying curled around the pagoda. Now, the dragon's eyes light up, its nostrils exhale smoke and its enormous jaws open. Out of the dragon's mouth walks the star of the stage show: WILLIE SCOTT, a dreamy beauty singing a sultry solo white the or- chestra wails the accompaniment. But Short Round's not here to ogle crooning dames. He surveys the rich Chinese, American and European revelers. Jewels flash and champagne flows. Short Round finally spots a table of somber-looking Chinese men in suits. Short Round chews gum and stares at the men. Then he turns to go. WU HAN, a waiter with a scar across his cheek, watches Short Round leave. 4. INT. CLUB ENTRANCE 4. As Short Round hurries toward the exit, he bumps into a man in a tuxedo entering the club. Short Round looks up at the man, but we don't see his face. Then Short Round is grabbed by the scruff of his neck and a door- man hustles him out the door, Short Round yelling insults all the way. A maitre d' apologizes to the man in the tuxedo and two hat-check girls smile at him familiarly as he continues into the ballroom. We notice something incongruous: the man in the tuxedo is wear- ing work boots caked with mud. 5. INT. THE BALLROOM 5. The man in the tuxedo stops to watch Willie Scott singing sexily on the stage. Then he looks around and sees the table of somber Chinese men that Short Round spotted earlier. As the man in the tuxedo walks toward the table, he removes a cigarette from a silver case. He arrives at the table just as the chorus and orchestra reach a crescendo -- And on the stage, a glistening, muscular slave swings a huge ham- mer toward an enormous brass gong -- The man in the tuxedo leans to receive a light from a cigarette- girl and, as the GONG BOOMS, the match flares to reveal his face for the first time: It's INDIANA JONES. Elegant in a tuxedo -- dressed to kill. The TITLES END and over this a legend appears on the screen: SHANGHAI - 1935 At the table, the four Chinese man in suits stare coldly at Indi- ana. LAO Dr. Jones. INDIANA Lao She. LAO Nee chin lie how ma? Lao's men laugh and assume that Indy doesn't understand his joke. INDIANA Wah hung how, nee nah? Wah hwey hung jing chee jah loo nee kao soo wah shu shu. LAO SHE looks angry and his men's smiles fade. LAO You never told me you spoke my language, Dr. Jones. INDIANA I don't like to show off. Indiana takes a seat across the table from Shanghai's notorious crime-lord. Lao is fifty, wealthy enough to now display some fat, but still muscular from his fight to the top of the garbage heap. LAO For this special occasion, I ordered champagne and caviar. Indiana looks at the pile of caviar on the plate in front of him -- and stubs his cigarette out in it. The cigarette sizzles and Lao's smiles dies with it. There's applause as Wille Scott finishes her song. At the table, Lao stares at Indiana with a strange intensity. LAO So, it is true, Dr. Jones? you found Nurhachi? INDIANA Sure, I found him. Then last night I had a little trouble. Somebody tried to slit my throat. Indiana looks across the table at Lao's son, CHEN, who resembles a bulldog and snarls like one now. INDIANA (Cont'd) It was dark, but I think one of your sons tried to get Nurhachi without paying for him. Indy stares pointedly at Chen's recently bandaged hand. Chen mutters and stands angrily -- Lao barks a command in Chinese and Chen sits down again. LAO You have insulted my son. INDIANA Next time I'll cut off more than his finger. LAO Dr. Jones -- I want Nurhachi. Lao pulls a wad of cash out of his pocket and puts it on the table. Indiana glances at it. INDIANA As I recall the deal was consid- erably more. Now a pretty hand slips onto Lao's shoulder and he looks up to see Willie Scott. Lao kisses her hand. Willie is unaware of the explosive mood at the table and she smiles flirtaciously at Indi- ana. WILLIE (to Lao) Aren't you going to introduce us? LAO This is Willie Scott. (watching Indy) And this is Indiana Jones, the famous archaeologist. Willie sits down between Lao and Indy. She takes out a small mirror to check her make-up. LAO (Cont'd) Dr. Jones found Nurhachi for me and is about to deliver him -- now. Lao nods across the table and Indy sees KAO KAN, Lao's second son, open his coat and remove a silver-plated pistol. Indiana looks worried. Willie doesn't notice as she fixes her make-up and coyly teases Indiana. WILLIE Well -- I thought archaeologists were always funny little men searching for their mummies -- (yelping) Aaahhh! She looks down terrified at the knife Indy is poking against her ribs. WILLE (Cont'd) I was only kidding, can't you take a joke -- ? (to Lao) Lao, he's got a knife! INDIANA Put the gun away, sonny. Kao Kan glances at his father. Lao finally nods to his son and he slips the pistol back into his pocket. INDIANA Now I suggest you pay me what you promised -- or your girlfriend here is going to be squealing a new tune. The ritzy patrons at the tables nearby are unaware of the tawdry drama quietly unfolding at this table. Willie eyes the blade and whimpers. She looks imploringly at Lao and he slowly reaches into his pocket. He puts ten gold coins next to the cash on the table. Indy leans forward to look at the gold coins -- so intently that he fails to notice Kao Kan spilling some powder into Indy's cham- pagne glass! INDIANA Try again Lao -- the deal was more. The knife pokes Willie and she whimpers again. Lao reaches into another pocket and brings out a folded piece of rice paper -- he opens it and a large diamond and ruby spill out onto the table. INDIANA (Cont'd) see, Lao, with a but of persuasion, even you can be an honest fellow. Indy smiles and jabs the knife into the middle of the table. Then he lifts his champagne glass in a toast to Lao -- who watches expectantly as Indiana moves the glass toward his lips -- Suddenly Willie stands angrily, jostling Indy's arm so that he doesn't drink his champagne. WILLIE Look at this! He put a hole in my dress from Paris! Lao sees Indy put his champagne glass down and he snarls at Wil- lie -- LAO Sit down! Willie quickly obeys. Lao forces a smile at Indy and lifts his glass to seal the deal -- LAO (Cont'd) To your health, Dr. Jones. Lao sips hs champagne and watches hopefully as Indy picks up his glass and this time Indy does drink the champagne. Then he reaches for the cash -- But Chen grins and puts a silver snuff bottle next to the cash, gold and jewels -- he tips the little bottle over and some white powder spills out of it -- INDIANA What's that? LAO A bonus, Dr. Jones. That is poison. You just drank the rest of it. Indiana examines his champagne glass and sees a residue at the bottom of it. He swallows and feels sick, wondering it it's fear or the poison already taking effect. LAO (Cont'd) There is an antidote for this poison. You give me Nurhachi -- I give you the antidote. Indiana is sweating. Willie looks at him and sees Indy's hand shaking. LAO (Cont'd) The poison works fast, Dr. Jones. Where is Nurhachi? Indiana finally reaches into his pocket. Next to the cash, gold, jewels and poison, Indiana sets down a beautiful small box. Lao and his men stare hypnotically at the exquisite gold and enamel box. WILLIE (nervously) This Nurhachi's a very small guy. Nobody pays any attention to her as Lao reaches for the box. INDIANA Inside are the remains of Nur- hachi -- the first Emperor of the Manchu Dynasty. Lao opens the box carefully and stares reverently at the grey powder inside. INDIANA (Cont'd) Now what about the antidote, Lao. LAO (holding the box) At last I have the ashes of my sacred ancestor! WILLIE So, what's the big deal? Let me see it -- Qillie grabs Lao's arm and some of the precious ashes spill out of the gold box. Stunned by this desecration of his ancestor, Lao grabs Willie by the wrist and twists her arm -- LAO You fool! WILLIE Ow, you're hurting me, you miser- able little hood! INDIANA Let go of her, Lao. And give me the antidote. Lao just laughs evilly -- until a waiter moves up behind Lao and the crimelord suddenly stiffens. He lets go of Willie's wrist and raises his hands off the table. Chen stops collecting the money and jewels. Kao Kan tenses and Indy smiles at Wu Han, the Chinese waiter with the scar, who is standing behind Lao. Wu Han has a towel over his hand -- under it, he has a pistol pressed against Lao's spine. INDIANA (Cont'd) (smiling at Wu Han) I like the service here. WILLIE (puzzled) Hey, he's not a waiter... INDIANA No, Wu Han's an old friend I brought along. (to Lao) So, the game's not over. Put the antidote on the table, Lao. Lao carefully reaches into his pocket and puts a small glass vial of liquid next to the cash, gold, jewels, poison and sacred box. Indy looks relieved as he reaches for the vial of antidote -- then he hears a muffled report! And another! Wu Han groans and sways. Indy starts to stand but Chen immedi- ately turns the smoking pistol with the silencer that he used to kill Wu Han -- Indy sees it pointed at him now and he remains in his seat. Kao Kan stands and grabs Wu Han, easing the phoney waiter into the chair he just vacated. The muffled shooting hasn't attracted any attention. The nightclub activity continues an Indy speaks emotionally to his dying friend. INDIANA Wu Han -- listen to me -- I'm going to get you out of here. In pain, Wu Han looks at Indy and struggles to speak -- WU HAN Not this time, my friend... (smiling bravely) I followed you on many adventures -- but into the great Unknown Mystery, I go first, Indy... Wu Han dies and slumps forward. Indiana is shattered by the death of his old friend. LAO Don't be sad, Dr. Jones -- you will soon join him. Indy's gaze shifts from his dead friend to Lao's sneering face. Then Indy sees the murderous Chen giggling perversely. Indy's anger is compounded by the poison burning in his gut and his vis- ion of Chen's ugly face blurs into a double image -- Indy stands up unsteadily. Chen assumes he's about to keel over from the poison -- but Indy suddenly turns and grabs a real wai- ter at another table. The waiter holds a long skewer of roasted pigeons that he's just set afire -- Indy grabs the skewer of pigeons flambee and hurls is across the table! Chen fires and misses -- and screams as the skewer stabs into his chest and the burning pigeons flame in front of his hor- rified face! This the other tables definitely notice. There are screams and all hell breaks loose. Indiana shoves past Willie and reaches for the vial on the table -- INDIANA The antidote -- ! But he's grabbed from behind by Kao Kan. Indy elbows the punk, reaches back and grabs his head -- and somersaults Kao Kan onto the table! As nubmer two son crashes into the table, the impact sends the Emperor Nurhachi's ashes billowing into Lao's stricken face! Indiana yells as he sees the vial of antidote rolling across the table -- and falling! Indiana dives and catches the antidote just before it hits the floor -- then Indy's hand is brutally stomped on by one of Lao's henchmen and the vial rolls away. Indiana angrily raises his head, smashing it up into the hench- man's groin -- the man howls like a banshee and hobbles away. Meanwhile, Willie watches Lao grabbing for cash from the table. Willie lunges past the pigeon-skewered Chen to snatch the jewels, but unfortunately Kao Kan knocks them off the table as he leaps to attack Indy. Indiana scrambles on his hands and knees after the rolling vial. People keep kicking it -- he almost has it when Willie runs into him, trips and lands on her back. INDIANA Look out, damn it, I need that antidote! WILLIE Who cares? Where's that diamond! Gunfire explodes and they both scramble in different directions. Indy dives through the fleeing nightclub patrons and slides be- hind a water-spewing fountain. Water kicks up as Indy is shot at by Lao and his henchmen. Indy sees the vial of antidote kicked again and it spins across the marble floor -- feeling the poison, Indy shakes his head groddily and splashes water on his face. Meanwhile, Willie is chasing her diamond, shoving through the panicked crowd. She spots the diamond! Another elegantly dresses soman is bending to pick it up -- WILLIE (acidly polite) Excuse me, but I believe that's my diamond! Willie smiles and suddenly kicks the woman in the butt! Willie reaches to get the diamond but not before the other woman tackles her. Behind the fountain, Indiana makes a break -- he runs and dives on top of a serving cart. The wheeled cart hurtles toward an un- suspecting gunman, crashes into him from behind and sends him flying head first into a row of ice buckets. Nearby, Willie slugs the other lady in the jaw and grabs for the elusive diamond just as the ice buckets showers ice across the floor -- which camouflages the diamond! WILLIE Aw nuts! Searching desperately for the jewel, Willie sees the vial of antidote spinning across the floor --as it slides by, she grabs it. INDIANA (O.S.) Hey,doll! Don't move! She sees Indy speeding by atop the serving cart. Lao and his gunmen rush out to block the way. Indy rolls off the cart and slides behind a potted palm as Lao's men open fire again. INDIANA (Cont'd) (shouting to Willie) Hey, don't go away! I need that! Willie smiles meanly as she slips the vial down the front of her dress, thumbs her nose at Indiana and walks away. INDIANA (Cont'd) If I wasn't dying, I'd kill her... Hiding behind the palm tree, Indiana looks around and spots a gi- ant statue at the side of the stage. Indy makes a break for it. As the gunmen open fire, Indy springs onto a chair -- jumps onto a table -- and leaps onto the stage. He grabs the golden broad- sword from the Chinese warrior statue! As bullets smash into the statue, Indiana hides behind it. Then he jumps out and swings the large sword toward the enormous brass gong. The crimson cord holding the gong is SLASHED! Indy slings the sword at his assailants and gives the three-meter-high gong a helpful shove -- The giant gong rolls and echoes as it crashes down the marble steps. Indiana ducks behind it as it gains momentum and rolls across the dance floor. Using the gong as an enormous shield, Indy evades the gunfire ex- ploding -- bullets ricochet off the rolling brass gong as Indy runs behind it. Ahead, Willie hurries toward an exit -- she hears something and turns -- her eyes go wide as she sees the mammoth gong bearing down on her! Willie yells as Indiana grabs her arm and pulls her behind the gong with him -- Lao watches amazed as he and his gunmen dodge tables trying to get better firing positions -- and more henchmen come into the club now and start firing machine guns! As bullets clang against the gong, Indiana and Willie run behind it. Willie hollers as they head directly for a towering, floor- to-ceiling window! Indiana grabs Willie around the waist and, after the huge gong crashes through the stained-glass window, they both fly after it! 6. EXT. "THE DRAGON" NIGHTCLUB - NIGHT 6. In a shower of sparkling glass, the enormous gong sails out and crashes down a sloping green-tiled roof. Indiana Jones and Wil- lie Scott hurtle into the night air after it! The gong rolls down the roof and they hit the tiles behind it, Indiana holding onto Willie as they roll one-over-the-other toward the edge -- Willie screams as they fall into thin air! Their entwined bodies plummet three stories: ripping through a third-floor awning, crashing through an old man's mattress on a second-floor balcony -- Finally they smash through the convertible top of a parked Duesen- berg and fall into the back seat! 7. INT. THE DUESENBERG 7. Willie sits up wide-eyed, speechless and amazed to be alive. Then she sees an equally astonished Short Round looking at them from the front seat. SHORT ROUND Wow! Holy smoke! Crash landing! INDIANA Step on it, Short Round! SHORT ROUND Okey doke, Indy! Hold onto your potatoes! The twelve-year-old Chinese kid turns his baseball cap bill- backwards and steps on the gas! The tires squeal as the car roars off -- WILLIE For crying out loud, a kid's driv- ing the car?! INDIANA Relax, I've been giving him lessons. 8. EXT. THE NIGHTCLUB - NIGHT 8. The Duesenberg races past the entrace to the nightclub as Lao and his man rush out and jump into two black sedans. The sedans screech off in pursuit of the Duesenberg. 9. INT. THE DUESENBERG 9. As Short Round eagerly swerves around a corner, Willie holds on for dear life. Indiana suddenly puts his hand down the front of Willie's dress -- WILLIE Listen, we just met for crissake! I'm not that kind of gril! INDIANA Don't get your hopes up -- where's the antidote? Indiana withdraws his hand, having finally found the vial. He opens is quickly, tips the vial to his lips and grimaces as he swallows the stuff. WILLIE You don't look very good. INDIANA Poison never agrees with me. (shouting forward) Pull a right, Short Round, and head for the Wang Poo bridge! SHORT ROUND Check! Gotcha! As the car accelerates, Indy peers out the back window at their pursuers. Willie notices her reflection in the side window -- WILLIE Look at what you've done to me! I'm a mess! My lipstick's smeared, I broke two nails, I've got an aw- ful run in my stocking -- ! Gunfire suddenly explodes, bullets whizz through the canvas top and the rear window shatters and sprays glass! Willie ducks and cringes terrified in the corner -- INDIANA Somehow I think you've got bigger problems. Indy grabs his shoulder bag and pulls a pistol out of it. He pokes the gun through the broken window and starts firing back at their pursuers -- then he turns and looks ahead. INDIANA (Cont'd) There, Shorty! Through the tunnel! Through the windows we see the car racing into a tunnel. Lights from the pursuing cars flash through the rear window and gunfire echoes in the tunnel. WILLIE What're we going to do?! Where're we going?! INDIANA The airport...No, look out, Short Round! Left, left! Indy reaches over the front seat and helps Short Round navigate. 10. EXT. A SHANGHAI SQUARE - NIGHT 10. The Duesenberg tears around the square, followed by Lao's two se- dans. People on the street dive for cover -- coolies pulling rickshaws go into hyper-jov --lanterns spanning the street crash down and are dragged behind the Duesenberg. Bullets exlode and amazed prostitutes watch the cars zoom past. 11. INT. THE DUESENBERG - NIGHT 11. The chaotic chase continues -- bullets whine past and the shred- ded convertible top whips in the wind. INDIANA (shouting) You got the tickets, Short Round? SHORT ROUND Sure, Indy -- three tickets! You, me and Wu Han -- Shorty throws an envelope back and Indy looks at the three tickets. INDIANA (sadly) Wu Han's not coming, Shorty. Unaware of what happened at the club, Short Round thinks a mo- ment. SHORT ROUND Don't worry, Indy. Short Round number one bodyguard now! Willie reaches for the extra ticket. WILLIE I'll take the extra ticket. (grabbing it from Indy) Where's this plane going anyway? INDIANA Siam. WILLIE Siam? But I'm not dressed for Siam... 12. EXT. COUNTRY HIGHWAY - NIGHT 12. Leaving behind the squalid port, the Duesenberg flies along the highway through the trees. In a moment, Lao's two sedans race by. 13. EXT. NANG TAO AIRFIELD - NIGHT 13. The Duesenberg swings around a curve and skids through gravel to- ward the airfield. In the distance there is a small terminal but Short Round wheels the car toward the cargo area -- A two-engine passenger plane is revving its motors and the last passengers are boarding. The Duesenberg squeals to a stop and Indy jumps out with Willie and Short Round right on his heels. A contingent of airport Military Police move to bar their way until WEBER, a heavy-set Englishman, runs up pufffing and shout- ing. WEBER No, no, they're all right! Let them through please. INDIANA Thanks, Weber. WEBER Dr. Jones, this is positively the last time our airline can hold a plane for you. Now you must hurry! While Short Round grabs a small bag out of the car, Weber and a stewardess take their tickets and rush them all toward the air- plane. Meanwhile, the two sedans skid to a stop and Lao and his son Kao Kan jumpsout with their henchmen. The puzzled military police advance on them usspiciously -- Realizing he's outnumbered, Lao instructs his men to stay back and to put away their weapons. 14. EXT. THE AIRPLANE 14. Willie and Short Round charge up the ladder and onto the plane. Indy pauses at the top of the steps to give Lao a cocky farewell salute. Indy boards the plane and the co-pilot slams the door. 15. EXT. THE AIRFIELD 15. The plane starts taxiing. By the cars, Lao is buffeted by the prop wash as he angrily watches the plane roll away. Behind Lao, his son, Kao Kan, stares at the plane taking off -- a look on Kao Kan's face indicates that he hasn't given up yet... The plane lifts off the airfield, silhouetted against the clouds and the first light of dawn. CUT TO: 16. EXT. THE DKY - MORNING 16. The sun flashes above the horizon and the plane banks through white billowing clouds at it heads west. 17. INT. THE PLANE 17. A door opens at the rear of the plane and Indiana Jones exits wearing more familiar attire: a beat-up leather jacket over a khaki shirt and a snap-brim hat. He passes a dozen passengers as he moves up the aisle carrying his rolled-up tuzedo. In the first row, Willie is busy fixing her make-up. Shorty sits in the seat across the aisle from her. Indy comes up and drops his tuxedo onto the floor. Willie sees him hook his coiled bullwhip over a coat-peg. WILLIE So, what're you supposed to be, a lion tamer? INDIANA Since I was nice enough to let you tag along, why don't you give your mouth a rest? Okay, doll? Indy pats her leg -- she removes his hand and reaches down and picks up his tuxedo coat. She slips it on. WILLIE I'm freezing. What do you mean, tag along? From the minute you walked into that nightclub, you haven't been able to keep your eyes off me. INDIANA Oh yeah? He smiles and tips his hat down over his eyes to go to sleep... 18. INT. THE COCKPIT 18. At the same moment, the Chinese co-pilot tips his hat up off his eyes -- and looks scared to death! He exclaims in Chinese -- CO-PILOT (*subtitled*) Good lord! He and the pilot see two biplanes materialize out of the clouds and dive directly toward them! Suddenly, machine gunfire erupts! PILOT (*subtitled) Dive for the clouds! Dive! 19. EXT. THE SKY - DAY 19. The DC-3 banks into the clouds as the two biplanes attack. In the back seat of the first biplane, we see Kao Kan watching the DC-3 like a hawk about to bring down a sparrow. 20. INT. THE COCKPIT 20. The biplanes swoop past both sides of the plane and bursts of gunfire rip along the fuselage. CO-PILOT (*subtitled) They hit a fuel line! PILOT (*subtitled*) Reduce speed -- get everyone out of the plane! 21 INT. THE PASSENGER CABIN 21. As the air battle rages, the passengers are tossed about and some start screaming. Short Round peers out a window. SHORT ROUND Lao send planes to kill Indy! Willie shakes Indy's arm but he continues snoring under his hat. WILLIE Wake up! It's the drug he drank to stop the poison -- The cockpit door bursts open and the Chinese co-pilot exits to make an announcement -- he smiles and speaks in CHINESE, then he smiles and speaks in FRENCH -- Willie looks lost until the Chinese co-pilot smiles again and speaks in ENGLISH -- CO-PILOT Please to remain calm. We start passing out parachutes now -- The co-pilot hurries toward the rear. Willie looks petrified as a stewardess rushes up and hands her a parachute. WILLIE You got to be kidding! No! No, I can't! The pilot hurries out of the cockpit and grabs his parachute as he heads toward the back. WILLIE (Cont'd) Wait -- who's flying the plane?! She opens the door to the cockpit -- WILLIE (Cont'd) Nobody's flying the plane ... 22. EXT. THE SKY - DAY 22. The DC-3 smokes through the clouds. Passengers are bailing out -- parachutes billowing. As one of the fighters swoops through the parachutes, Kao Kan searches the faces -- then he points at the DC-3. KAO KAN (into the radio) Jones! Indiana Jones! The two planes roar off and start strafing the DC-3 again. 23. INT. THE PASSENGER CABIN 23. The co-pilot has a parachute on and is trying to get Short Round into one. CO-PILOT Put it on! What's wrong with you? You've got to jump! SHORT ROUND No, can't leave Indy! Short Round suddenly butts the co-pilot in the stomach with his head. The co-pilot yells and falls out the door. Short Round sees the co-pilot's parachute billow. Then Willie rushes up. WILLIE Give me that parachute, I changed my mind -- She grabs the parachute and starts to fight Shorty over it-- SHORT ROUND No, this last one! It's for Indy! They scuffle until the parachute skids across the floor. Short Round jumps for it -- the parachute falls out the door and Short Round starts to fall out after it! Willie grabs him by the seat of his pants and hauls him back from the abyss! 24. EXT. THE SKY - DAY 24. The fighters peel off toward the DC-3 with their guns flaming in another attack. 25. INT. THE PASSENGER CABIN 25. Short Round tries to wake Indy again. Finally, Shorty grabs Indy's bag, pulls his holster out of it and runs toward the back. Indy continues to sleep -- until bullets smash the window by his head and a fire extinguisher is hit and starts spraying into Indy's face. He finally awakens and jumps up. He looks around is disbelief at the battle-torn, nearly-empty airplane. INDIANA (groggily) We there yet? Indiana sees Shorty shooting his pistol out the side door as the planes swoop by again. Out of ammo, Shorty throws the gun angrily at the passing plane. Indiana picks up his whip and attaches it to his belt as Willie runs over to him. WILLIE There's nobody flying the plane! 26. INT. THE COCKPIT 26. The door flies open and Indy rushes in with Willie behind him. Indy appraises the situation quickly and jumps into the pilot's seat with total confidence -- WILLIE (Cont'd) You know how to fly? Indy surveys the control panels, the myraid of dials and switches -- INDIANA No. (hopefully) Do you? 27. INT. THE PASSENGER CABIN 27. Willie runs screaming out of the cockpit, her last hope shatter- ed. Shorty is pulling something out of the cargo compartment -- he's found a machine gun and sets it up on a short tripod. SHORT ROUND Come here, lady, hold this and shut up please! He pulls Willie down to the floor and shoves her the ammunition belt that's draped toward the gun. Then Shorty jumps behind the machine gun -- As the first fighter appears off their side, Short Round blasts out the open door! The machine gun explodes to life, chewing bullets, smoking and spitting shells at Willie -- Willie hollers terrified by manages to feed the ammo belt as Short Round sights the blazing machine gun -- suddenly he shoops! Willie sees the fighter hit -- it smokes and veers away -- and then EXPLODES! SHORT ROUND I get it! WILLIE You got it! The second plane swoops down and Short Round blasts away. This time as he swivels the gun, he misses and hits one of the DC-3's own engines and it explodes! SHORT ROUND Oh oh -- big mistake! 28. INT. THE COCKPIT 28. Trying to figure out the controls, Indy looks up to see their en- gine explose into flames -- INDIANA (angrily) Short Round, what in the hell are you doing? Suddenly the DC-3 emerges out of a cloud and Indy sees they are headed directly for a mountain! He pulls back hard on the con- trols as a rocky peak looms lethally in front of them. 29. EXT. THE SKY - DAY 29. The DC-3 lifts at the last second and smashes some snow off the uppermost pinnacle as it clears the mountain by inches! Kao Kan's fighter is glued to the DC-3's tail and continues to strafe -- but the fighter pilot pulls up too late -- and the fighter explodes as it hits the peak of the mountain! 30. INT. THE PASSENGER CABIN 30. Indy rushes out of the smoking cockpit to find Willie and Short Round crawling out from under the debris that's fallen on them. Then Indy spots something in the wreckage -- He pulls at some yellow canvas and Willie sees as sign: EMERGENCY LIFE RAFT. Indy drags the folded canvas over to the open door. WILLIE Are you crazy, a lift raft?! We're not sinking, we're crashing! INDIANA Get over here, damn it! Short Round, come on, grab onto me tight! Willie sees Short Round rush over to Indiana and grab him around the waist from behind. Willie finally jumps up and runs over -- WILLIE Wait for me! She throws her arms around Indy's neck so that she and Shorty are both hugging him from behind. Indy clutches the folded lift raft in front of him and surveys the mountainside rushing close be- neath the skinking airplane -- Finally, an instant before the plane will hit, Indy dives and pulls the inflation cord! 31. EXT. THE SKY 31. As the smoking DC-3 screams out of control toward the mountain, skimming the rocky snow-covered slopes, we see the lift raft spilling out the open door -- The raft pops into its full shape, acting now as a spoiler, soar- ing against the rushing wind and finally crashing and bouncing against the snowy mountainside. In the distance, we see the DC-3 finally kiss the earth and ex- plode in a cloud of flame against a rocky escarpment -- metal and earth mushrooming in a million directions! 32. EXT. THE MOUNTAINSIDE 32. As the raft rockets down the snow, Indiana clutches the front and Willie and Short Round hold on for dear life on either side of him. The raft plummets down the mountain, crossing the timber-line and entering a forest. Bouncing over a snow-hidden log, the raft shoots directly for a tree -- Indiana pulls on the perimeter rope, rolls on his side and man- ages to swerve the raft so it caroms offthe snow-drifted side of the tree trunk. Continuing its downhill run, the raft smashes across a small steam, sending silvery water spraying. As the raft skids below the snow-level, it starts bouncing over rocky ground and its three passengers' teeth start chattering. 33. EXT. A BLUFF 33. The yellow raft crashes through a tangle of bushes and then plum- mets toward a bluff! The raft goes airborne over a small bluff and lands with a splash in a slow-moving river. 34. EXT. THE RIVER 34. The life raft drifts down the river and Indy looks around and smiles cockily at Willie and Short Round -- Their faces don't show gratitude, but horror -- Indy hears some- thing and turns to see: 35. EXT. WHITE WATER RAPIDS 35. The raft is heading directly toward a surging stretch of treach- erous rapids. Indiana looks less cocky as he and Willie and Short Round hold on again for dear life! The raft plunges into the roaring torrent, bouncing over rock- swollen waves, twisting and spinning through narrow gaps. The three helpless passengers are drenched in the thundering cascades of white water. Willie is hallering, Short Round hangs on wide-eyed and even Indy looks terrified as the raft crashes down the rapids. Finally, after one heart-stopping bounce, the raft seems to slow. 36. EXT. RIVER CLEARING 36. The raft drifts out of the main part of the river and glides to- ward a clearing. Its three soaked and bedraggled passengers lie motionless in the bottom. Indy's hand drags alongside the raft, his fingers leaving a trail in the almost still water. Battered and exhausted, but always Indy's "bodyguard", Shorty looks over at him worriedly -- SHORT ROUND Indy? INDIANA Okay, Shorty. Indy looks over at Willie who is moaning. INDIANA (Cont'd) You all right? WILLIE No... I'm not cut out for the kind of life you lead. (moaning) Oh no...I ripped my dress. Where are we anyway? The raft floats to a gentle stop -- we see it nudge against a pair of dark feet. Indy squints up into the sun and sees some- thing. INDIANA India... WILLIE Holy cow -- India? How do you know we're in -- She rolls over and yelps as she looks up at the bizarre, painted face of a SHAMAN. Silhoutted against the blazing sun, the skin- ny little old man in a loincoloth stares down at them in the raft. An eerie wind rises and howls. The old man places his palms to- gether and moves his hands up to touch his forehead. Willie and Short Round watch mystified as Indiana returns the old shaman's silent greeting. CUT TO: 37. EXT. THE MAYAPORE HILLS - DAY 37. Indya and Short Round follow the shaman and four peasants down a gutted path through barren rolling hills. Willie is out of her milieu, stumbling along this forlorn landscape in high heels, tuxedo jacket and disheveled lame gown. She hears the old shaman talking to Indy and catches up with them to find out what's going on. WILLIE (to Indiana) What'd he say? INDIANA He told me they knew I was coming here. WILLIE What do you mean -- how? INDIANA The old man saw it in a dream. WILLIE Dream -- nightmare is more like it. INDIANA He said that's whey they were at river -- they were waiting for the plane to fall down. He looks at her bewildered face and smiles faintly. As they walk, a hot wind swirls dust around them, a wind slowly ravaging what soil is left in this terribly blighted region. CUT TO: 38. EXT. MAYAPORE - DAY 38. At the base of the hills, Mayapore village does nothing to re- lieve the awful sense of devastation. A desolate road runs through the village, along which groups of ptiifully poor vil- lagers stare at the strangers being brought in. Hopeless women lift buckets from a dry well -- finding only sand. Skinny miserable dogs skulk between the decrepit village huts, eyed by the patient vultures lurling in scraggly trees. Indiana notices the wretched peasants staring at Short Round, some of them pointing at him, a few haggard women shedding tears down their wrinkled faces as the little Chinese boy passes. There is no sign of children in the village and Short Round grows frightened by the odd attention. He moves closer to Indy as they pass the devastated population. CUT TO: 39. RXT. MAYAPORE VILLAGE - AFTER SUNSET 39. Black clouds clot across the blood-red sky as darkness falls. Indiana, Willie and Short Round sit tensely on a shabby rug. Above their heads, there is a thatched roof, but there are no walls. The dying sunset silhouettes them and the half-dozen elders seat- ed in the dirt around them. A grey-haired man, the village CHIEFTAIN, gives quiet commands to the women who scuttle in and set wooden plates in front of the three visitors. No plates are places in front of the elders. WILLIE (quietly to Indy) I hope this means we're going to get some dinner. Indiana sees the painted shaman, who sits next to the chieftain, watching Willie. The women bring in a bowl from which they scoop tiny portions of grey gruel onto three plates. To this the women add a few grains of yellowed rice and a with- ered ,molding piece of fruit. Willie looks aghast at the unappe- tizing combination. WILLIE (quietly) God, I am starving, but I can't eat this... INDIANA That's more food than these people eat in a week. (pointedly) They're starving, too... Willie looks around at the emaciated faces and feels like crawl- ing into a hole. WILLIE I'm sorry, I -- here, please. She picks up her plate and gently hands it back to the women. The chieftain finally speaks to them -- CHIEFTAIN You will rest here before you go on. INDIANA We'd appreciate that. This was an unexpected detour. We'll have to go to Delhi now and find a flight west. SHORT ROUND (smiling) Indy is taking me to America. All eyes are on Short Round. Puzzled by this strange attention, Shorty's smile fades nervously. INDIANA I'm a professor. I have to re- turn to the university. Can you give us a guide to take us to Delhi? The chieftain indicates a young villager sitting near them. CHIEFTAIN Sanju will guide you. INDIANA Thank you. The old shaman speaks now for the first time. SHAMAN On the way to Delhi, you will stop at Pankot. INDIANA (puzzled) Pankot isn't on the way to Delhi. SHAMAN You will go to palace there. INDIANA Hasn't the Pankot palace been de- serted since the Mutiny of 1857? SHAMAN (darkly) No. Now there is new Maharajah -- and palace is powerful again. The shaman looks around at his unfortunate people. SHAMAN (Cont'd) It is Pankot Palace that kills my village. INDIANA I don't understand. What's hap- pened here? SHAMAN The evil starts in Pankot. Then like monsoon, it moves darkness over all country. INDIANA What evil? SHAMAN They came from Palace and took sivalinga from out village. Willie looks over at Indiana -- WILLIE Took what? INDIANA It's a sacred stone in a shine that's supposed to protect a village. SHAMAN It is why Krishna brought you here. INDIANA (politely firm) Nobody brought us here. Our plane crashed. We were shot down by -- SHAMAN (interrupting) No. We pray to Krishna to help us find the stone. It was Krishna who made you fall from sky -- so you can got to Pankot Palace. To find siva- linga -- and bring back to us. Indy's about to object -- then he looks at the sad chieftain, the elders and peasants who are watching him helplessly. And he sees again the dark steady eyes of the old shaman. CUT TO: 40. EXT. MAYAPORE VILLAGE - NIGHT 40. Torches falre eerily and dogs howl as the peasants accompany the shaman, elders and three visitors out ot the edge of the dark village. Short Round walks beside Indy. SHORT ROUND Indy, they make out plane crash? To get you here? INDIANA It's just superstition, Shorty. Like a ghost story. Short Round looks plenty scared as they all stop walking. The shaman motions and the men with torches circle around a pile of rocks to illuminate them. The shaman makes a gesture of devotion to the primitive shrine and Indy speaks to the village chieftain. CHIEFTAIN Yes. Indiana seems skeptical as he kneels to study the shrine. On top of the pile of rocks, there is a carved niche. The niche is empty but an indentation indicates the conical shape of the stone that was stolen. INDIANA Was the stone very smooth? (he sees the chieftain nod) It was probably brought here from a sacred river. SHAMAN (joining Indy and the chieftain) Long ago -- before my father's father. INDIANA And it had three lines painted across it? (seeing the shaman nod) The lines represent the three levels of the universe. I've seen stones like the one you lost. Indy stands slowly. Willie is beside him looking at the shrine. WILLIE I don't understand how losing one rock could destroy this village. (whispering to Indy) Is it really powerful? Indy gives a doubtful smile. He turns again to the old shaman. INDIANA But why would the Maharajah take this sacred stone? SHAMAN They say we must pray to their evil god. We say we will not. The old shaman looks off and fights the tears in his eyes as he starts speaking in Hindi. INDIANA (translating) He says that when the sacred stone was taken the village wells dried up first and then the river stopped. Indy turns and asks the shaman a question in Hindi. The shaman answers in Hindi. INDIANA (translating) He says their crops dies and then the animals died. The shaman walks to the edge of the torchlight and looks out into the darkness as he continues speaking emotionally in Hindi -- INDIANA (translating) And then they took their children. WILLIE Their children? She looks at Short Round and finally understands the sorrowful faces always watching him. Indy asks another question in Hindi and the shaman continues his story -- INDIANA (translating) He says one night there was a fire in the fields. The men went to fight it. When they came back, they heard the women crying in the darkness. And the children were gone. The shaman walks slowly toward Indiana. SHAMAN You will find them when you find sivlalinga. INDIANA I'm sorry, I don't know how I can help you here. The shaman and the chieftain stare and Indiana, refusing to accept that. INDIANA (Cont'd) The English authorities who con- trol this area are the only ones who can help you. CHIEFTAIN They do not listen. INDIANA I have friends in Delhi and I will make sure they investigate this... SHAMAN No, you will got to Pankot... The old man speaks again in his own tongue and Indy looks dis- turbed. WILLIE What'd he say now? INDIANA It was destined that I came here -- and the future cannot be changed... Indy looks ath the shaman and the torchlight reflected in his eyes. CUT TO: 41. EXT. MAYAPORE - NIGHT 41. Suddenly we're rushing headlong down a dark dirt path seen from the POV of somebody running in terror. We hear heavy breathing -- above we see the scraggly trees blowing against the full moon as an eerie wind rises and howls. We continue crashing through the dying fields tward the dark village... 42. INT. INDIANA'S HUT - NIGHT 42. The wind swirls into the hut and Indiana's eyes open. He lies still a moment and then sits up slowly. He sees Short Round sleeping nearby. Sensing something strange, Indy gets to his feet. He steps around Short Round and goes to the door of the hut. 43. EXT. THE HUT - NIGHT 43. Indy walks against the rising wind and looks around. The village is asleep and seems deserted. Then he turns and sees something. We follow small bare feet stumbling through the dust... Indy sees an emaciated child in rag running out of the darkness. Indiana moves forward and the child runs toward him. Indy grabs the little boy as he falls into his arms. CUT TO: 44. INT. THE SHAMAN'S HUT - NIGHT 44. A few minutes later, the little boy is lying unconscious on a blanket. Elders crouch around him. Indy is kneeling and watches the shaman wet the boy's forehead with a rag and drip water onto his lips. The little boy's eyes open and he begins to revive. Shrot Round And Willie watch from a corner as the little boy looks at all the faces peering down at him. The little boy's arm moves and he reaches out to Indy rather than any of the others. Indy takes his small hand and sees that the boy's fingers are cut and bruised -- his fingers open and drop something into Indy's hand. The little boy tries to whisper. Indy has to lean close to hear as the little boy's lips move again -- LITTLE BOY Sankara... A mother rushes into the hut now and kneels and hugs her little boy. His skinny arms go around her as they are reunited. Indy stands slowly and looks at what the little boy gave him -- It is a small tattered piece of cloth: an old fragment of a mini- ature painting. Indiana looks at it with an expression of recog- nition and apprehension... INDIANA Sankara... 45. EXT. THE VILLAGE - MORNING 45. The camera follows Indiana -- he's walking fast and determinded- ly. Villagers trot alongside of him, trying to keep up with is pace as he questions thm in Hindi. Indy approaches two large elephants and sees their guide Sajnu trying to politely drag Willie toward one of them. INDIANA Damn it , Willie, get on -- we've got to move out! Willie's head comes up over the back of the elephant as she's helped from below -- there is a look of sheer terror on her face. WILLIE Whoa! Easy now -- nice elephant... Waiting by the second elephant, Short Round sees Indy coming and runs up to him -- SHORT ROUND I ride with you, Indy? INDIANA Nope, you got a little surprise over there, Shorty. Short Round runs around the big elephant and sees a baby elephant being brought out. He can't believe his luck -- SHORT ROUND Oh boy! Meanwhile Sajnu goads Willie's elephant over. The villagers look grief stricken and many are crying as they watch the three stran- gers' departure. WILLIE (to Short Round) This is the first time anybody ever cried when I left. SHORT ROUND They don't cry about you. They cry about the elephants leaving. WILLIE Figures... SHORT ROUND They got no food to feed them. So they taking the elephants away to sell them. Indy lumbers over on his elephant. INDIANA All right, let's go. I want to get to Pankot before tomorrow night. She looks at Indiana as he rides past. WILLIE Pankot?! I thought we were going to Delhi! Hey, wait a minute! (looking at the villagers) Can't somebody take me to Delhi?! I don't want to go to Pankot! Sajnu guides her elephant and Willie lurches forward -- WILLIE (Cont'd) (yelling) Indiana! Damn it! Why'd you change your mind? What did that kid tell you last night?! Indy ignores her hollering. The elephants move off through the crowds of pitiful villagers. Indy sees the elders, chieftain and the old shaman who brings his hands up to his forehead as Indy rides past. CUT TO: 46. EXT. THE COUNTRYSIDE - DAY 46. The elephants move across the desolate countryside toward the distant hills. 47. EXT. THE TRAIL 47. Indiana rides the lead elephant. Sajnu passes on foot guiding Willie's elephant. With the tuxedo jacket wrapped around her waist, Willie is dabbing perfume behind her ears. WILLIE (to her elephant) I think you need this more than me. Willie leans forward and puts perfume behind the elephant's ears. Grimacing at the animal's smell she simply dumps the rest of the perfume on the elephant's back. Willie yelps when the elephant's trunk comes back, sniffs the foriegn fragrance and suddenly trumpets in disgust. WILLIE (Cont'd) What're you complaining about, this is expensive stuff! CUT TO: 48. EXT. LOWER JUNGLES - DAY 48. From a cliff, we see the elephants below passing into the lower jungles. Spotting something on an overhanging tree branck, Short Round stands up precariously on the baby elephant's back. He pulls a vine from the tree as they pass under it. Plopping down onto the baby elephant's back, he picks the wild fruit from the vine -- SHORT ROUND Here you go, lunch time! The baby elephant's trunk comes back and takes the fruit. Shorty looks up in the sky. SHORT ROUND (Cont'd) Indy, look! Indiana and Willie look up and see hundreds of enormous winged creatures flapping across the afternoon sky. WILLIE Those are very big bird. Sajnu says something and Indiana nods. INDIANA Those aren't birds -- those are giant bats. Willie shudders as she watches the bats. CUT TO: 49. EXT. THE HILLS - AFTERNOON 49. An enormous sun silhouettes the three elephants trekking west- ward. CUT TO: 50. EXT. A RIVER - LATER AFTERNOON 50. The three elephants stand sucking up river water with their trunks. Seated on the huge beasts, Willie, Short Round and Indi- ana watch the thirsty animals. WILLIE They must be pretty dumb to drink that awful-looking water. In response, Willie's elephant calmly lifts its trunk and sprays her in the face. Short Round and Indy laugh as Willie sits soaked and shocked. INDIANA I think maybe we'll camp here. CUT TO: 51. EXT. THE RIVER - SUNSET 51. A plume of water sprays. The three elephants submerge in a deep, wide spot in the river. Indy wades in the current with his shirt off. He and the guide splash water on the weary animals. Short Round laughs and plays with the baby elephant. Wrapped in its trunk, he's swung in the air and lands on the elephant's back. Shorty makes a swan dive back into the water and the baby elephant gives him a shower when he surfaces. 52. EXT. UPRIVER 52. Thirty yards upstream, birds and monkeys chatter in a tree. In the shady river beneath, Willie surfaces cooly and wipes hair from her eyes. She hums contendedly. Indiana wanders up the riverbank in his dripping trousers. He notices Willie's wet clothes spread over a tree limb hanging low over the water and then he sees Willie paddling around. INDIANA Hey, Willie -- I think you better get out now. WILLIE Stark naked? You wish... If you're trying to seduce me, Dr. Jones, this is a very primitive approach. INDIANA Me seduce you? Honey, you're the one who took your clothes off. (shrugging) I just came over to remind you that you never know what else might be in the water. WILLIE Somehow I feel safer in here. As Indy turns and starts off, Willie reaches up to the tree branch above her head and grabs her underwear. At this moment we notice something awful: A BOA CONSTRICTOR is moving out along the branch, the enormous snake slithering over Willie's clothes. Willie watches Indiana walk away as she reaches up for her dress -- her hands feel something strange -- not the dress and not the tree limb -- Willie looks up and sees that she's pulling on a snake! She SCREAMS as the boa constrictor falls off the t-ee on top of her! Indy hears the scream and hears Willie calling to him. He runs back toward the river. Stopping on the riverbank, he sees Willie backing away in the water -- Indiana's already starting to pull his boots off -- WILLIE Indy! Help me! INDIANA Don't worry, I'm coming in! What is it? WILLIE A snake! Suddenly Indiana freezes and a strange look corsses his face -- INDIANA A what...? WILLIE A SNAKE!! He finally sees the boa constrictor thrashing in the water close to Willie. He leaves his boots on. WILLIE (Cont'd) Hurry, help me out of here! What're you waiting for?! INDIANA Uh, listen -- Willie -- I got a better idea. WILLIE What?! INDIANA First of all -- don't panic! Willie suddenly screams as the boa constrictor wraps around her arm -- WILLIE It's got me ! Indy, help me! Indy runs along the riverbank, trying to get closer to her, but not about to jump into the river (due to his aversion to snakes -- see Episode One: "Raiders of the Lost Ark"). INDIANA Don't let it pull you deeper! WILLIE It's pulling me deeper! INDIANA Don't let it curl around you! WILLIE It's curling around me! Damn it, stop talking and do something! The snake is wrapping around her body and neck -- her head is barely above water -- On the riverbank, Indy reaches down and grabs a piece of wood. But as he watches the repulsive reptile, he starts to sweat and his fear and loathing overpower him -- WILLIE (Cont'd) What's wrong?! Indy please help me! Indy groans and bolsters his courage -- he takes two steps into the water -- but the complex is to strong and he can't go any further. He drops the piece of wood... INDIANA Listen, Willie. Do exactly what I tell you now. WILLIE What?! INDIANA Can you move your arm? WILLIE Just one arm! INDIANA Okay, I want you to lift your hand -- and pet the snake. WILLIE PET IT??!! INDIANA Yes, stroke it right along the maxillary and precaudal verte- brae. WILLIE THE WHAT?! INDIANA Pet it on the head! Go on, pet it! In the water, Willie is whimpering as she lifts her hand and starts petting the snake coiling around her pale body. WILLIE Oh -- my -- god -- it's going to crush me! INDIANA Keep stroking it! Willie keeps rubbing her hand along the snakes head and back and it slowly stops thrashing in the water. INDIANA (Cont'd) What's happening? WILLIE It's starting to let go! INDIANA That's good -- you're doing fine. Grimacing as she stares at the ugly serpent's head, Willie keeps stroking it. WILLIE It's letting fo. I think it's -- I think it's going to sleep! Indiana looks relieved. He sees the snake starting to drift away from Willie and she starts paddling back to shore, collecting her floating clothes along the way. Holding her dripping dress against herself, she walks out of the water toward Indy who smiles at her weakly. INDIANA See -- I got you out... She slows and hauls off and punches him in the mouth. Indy holds his jaw as she walks away infuriates. WILLIE Thanks for nothing! I hate snakes! INDIANA (looking at the water) I know the feeling... CUT TO: 53. EXT. THE CAMPSITE - NIGHT 53. By firelight, we see Sajnu feeding the big elephants while Short Round feeds and talks to the baby elephant -- SHORT ROUND You come to America with me, and we can get job in the circus -- you like that? The baby elephant trumpets affirmitively. A ways off, Willie stands wrapped in a blanket watching Shorty and the elephant as she dries her hair by a campfire. Now Indy comes up and drops an armload of wood for yet another fire. WILLIE Where'd you find your little body- guard? INDIANA I met Short Round when he tried to pick my pocket. Indiana kneels and arranges the wood. INDIANA (Cont'd) Shorty's family was killed when they bombed Shanghai. He was living on the streets. WILLIE (smiling) He'll be okay. He's a good kid. Indy strikes a match and lights the new fire. WILLIE (Cont'd) All these fires -- you expecting more snakes, Dr. Jones? She smiles snidely and continues drying her hair. INDIANA By the way, how'd you end up in Shanghai? WILLIE Well, when my nightclub career was run over by the Depression, some pinhead convinced me that "a girl could go places in the Orient..." So, look where I got. Indy picks up a blanket and spreads it on the ground. INDIANA What about the future? WILLIE Oh, that's easy -- I'm going to latch onto a good-looking, in- credibly rich prince. Indy lies down on the blanket. INDIANA I'd like to find one of those myself. WILLIE (raising an eyebrow) Oh really? INDIANA Yeah, but he's got to be dead and buried for a couple of thousand years. (smiling) Fortune and glory... WILLIE Is that what you're hoping to find at this palace, Dr. Jones? INDIANA Maybe... Indy reaches into his pocket and removes the old piece of cloth. WILLIE What's that? She walks over to where he's lying down and sits on a boulder. He hands her the cloth and she looks at it by the firelight. INDIANA Something that kid gave me last night. It's a piece of an old manuscript. Willie sees a crude drawing in reds, blue and gold. INDIANA (Cont'd) The drawing shows a priest named Sankara who lived centuries ago. WILLIE What does the writing say? INDIANA It's Sanskrit. It tells the story of Sankara climbing Mt. Kalisa where he met the Hindu god Shiva. WILLIE (examining it) That's Shiva? What's he giving the Priest? INDIANA Legend says he told Sankara to go forth and combat evil. To do that he gave him five sacred stones that had magical powers. WILLIE (looking at Indy) You mean magical like the rock that was stolen from that village? Indy looks at her meaningfully. INDIANA It could be. Willie seems frightened. She hands him the piece of cloth and stands up. WILLIE (quietly) Fortune and glory...sweet dreams, Dr. Jones. She picks up a blanket and starts off. INDIANA I think you should sleep closer. (seeing her sus- picious look) I meant for safety. WILLIE (smiling) I'd be safer sleeping with that snake. She steps over to a tree by the fire where her clothes are dry- ing. Indy watches her pull her dried clothes from the lower branches. She reaches up to remove another piece of her clothing -- it's stuck to the tree and she looks up and yanks it. Suddenly the piece of clothing moves! Two enormous winds open and the hideous face of a GIANT BAT screeches and hisses at Willie! She screams hysterically as the bat flaps against her, biting and scratching at her before it fi- nally takes off. The bat flies off into the darkness and Indy chuckles as he watches Willie shanking as she backs slowly toward the fire -- WILLIE Did you see it?! It was one of those bats! (staring into the darkness) God, what else is out there...?! She quickly picks up her blanket and lays it out very close to Indy. INDIANA Couldn't keep away, huh? WILLIE Just try and control yourself. Indiana watches her lie down and wrap herself in her blanket. then he rolls over and tips his hat down over his eyes to get some well-deserved shut-eye. In a moment, however, we see something grotesque and snake-like slide into frame and move towards Indy -- finally, we realize it's an elephant's trunk. The trunk nudges Indy's shoulder. INDIANA (without looking) Still scared? Okay, Willie, you can get closer if you want... The elephant's trunk moves closer and nuzzles Indy's neck. INDIANA Honey, I knew you'd be the first one to give in... Now, we see that Short Round is guiding the baby elephant's trunk with a prod. Willie watches, stifling a laugh as the elephant's trunk sniffs Indiana's ear -- INDIANA (Cont'd) You're going to start something I'm going to have to finish. (moaning) Okay, doll, you asked for it. Indiana rolls over, lifts his hat and hollers! He nearly jumps out of his pants as he stares into the elephant's trunk. Willie and Short Round dissolve into laughter. CUT TO: 54. EXT. THE JUNGLE - DAY 54. Tall, vine-covered trees sway in the wind. Beneath them, the el- ephants plough through the dense tropical forest. The sounds of the teeming jungle multiply as Short Round surveys the distant hills. SHORT ROUND Indy, look! INDIANA That's it. Pankot Palace. Willie looks off at the resplendent while Moghul-style palace ri- sing in the distance above the jungle. CUT TO: 55. EXT. A JUNGLE CLEARING - LATER 55. Their Mayapore guide walks toward the camera and suddenly looks frightened. He barks commands and the elephants stop. Indiana jumps down an joins the fearful guide. They stare at a small statue of a malevolent goddess with eight arms. Around the goddess's neck, a carved necklace displays small human heads -- her eight hands hold other heads by their hair. Indiana moves closer to the statue as the terrified guide backs away. Indy is fascinated by the ritual objects adorning it: leaves, dead birds, rodents and turtles. Indiana grimaces as he lifts a necklace of real pierced human fingers... WILLIE (O.S.) Why are we stopping here? Indiana goes back and joins the scared, jabbering guide who is helping Willie down from the elephant. Short Round jumps down. SHORT ROUND What you look at, Indy? INDIANA Just a statue. WILLIE What's the guide talking about? He hasn't said a word the whole trip. Indy listens to the agitated guide and then speaks a few words in Hindi back to him. They watch the distressed guide trun the ele- phants and start away with them as fast as possible. WILLIE He's afraid of something. INDIANA He said he couldn't take us any farther. He has to go sell the elephants. WILLIE You mean we have to walk the rest of the way? Willie moans and follows Indy. Short Round watches the elephants trudging away. The little elephant turns and looks back. Short Round quickly wipes a tear from his face. CUT TO: 56. EXT. A PALACE APPROACH - AFTERNOON 56. Indiana and Short Round hike up a rock-paved road beside a high wall. Exhausted, carrying her high heels, Willie trudges along behind them. WILLIE -- shot at, fallen out of a plane, nearly drowned, squashed by a snake, attacked by a bat -- I smell like an elephant! (yelling) I tell you I'm not going to make it! Indiana finally stops. He walks back to Willie, suddenly picks her us in his arms and starts carrying her the remaining way. Willie is surprised and puzzled. INDIANA Any more complaints? WILLIE (smiling faintly) Yeah, I wish you'd thought of this sooner... She doesn't seem to mind being carried by Indy. He arrives at the entrance to the palace and puts her down -- she stands close to him and he gently smoothes the collar of her dress. INDIANA It doesn't feel like there's been any permanent damage. She smiles at him again and then turns around -- and whistles as she sees Pankot Palace: a sprawling, monumental mixture of Mo- ghul and Rajput styles, the palace is an extravaganza of Princely architecture. 57. EXT. A BRIDGE 57. The three travelers start across a marble bridge toward the main entrance. Lined along the bridge, palace guards stand with lances. As the threesome passes, the first Rajput guard snaps noisily to attention and Willie jumps. As Willie continues across the bridge, the other guards snap to attention in sequence and she grins, enjoying the attention. 58. INT. THE OUTER COURTYARD 58. Short Round and Willie follow Indiana through a dark archway into a glittering courtyard. The palace seems deserted and forebod- ing. INDIANA Hello?...(hello?)...(hello?) Indy's voice echoes off the marble facades -- three enormous Raj- put guards with curved swords in their sashes appear silently at opposite sides of the courtyard. WILLIE (frightened) Hi...(hi)...(hi)... Then, a tall severe-looking Indian in an English suit material- izes out of the shadows and comes forward slowly. CHATTAR LAL appraises the intruders suspiciously: He sees a whoozy beauty in a weary evening gown; a dirty Chinese kid with a baseball cap; a rugged-looking American carrying a bullwhip... CHATTAR LAL I would say you look rather lost. (disdainfullt) But then I cannot imagine where in the world the three of you would look at home... INDIANA (smiling evenly) Lost? No, we're not lost. We're on our way to Delhi. This is Miss Scott -- and Mr. Round. My name's Indiana Jones. CHATTAR LAL (surprised) Dr. Jones? The eminent archae- ologist? WILLIE Hard to believe, isn't it...? CHATTAR LAL I remember first hearing your name when I was studying at Oxford. I Am Chattar Lal, Prime Minister for His Highness the Maharajah of Pankot. He bows and Willie sort of curtsies. CHATTAR LAL (Cont'd) Welcome to Pankot Palace. 59. INT. PANKOT PALACE - AFTERNOON 59. They walk along the marble halls, past dazzling walls inlaid with pieces of mirror and semi-precious stones. Fountains spray in ivory countyards and they gaze in awe at the ornate splendour. As Willie walks with Shorty she appraises the chronolgoical portraits of the Pankot Prices that line the hall. Dissipated faces, elegant faces, evil faces -- she reacts to them. WILLIE (to Short Round) How'd you like to run into him in a dark alley...that one's kind of cute...I could see myself married to a prince like that... Ahead of them Chattar Lal walks with Indy and questions him suspiciously -- CHATTAR LAL The plane crash and your journey here sound -- most incredible. WILLIE You should have been there... INDIANA We'd appreciate it if the Mahara- jah would let us stay tonight. We'll be on out way in the morn- ing. CHATTAR LAL I am only his humble servant, but the Maharajah usually listens to my advice. WILLIE Is that him? They've come to the last in the row of Princes portraits. Wil- lie stops and looks up disappointedly at a picture of an aged, immensely corpulent Rajput prince. WILLIE (Cont'd) (politely) He's not exactly what we call "a spring chicken". CHATTAR LAL No, no, that is Uhmed Singh, the present Maharajah's late father. WILLIE Oh -- good. And maybe the pres- ent Marahajah is a little younger? And thinner? Two female servants approach silently and bow. CHATTAR LAL They will escort you to your rooms now. You will be provided with fresh clothes. Tonight you will be dining with His Highness. WILLIE Dinner? And with a prince?! My luck is changing. But look at me -- my god, I've to to get ready! She hurried off with one of the servants toward her room. Chat- tar Lal smiles cooly at Indiana -- CHATTAR LAL Eight o'clock in the Pleasure Pavilion. CUT TO: 60. EXT. THE PLEASURE PALIVION - NIGHT 60. An extraordinary gold dome rises in the middle of the eleaborate gardens. The Pleasure Pavilion is ablaze with torch lights, flickering candles and exotic music. Indiana comes out of the palace with Short Round. Indy has on a tweed jacket and a nectie -- his university professor's outfit. Short Round has been cleaned up, but still sports his baseball cap. Willie joins them, looking stunning is a silk Western-styled gown. She's also been loaned some Moghul jewelry which sparkles on her neck and arms. INDIANA You look like a princess. Willie's flattered by the first nice thing Indy's said to her. WILLIE It's sort of like being in heaven. They cross the garden toward the pavilion and Willie's eyes are like a kid's at Christmas. 61. INT. THE PLEASURE PAVILION 61. As they enter, Indiana gives a half-dressed dancing girl the once-over as she spins to the music of drums and "vinhas". INDIANA (smiling) I've always had a weakness for folk dancing. WILLIE (snidely) She might get away with that act here, but she'd never make it in a real nightclub. They walk among the rich court ministers and Indian merchants. Chattar Lal approaches with a British cavalry captain in unifrom. CHATTAR LAL We are fortunate tonight to have some many unexpected guests. his is Captain Phillip Blumburtt. Blumburtt bows to Willie and Indiana. CHATTAR LAL (Cont'd) Captain Blumburtt and his troops are here to check up on the "natives". CAPT. BLUMBURTT (politely) Just a routine inspection tour. CHATTAR LAL The British worry so about their Emprie -- it makes us feel like well-cared-for children. WILLIE Listen, Mr. Lal, what do you call the Maharajah's wife? CHATTAR LAL His Highness has not yet taken a wife. WILLIE (happily) No? Well, I guess he just hasn't met the right woman... As Willie chatters on with the Prime Minister, Indiana wanders off. He moves to a wall where bronze statues and strange devo- tional objects are displayed. CAPT. BLUMBURTT (joining Indy) Interested in local curios? INDIANA No. But I am interested in the occult. And this is a krtya. Indiana picks up a small clay figurine and examines it. CAPT. BLUMBURTT (grimacing) Charming. INDIANA It's like the voodoo dolls of West Africa. The kryta represents your enemy -- and gives you complete power over him. CAPT. BLUMBURTT That God all that mumbo jumbo rubbish is disappearing. INDIANA You think so? CAPT. BLUMBURTT Of course. Admittedly, it's taken time. Britian's controlled India for almost two hundred eyars now. Indiana smiles at the somewhat pompous bureaucrat. INDIANA You're hanging on better here than you did in America. CAPT. BLUMBURTT (smiling sourly) This is a different situation, Dr. Jones. These people are like children. We have to lead them slowly into the twentieth century. Indiana puts the doll down and looks over at Chattar Lal and Willie. INDIANA The Prime Minister doesn't seem that naive. CAPT. BLUMBURTT No, he's a very shrewd old boy. Power behind the throne and all that. He actually runs this whole province. Indy and the Prime Minister exchange distant looks as Willie comes back over to Indiana. She talks to him conspiratorially -- WILLIE I think this Maharajah is swim- ming in money. Maybe coming here wasn't such a bad idea. Blumburtt finds these Americans quite suspect and seems relieved when he hears a drum. CAPT. BLUMBURTT I believe we're being called to dinner. WILLIE Finally! As the drum beats the assembled guests move toward a long, low table surrounded by colorful pillows. Short Round follows with a little monkey he's found perched on his arm. As everyone stands around the table, Chattar Lal makes an an- nouncement in Hindi and then in English -- CHATTAR LAL His Supremem Highness, guardian of Rajput tradition -- the Maharajah of Pankot -- Zalim Singh. All eyes are on two solid silver doors which open -- and through which now walks the MAHARAJAH ZALIM SINGH. Everyone is bowing, including Indiana and Willie, who looks amazed -- WILLIE That's the Maharajah -- that kid?! INDIANA Maybe he likes older women. Indeed, Zalim Singh is only thirteen. Outfitted in silver and gold brocade, festooned with enormous jewels, the litlle Mahara- jah gazes imperiously at the bowing crowd -- and then glares at Short Round. Indy sees Short Round chewing gum, staring antagonistically at the Maharajah. Indy pushes SHort Round into a bowing position. The Maharajah finally sits down on golden pillows. He nods and his guests take their seats. Indiana sees Willie's dreams of queendom have vanished. INDIANA Cheer up, you lost your prince, but dinner's on the way. WILLIE I've never been so hungry in my life... Servants appear with silver platters of steaming food. They place a platter in front of Willie and she stares at it in amaze- ment: It's a whole raosted boar, replete with a decorative arrow pierc- ing its bloated stomach and tiny broiled baby bores placed around it as if they were suckling on their well-cooked mother. WILLIE (grimacing) My god, sort of grusome, isn't it...? Seeing the meat being served, Indiana looks across the table at Blumburtt who seems equally puzzled. Meanwhile, the little Maha- rajah whispers to his Prime Minsiter. Then Chattar Lal speaks to the table -- CHATTAR LAL His Highness wants me to welcome his visitors. Especially the renowned Dr. Jones from America. Indy bows slightly toward the Maharajah. INDIANA We are honored to be here. Servants put down another platter. Willie stares at an enormous steaming boa constrictor on the platter. With a flash of a knife, a servant slits the huge snake and exposes a mass of squirming, live baby eels inside... WILLIE Suddenly I'm not so hungry... Meanwhile, Indiana is chatting poleitely with the Prime Minister. INDIANA I had a question, Mr. Prime Mini- ster. I was examining some of the Maharajah's artifacts. CHATTAR LAL A very fine collection of very old pieces, don't you think? INDIANA Yes, very fine. But not all of the pieces look old. Some were carved recently and look like images used by the Thuggees to worship the god- des Kali. At the emntion of the Thuggees, the Indians at the table quiet, as it a taboo has been broken. Chattar Lal glares at Indiana. CHATTAR LAL Dr. Jones, you know very well that the Thuggee cult has been dead for nearly a century. CAPT. BLUMBURTT Of course. The Thuggees were an obscenity that worshipped Kali with human sacrifices. The Brit- ish Army wiped them out about the time of the Mutiny of 1857. Short Round avoids the dinner by feeding it to his little monkey as he listens to the scary conversation. The talk is bad enough, but Willie finds the food unbelievable! A servant leans overher shoulder and places a six-inch long BUG on her plate! Willie whimpers quietly as she watches the fat merchant next to her lift one of the black, shiny baked-beetles -- and crack it in two! The man proceeds to enthusiastically suck the gooey innards out. MERCHANT (looking at Willie) But you're not eating! WILLIE (weakly) I uh -- had bugs for lunch. Meanwhile, Indiana continues to politely needle Chattar Lal. INDIANA I suppose stories of the Thuggees die hard. CHATTAR LAL There are no stories anymore. INDIANA Well, I don't know... we came here from a small village and the peas- ants there told us that the Pankot Palace was growing powerful again -- becuase of some ancient evil. Indiana smiles and shrugs. CHATTAR LAL (sneeringly) Their stories are just fear and folklore. INDIANA (cooly) Maybe.. but how do you explain The Thuggee shrine I saw right below the palace? Indy catches a glance between the little Maharajah and the prime minister, who answers slowly -- CHATTAR LAL The local peasants are just as superstitious. You're very ob- servant, Dr. Jones. But you're beginning to worry Capt. Blum- burtt. Blumburtt's phlegmatic attitude has changed to curiosity. CAPT. BLUMBURTT I'm not worried, Prime Minister, just interested. During their conversation, Willie listens to beetles SNAPPING and she watches revolted as the other dinner guests suck the gooey insides out of the bugs. WILLIE (to Short Round) Give me your hat... SHORT ROUND What for? WILLIE I'm going to puke in it... Meanwhile, Indy continues ingenously with Chattar Lal. INDIANA You know the villagers also claimed that this palace stole something from them. CHATTAR LAL Dr. Jones, it our country a guest does not usually insult his host. INDIANA Sorry, I thought we were just talking about folklore. CAPT. BLUMBURTT (trying to make peace) I'm sure it's nothing. Just ru- mors. (but interested) What was it they claimed was stolen? INDIANA Something magical. A sacred rock. CHATTAR LAL (condescendingly) There, you see, Captain. A rock! INDIANA When they lost this rock their fields and animals dies. They also said their children were taken from them. CHATTAR LAL I think that's enough of this nonsense, Dr. Jones... Indiana smiles faintly at Chattar Lal's anger. Across the table, Willie looks pale and motions to the waiter. WILLIE So you have something, you know, simple -- like soup or something? The servant goes off and returns with a covered bowl. He uncov- ers it and Willie looks at a soup with a dozen eyeballs floating in it. MERCHANT Looks delicious! WILLIE I wanna go home... Willie whimpers and tears start down her cheeks. INDIANA (to Chattar Lal) I was dubious muself at first. Then something connected -- the village's rock and the old legend of the Sankara Stones... CHATTAR LAL (controlling himself) Dr. Jones, we are all vulnerable to vicious rumors. I seem to re- member that in Honduras you were accused of being a grave robber rather than a scientist. INDIANA (shrugging) The newspapers exaggerated the incident CHATTAR LAL And didn't the Sultan of Madagas- car threaten to cut your head off if you ever returned to his coun- try? INDIANA That was a misunderstanding. CHATTAR LAL (smiling) Exactly what we have here, Dr. Jones. MAHARAJAH I have heard the terrible stories of the evil Thuggee cult... When the little Marahajah speaks it surprises everyone and there is silence. MAHARAJAH (Cont'd) I thought the stories were told to frighten children. Later, I learned that the Thuggee cult was once real and did unspeakable things. The Marahajah looks at Indiana. MAHARAJAH (Cont'd) I am ashamed of what happened here so many years ago. We keep these objects -- to remind us that this will never again happen in my kingdom! INDIANA (after a moment) I'm sorry if I've offended you. Now, more trays are whisked in by servants. MERCHANT Ah, dessert! Short Round's monkey suddenly screeches and takes off. Willie closed here eyes in dread - but curiosity gets the best of her and she looks -- it's worse than she could imagine: Plates full of small, dead monkey heads! (*Production note: be- cause of his extremely sensitive nature, the director has reque- ted that these monkey heads be simulated). The tops of the monkey's skulls have been cut off and sit loose like little covers. Willie watches in utter dismay as the Maha- rajah and his guests remove the skull-tops and start dipping spoons into what's inside -- MERCHANT (Cont'd) Chilled monkey brains! Willie keels over, crashing backwards in a dead faint! CUT TO: 62. INT. A PALACE HALL - LATER 62. Women servants help a woobly-kneed Willie toward her room. 63. EXT. THE PELASURE GARDEN - NIGHT 63. Hundreds of lanters illuminate the garden where after dinner drinks are served, cigars lighted and hookah pipes puffed on. Indiana comes out of the pavilion into the garden with Capt. Blumburtt and they talk quietly. CAPT. BLUMBURTT Rather bizarre menu, woundn't you say? INDIANA Even if they were trying to scare us away, a devout Hindu would never touch meat. (looking around) Makes you wonder what these people are... Now, the little Maharajah comes over with his retinue and he reaches for Indy's whip which Short Round is carrying. MAHARAJAH I have seen this thing. What is it, Dr. Jones? SHORT ROUND Hey, nobody touches Indy's whip! Short Round grabs for it, but Indiana restrains him. INDIANA We're guests here, Shorty. The Maharajah glares are Short Round and five the whip to Indy. MAHARAJAH You will show me how it works please. Indy bows to the little prince and smiles ironically -- INDIANA You wish is my command, your Highness. While Short Round watches angrily, Indiana walks across the gar- den and unfurls the whip. Indy sees a servant lighting a candle. Suddenly the whip flies and CRACKS like a pistol shot. The candle disappears! Indiana whirls and CRACKS the whip again, snagging a flower out of a dancing girl's hair. The Maharajah reacts like any kid -- he shoops happily. MAHARAJAH That is wonderful! Please teach me how! Short Round sulks as he listens to Indiana instructing the Maha- rajah on how to hold the whip. As the young prince practises the grip, Indy notices Chattar Lal slip behind a fountain to talk to a dark figure in robes who appears. Indiana sees Chattar Lal bow to the dark figure -- and Indy catches a glimpse of the stranger's pale face and dark hollow eyes. Then the robled apparition seems to disappear. Meanwhile everyone watches respectfully as the Maharajah unfurls the whip for his first attempt. He flings the whip but it flies back and snaps -- biting his own cheek. There's a stunned silence -- then Short Round laughs at the little prince who is holding his wounded cheek. The incensed Ma- rahajah suddenly flashes the whip as Short Round. Short Round grabs the end of it and pulls hard -- the whip is tugged taut between the two hostile boys. As they draw near each other, Short Round sees something weird: The little Maharajah's eyes begin glowing yelloe and he hisses softly in a strange voice. Nobody else sees or hears the bizarre transformation... Indiana finally intercedes -- he grabs Short Round by the neck. INDIANA Okay, Short Round, let go of it. Short Round lets go and Indy gently takes the whip back from the little prince. INDIANA (Cont'd) The Turks say that a whip can be an enemy even to its owner. If you get some rope, it'll be easier to learn with, your Highness. Now, I think we'll say goodnight. The Maharajah and Short Round stare hostiley at each other as Indy recoils his whip. CUT TO: 64. INT. A PALACE HALL - NIGHT 64. Short Round walks beside Indiana down the shadowy hall toward their room. Short Round has Indy's whip curled around his shoul- der. The little fellow yawns and shakes his head. SHORT ROUND That little Maharajah think he big stuff. INDIANA You don't like him do you? SHORT ROUND Next time I flatten him! Did you see his eyes? INDIANA No. SHORT ROUND Indy, they glow like fire and get real crazy! Then he talk in this real scary voice! Indy tousles Short Round's hair. INDIANA He was afraid of you. He knows a tough guy when he sees one. SHORT ROUND (not so shure) Yeah, that's what happened... They reach their room and Short Round opens the door. INDIANA I better see how Willie is. Short Round shakes his head scornfully as Indy crosses the hall and knocks on another door. After a moment, the door opens and Willie is standing there in a tempting nightgown. INDIANA I brought you something. He holds up something wrapped in a piece of silk. WILLIE (disgusted) Not leftovers? INDIANA No -- real food. Willie opens the bundle suspiciously -- then her hace lights up as she examines the breads and fruits inside. WILLIE Oh, it is real's beautiful. She bites happily into a piece of fruit -- its juice runs down her chin and Indy wipes it off gently with his hand. The mouth deliberately seductive and Willie is not displeased. WILLIE (Cont'd) You're nice. Listen, I'm taking applications -- how'd you like to be my palace slave? INDIANA (smiling) Wearing your jewels to be, prin- cess? Indy touches her necklace -- then his hand caresses her neck and ear. She shivers slightly and speaks softly. WILLIE Yeah -- and nothing else. (smiling) That shock you? INDIANA (shaking his head) I'm a scientist. I like doing research on certain "nocturnal activities" -- She smiles and puts a grape to his lips. He opens his mouth takes it and chews it. WILLIE You mean like love rituals... He swallows the grape and they move toward each other slowly to kiss, revealing the passion that's simmering. INDIANA And mating customs... They kiss again more heatedly. WILLIE Primitive sexual practices? INDIANA You're taling to an authority in that area. They kiss again hungrily -- WILLIE You're dying to come into my room, aren't you? INDIANA You want me so bad, why don't you invite me? WILLIE Too proud to admit you're crazy about me, Dr. Jones? INDIANA I think you're too used to get- ting you own way, Willie... They kiss yet again -- and Indy breaks it off, just to show he's still in control. He backs away toward his room. WILLIE (watching him) We'll see who gives in first -- I'll leave my door open. INDIANA Don't catch cold. WILLIE Dr. Jones -- ? Indy stops by his door and sees Willie smiling as she holds up five fingers -- WILLIE (Cont'd) Five minutes... you'll be back over here in five minutes... INDIANA You're dreaming, Willie. You want to make it real, just knock on my door. He winks. She waves. But neither one will surrender first. Willie does into her room, leaving the door ajar. Indy opens his door. 65. INT. INDIANA'S SUITE 65. Indy comes in and closes the door -- leaving it open a crack. He stands and listens, waiting for her to come over. 66. INT. WILLIE'S SUITE 66. Willie stands likewise by her door, waiting to hear Indy come back over. 67. INT. INDIANA'S SUITE 67. Indiana shrugs and walks over to a couch and starts taking off his tweed jacket and necktie -- INDIANA Five minutes... fat chance. 68. INT. WILLIE SUIT 68. Willie moves around her lavish suite, turning down lights, creating a romantic effect, checking herself in a mirror -- WILLIE (confidently) Five minutes, Dr. Jones... 69. INT. INDIANA'S SUITE 69. Indy undresses in the magnificently decorated room: wall paint- ings show palace scenes and landscapes; life-size figures dance and there are full-scale portraits or Rajput princes and prancing horses. But Indy's more concerned with lust than with art. INDIANA (muttering) ...want me to be her palace slave! He picks up his whip and smiles, considering using it on her. Then he just grubles and tosses the bullwhip onto the couch. 70. INT. WILLIE'S SUITE 70. Lying in bed in a seductive pose, Willie waits for Indy to show up and she starts to look worried. She grabs a clock and shakes it to see if it's working. She taps her fingers irritably won- dering in her charm has failed... 71. INT. INDIANA'S SUITE 71. We see another clock ticking. Looking annoyed, Indy tosses a boot at it and the clock falls on its face, setting of the alarm. On the chaise lounge in front of Indy's bed, Short Round moves groggily and sees Indy turning off the alarm. SHORT ROUND (half asleep) Get to sleep Indy -- I stay up and keep eye on things... INDIANA Okay, Shorty ... see you in the morning...I'm going to have a little -- word with Willie. Indy finally shakes his head and gives in to his animal instincts. He buttons his shirt, puts his boots back on and grabs his leather jacket. As he puts on his jacket he walks past the life-sized paintings of armed gaurds standing in silent vigil. Suddenly we see something frightening behind him: one of the wall paintings sees to come to life! A large figure in robes and a turban looms out from the wall and lifts a silk cord -- the figure wraps the cord suddenly around Indiana's neck! The huge assassin stands behind Indy, twisting the cord even tighter around his neck. As Indy attempts to break free he sees the assassin's face is a mirror -- and a strange yellow light glowing in the killer's eyes. 72. INT. WILLIE'S SUITE 72. Willie's finally had enough waiting and she gets out of beg petu- lantly. WILLIE He's not coming...I can't be- lieve it... She walks across the room and opens the door. She looks out the empty hall -- and her resolve starts to weaken -- WILLIE (Cont'd) Well... (bracing herself) No! I'm not going over there... She comes back into her room and kicks the door closed. WILLIE (Cont'd) Sleep tight, Dr. Jones! (suddenly melancholy) I could've been your greatest ad- venture... 73. INT. INDIANA'S SUITE 73. Indy shoves the assassin backwards, ramming the big man into the wall. The assassin maintains his deathgrip -- while on the chaise, Short Round sleeps through it all! Gasping futilely for air, Indy sinks slowly to his knees - his eyes bulge and he stares at the tiny, smiling skulls at the ends of the death-cord wrapped around the assassin's fists. Indiana sinks lower and then feels something -- desperately he grabs a brass pot on the floor by the handle and swings it with his last strength, smashing it up into the assassin's head with a skull-crushing clang! The assassin is stunned and Indiana curls forward pulling him into a somersault and sening him flying over his back. The ass- assin crashes on his sping next to the chaise. Short Round still doesn't wake up. Indiana rips the cord from around his neck and gasps for breath. He sees the assassin pulling a knife. Indiana dives as the knife flies through the air and slams into the wall. Indiana grabs his whip, rolls and lands on his feet. As the ass- assin tries to retreat, Indy unleashes his whip -- it CRACKS and wraps around the killer's neck. The big man struggles, pulling on the whip, trying to release it from his throat -- and Indiana holds fast, watching the killer gasping for air now as his face turns red. Suddenly the assassin does a full-blown backward sommersault which rips the whip out of Indy's hand. The assassin has an in- stant to grin victoriously -- Until he sees that the whip handle is arching toward the ceiling where is gets caught on the revolving fan! The surprised assass- in it tugged upwards -- and the whip twists around the ceiling fan like fishing-line around a fishing-reel-- And like a doomed flounder, the assassin is slowly reeled up and dragged toward the ceiling, his toes lifting off the floor. The assassin screams as he is hanged! His legs twitch in his death throes -- and below him, Short Round finally wakes up. Always Indiana's protector, Shorty instictively leaps off the couch and draws a small dagger -- SHORT ROUND Don't worry, Indy! Where are they?! Short Round spins a 360 , then looks up and does a double-take seeing the dead assassin twisting slowly around the ceiling fan. Indy takes Short Rund by the shoulders and turns him away from the grisly sight. INDIANA It's okay, it's over -- go turn off the fan. Short goes over and turns off the fan -- the assassin's body drops and Indy recoils his whip. Suddenly they hear a hideous scream -- Willie! 74. INT. WILLIE'S SUITE 74. In a tight close-up: Willie screams again. She's lying in bed looking down at something -- Moving up her shapely leg, a green and black, monstrous-looking insect crawls onto her stomach and Willie stops breather. Immo- bilized by fear, Willie watches in silent agony as the hideous insect climbs slowly up her breast and slithers toward her neck. Across the suite, the doors burst open and Indiana rushes in. Shorty is behind him, carrying Indy's whip. Indiana leaps on a stools and slides up to the bed to save WIllie -- Then he spots the giant insect crawling on her and decides to have some fun. INDIANA This a cheap trick to get me over here? Willie speaks with desperate, fearful precision -- WILLIE No -- don't you see -- crawling -- INDIANA What -- the bug? Willie is petrified and shaking. WILLIE Get -- the -- bug -- off! INDIANA Gee, I wouldn't want to touch an ugly critter like that! SHORT ROUND (grinning) Uh uh -- me neither! Willie looks at the man-of-action like he's insane. Then she feels the bug crawling onto her cheek -- WILLIE Oh no -- oh no!! INDIANA (studying the bug) You know, Willie, I'll bet he's mad because they were eating his friends for dinner. WILLIE Please -- oh please, I'm going to die! Get it off! Indiana shrugs and leans over and casually swats the horrible bug off her face. He and Short Round watch the insect skid across the floor -- and suddenly disappear as if by magic! Puzzled, they wander toward the wall, leaving Willie behind, bathed in sweat, staring at the ceiling -- WILLIE What did I do to deserve this trip?! Kneeling by the wall, Short Round examines the baseboard -- SHORT ROUND It went under. Hey, I feel wind, Indy. Indiana knocks on the wall and considers the hollow sound. He moves back and looks at the whole wall. Behind him, Willie moves past -- WILLIE I'm packing! I'm getting out of here right now tonight! She dashes behind a screen to start getting dressed. Meanwhile Indy feels the marble walls. He moves to a niche in which there is a small statue of Ganesha, the friendly elephant god. Indiana lifts the statue -- and a panel in the wall opens slow- ly. Short Round looks amazed. Indy watches the light fall across the far wall of a tunnel as the door opens slowly. Indy peers into the tunnel at an old wall painting. Spiderly San- skrit calligraphy runs under a flanking illustration of a prince bowing before a god. INDIANA *(He reads aloud an inscription in Sanskrit). SHORT ROUND What does it mean, Indy? INDIANA (translating) "Follow in the footsteps of Shiva. Do not betray his truth." Indy takes out the piece of cloth the boy gave him in Mayapore, the similarities are striking. It is also a picture of Shiva Sankara. INDIANA *(He repeats aloud the inscrip- tion also written on the cloth) Over behind the screen, Willie's getting into some silk pants with an Indian-style brocade bodice top -- WILLIE I don't care if I have to walk to Delhi, I'm -- hey! She notices Indy and Short Round bending to enter the dark tunnel behind the wall. WILLIE (Cont'd) Wait a minute! What're you -- where're you going?! Indy pokes his head back into the room -- INDIANA Lock your door and don't leave until we get back. He disappears behind the wall and Willie looks worried. 75. INT. A PALACE TUNNEL - NIGHT 75. Indy and Short Round enter the secret passage and move forward slowly into the inky darkness. SHORT ROUND I don't think we suppose to be in here, Indy... They creep slowly down the dark tunnel. It grows smaller and Indy ducks his head. SHORT ROUND (Cont'd) I step on something. Their footsteps crunch on the tunnel floor. INDIANA You're right, there's something all over the floor... Even Short Round has to duck and Indy finally kneels to his hands and knees. INDIANA (Cont'd) We'll have to crawl. As they crawl, their hands and knees continue to crunch on what- ever it is littering the ground. SHORT ROUND Indy, the floor -- there is some- thing alive! Indiana gets a match out of his pocket. He snaps it with his thumb and the match flares -- a hideous insectarium: a living collection of the world's ugliest antropods, hexapods and arch- nids. SHORT ROUND Holy smoke -- I'm scared, Indy! Indiana turns and sees something else -- INDIANA There's a chamber here. Come on -- Indy finds an oil lamp on the wall and lights it. Short Round happily scampers into the chamber and Indy follows him. Suddenly the door slides shut -- trapping them inside! 76. INT. THE CHAMBER 76. Indiana lights a match and finds another oil lamp. He and Short Round look for a way to open the door that closed behind them, but they have no luck. INDIANA Damn! Then they hear Willie's voice echoing down the short tunnel. WILLIE (O.S.) Hey -- where are you?! 77. INT. WILLIE'S SUITE 77. Back in the suite, Willie stands by the entrance to the secret passage, peering into the dark tunnel -- WILLIE (Cont'd) Indiana Jones?! Are you in there?! 78. INT. THE CHAMBER 78. Indy mutters irritably to himself -- INDIANA Yes, we're in here... He looks everywhere for something to open the door. Short Round spots a loose brick and moves it -- SHORT ROUND Indy, I found a -- Suddenly they hear a rumble and Indy turns to see the opposite wall moving -- the spikes start appearing! Their lethal points protrude from the wall as it starts closing in toward Indy and Short Round. SHORT ROUND (Cont'd) Indy -- ! Shorty points up and Indiana sees more spikes descending from the ceiling! Indy turns toward the door and shouts -- INDIANA Uh -- Willie?! (louder) Willie, you better get down here! 79. INT. WILLIE'S SUITE 79. Willie listens and looks scared -- WILLIE (shouting back) What?! INDIANA (O.S.) Willie, come here! Hurry up, we're in trouble!! SHORT ROUND (O.S.) Willie, help!! Willie is frightened, confused and jumping around -- 80. INT. THE SPIKE CHAMBER 80. The deadly spikes inch slowly toward them from the wall and ceil- ing. They start pounding on the door and shout -- INDIANA Willie, damn it! Get down here, NOW 81. INT. WILLIE'S SUITE 81. Willie finds the courage to finally whimper and step into the dark passage -- WILLIE Oh hell -- I bet I get all dirty again! 82. INT. THE TUNNEL 82. Willie starts down the dark tunnel toward the chamber. INDIANA (O.S.) WILLIE?! WILLIE I'm coming, what's the rush?! Ohh! What's that?! There's stuff all over the floor! I can't see a thing! 83. INT. THE SPIKE CHAMBER 83. They hear her coming and Indy watches nervously as the spikes draw even closer -- INDIANA Move, Willie! Faster! 84. INT. THE TUNNEL 84. Willie crawls and crunches on the littered floor -- WILLIE It's all wet and icky! Aaahh -- things are moving!! She sees the low lamp by the door to the chamber. SHORT ROUND (O.S.) Please, Willie! She grabs the lamp and turns it up so it burns brighter. She looks around -- and SCREAMS!! She sees the sickening, swarming mass of glistening insects crawling toward her, attracted by the light -- WILLIE (hysterical) There's bugs! Bugs all over! Help! Help me! INDIANA (O.S.) Willie, open the door! GET US OUT OF HERE! Willie pounds on the door -- WILLIE OPEN THE DOOR! LET ME IN!! 85. INT. THE SPIKE ROOM 85. The spikes close in -- INDIANA GET US OUT! Willie, shut up and listen! There's got to be a ful- crum release! Look around! WILLIE (O.S.) A what?! 86. I