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Hannibal (18): Anthony Hopkins returns as everyones favourite cannibal.
Chocolat(12): A womans chocolate shop change a small french villagers rigid morales.
The Emporers New Groove(PG): Disneys latest, in which a emporeer is turned into a llama.
The Gift (15): A psychic woman is recruited into finding a young missing person.
What Women Want (PG): Mel Gibson stars as the man who can hear womens thoughts.
Proof of Life(15): Russle Crowe stars with Meg Ryan in this hostage thriller.
Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (PG): A moose and a squirrel star in this live action comedy.
Traffic (12): Michael Douglas stars opposite Catherine Zeta-Jones in this drugs thriller.
Dude, Where's My Car(12): Seann William Scott stars in ayet another tenn comedy.
Dungeons and Dragons(15): Jeremy Irons stars in this movie adaptation of the popular computer game
And the American Box Office Charts. Please note, these are NOT given star ratings because they have yet to enter the UK box office charts, and so, are waiting to be reviewed.