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Chloe's Atlantis

main site info movie info fan-created works links to other great sites bulletin board

[06.29.01] Yay. I'm still here, although I really don't know why. The page still has nothing on it. I find myself just going to other pages and looking at all their content. Hehe.
Send me stuff. Fanfiction, essays, art; I'll take it all. Anything and everything. I'm desperate for stuff. Please don't make me beg. ^_^
Sorry about not being here the past few days; we went on vacation. But I'm back and I'm ready to go. Maybe I'll get a guestbook added in the next few days. I just need to find a good one. They're hard to come by these days. ::sigh::

[06.24.01] Get used to seeing me update a lot, for two reasons:
1. School's almost out for me, so I'm going to have a lot of free time.
2. I'm always online, school or no school. ^_^
Anyway, the page has been discovered. I'm in a webring (wahoo!) and the people know about the bulletin board. I'm glad I didn't wait to start this page, because Atlantis is still a bit new, so the site's a bit more original. But I have no doubt in my mind that there will be dozens more Atlantis pages in the near future.
I'm thinking about doing a role play thing with a chat room, thanks to a suggestion made on the message board (great idea, by the way!!). I think I'm going to elaborate on the chat room idea by scheduling chats, so we'll all be there together. I've heard of these role play chats, but I've never done it, so it should be fun!
More stuff should be up soon. For now, go post on the message board and let me know you saw the page. I want to get an idea of how many people have been visiting, and I'm too lazy to put up a guestbook or counter. ^_^

[06.22.01] Hey all. My page is far from done, but please go to my EZBoard Bullitin Board at I'll have more on the page in a bit, I promise.

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