Copies of
Multiple Sidosis
are available directly from the producer!
in owning a copy? Write to:
N. Laverents
3705 Mesa Vista Way
Bonita, CA 91902
Sidosis on VHS (NTSC format)......... $15.00 + $2.00 postage
Multiple Sidosis plus
5 other films by Sid Laverents ......................... $20.00 + $2.00
Sid for pricing and availability of international formats.)

The following article appeared in the December 28,
2000 edition of The Hollywood Reporter.
‘Multiple’ stories on amateur film
by Brooks Boliek
– When Sid Laverents, an inveterate amateur filmmaker, started playing
with the two-track tape recorder he had received as a birthday present in
1969, he didn’t know that three decades later his new toy would help put
him in the same category as Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorcese, and
Steven Spielberg.
But thanks to that Roberts tape recorder and a ten-minute film he shot
with a 16mm Bolex camera that stars twelve images of himself titled
“Multiple Sidosis,” the 92-year-old Laverents now has a film in the
National Film Registry to be preserved for all time alongside some of
America’s most famous motion pictures.
“We had wanted to include a purely amateur film for some time,” said
David Francis, the chief of the Library of Congress motion picture,
television, and recorded sound division.
“There is this whole area that no one has really considered, but
amateur film societies existed all over the country in the ‘20s, ‘30s,
‘40s, and even into the ‘50s. There
was a small conference on amateur film, and this one was voted the
Francis calls the final product with the dozen Sids playing various
instruments and whistling a “technical comedy.”
Lavarents told the Hollywood Reporter that he was intrigued by Les Paul
and Mary Ford’s recordings in which they played all the instruments, so
when he got his tape recorder, he decided to do the same thing.
“I was inspired by Les Paul and Mary Ford,” he said from his home in
San Diego. “I had done some studies with light filters where I put
more than one image on film. So
I said, “My gosh! Why
don’t I try it.”
But with a two-track machine, he had to be careful not to erase the tracks
he had already laid down. It
took three or four months to lay down each track.
“I did this 12 times and came up with some surprisingly good audio,”
he said. “When I got
that right, it was a matter of getting the pictures to fit.”
That’s easier said than done. It
took four rolls of film to get everything straight, and the aircraft
engineer by trade had to invent a machine that would allow him to
synchronize everything. Out of the 1,900 feet of film he shot, Laverents was left
with only 325 feet in the final product.
While “Multiple Sidosis” may be his most famous work, Laverents ha
made 12 films and more than a half dozen feature videos.
In one, he gets consumed by a dinosaur.
“After I got started, I guess I just went a little deeper in it than
most people, "he said about his hobby -- one he pursues even as a
Even with his selection, and all the years of filmmaking, Laverents is
still obsessed with cinema, his wife Charlotte said.
"His deepest wish is to visit the Spielberg studios," Charlotte
Laverents said. "After
all these years as an amateur, he'd really like to see how the
professionals do it out there."