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Facts About the Movie "GoldenEye"

Starring Cast

Pierce Brosnan as James Bond

Isabella Scorpedio as Natalya Simonova

Sean Bean as Alec Trevelyan

Famke Janssen as Xenia Onatopp

John Gottfried as General Arkardy Ourumov

Alan Cumming as Boris Grishenko

Tcheky Karyo as Defence Minister Dmitri Mishkin

Robbie Coltrane as Valentien Zukovsky

John Don Baker as Jack Wade

Dame Judi Dench as M

Desmond Llwellyn as Q

Samantha Bond as MoneyPenny

Director, etc.

Director: Martin Campbell

Release year: 1995

Title Song: Tina Turner GoldenEye

Locations of Filming: Russia, Caribbean, French Riviera; & Pinewood Studios, London

GoldenEye Plotline

The GoldenEye adventure begins in Archangel'sk facility, in 1986; when 007 and 006 are assigned to destroy a chemical weapons factory in the area. Bond, is first seen running along the Bylemenore Dam; and jumping off of a ledge on it, lands on the ventilation holes that lead down to the bathrooms of the facility itself. After the bungee down, he crawls into the vents, and down through the bathrooms after a small encounter with a soldier.

Bond quietly walked into a storage room, where he met Alec Trevelyan, 006. With an exchange of words, Alec and James stealthy slither through another vent duct, and into the main bottling half of the plant. In that area, Alec gets first kill, when a lone scientist seems to annoy him.

With a decoder in hand, Bond quietly gets the main bottling room door open, and he and Alec both stroll in; silently taking in the scene.

A quick look around reveals that the area is deserted. Bond and Trevelyan quietly look from the top of the balcony onto the main floor. "Too easy." "Half of everything is luck James." "And the other half-?" "Fate."

Alarms go off everywhere, and Alec and James get down to the main floor, where then; Bond sets the timers for six minutes, while Alec holds off the guards with his AK-47. It is imagined to be a frightful scene, until Alec's gun goes silent.

"Shut the door Alec! There's a draft," yelled James; hearing Trevelyan's gun go silent. It was then he saw Ourumov holding Alec at gunpoint; threatening to execute him at any moment.

Bond almost surrenders, until Alec is shot by Ourumov, his last words being "For England James!" Hearing this, Bond sets the bomb timer's for 3 minutes, and ducks behind a cart, and wheels it to the conveyer belt, where he escapes from the main floor; while guards and Ourumov fire on.

Bond's escape occurs when he chases a loose plane down the service runway, and he flies over the facility, just in time to see the bombs detonate, and the facility destroyed.

Nine Years Later...

James Bond, 007 never forgot the memory of 006. He has seemed to put it out of his mind, until something happens where it puts him back into the position of finding what happened after Archangel'sk. But, for now he only has one piece of the puzzle; Xenia Onatopp.

Xenia Onatopp and him share two passions, a motoring chase, and baccarat; in Monte Carlo's casino where Bond and Xenia involve themselves in a conversation, knowing they would be pitched together as rivals in the future.

The second piece comes the next morning; in the form of the "Tiger" Euro-chopper. The latest prototype in NATO Technology. It is stealth, and is invulnerable to all radio and electronic radiation. Bond arrives on the "La Fayette" just in time to see Xenia Onatopp, and an unknown assistant swipe the chopper, and take off into the rising sun over the French skyline.

Days later, at Severnaya; Boris Grishenko and Natalya Simonova are sharing a conversation over a computer hacking that seems too great for even the masterful Boris. Natalya Simonova quietly asks him why he hacked into the US Department of Justice. She asks him plainly, "You hacked into the US Department of Justice. Do you know what will happen if they trace it here?" "The chief of computers will call me a genius, load me to Moscow, and give me a million bucks hard currancy, ha huh! I think not," he says in answer. He then adds, "Besides, the Americans are sluggheads! They'll never detect me." With that, an alarm went off that detected unauthorized access; and in return, Boris spiked them.

"I am invincible!"he said as he hung off the FBI. Natalya only muttered about getting coffee, and Boris got a ciggarette.

While Boris was outside, the Tiger landed, and out stepped General Ourumov and Xenia Onatopp. They passed Boris and quickly walked inside, Ourumov got in through the voice command, which unlocked the door.

Another officer approached, and took the authorization codes from Ourumov to access the keys to satalite Petya and Mischa, the GoldenEye weapontry. Natalya, watched from one of the wings where the coffee was stored, and grew in interest of what was about to happen.

The officer returned to Ourumov after a moment and gave him the keys and the access disk. In return, Xenia opened fire and killed all personall in the building, all except Natalya.

It was a moment when Xenia and Ourumov went to the computers and quietly typed in the commands for Petya to fire upon Severnaya; which was made possible when the satalite was armed.

Onatopp obviously heard a noise, when she quietly strode over to near where Natalya was hiding. Natalya in turn wrenched out the cover to a vent in the ceiling and almost crawled up there.

An alarm went off and Xenia shot the perpetraitor before running upstairs to where Natalya hid, and blasted out the vent. Then running back to Ourumov, they began to stride out. "It's clean. I had to ventilate someone."

Meanwhile, Bond had arrived at MI6, and after introductions from MoneyPenny, walked into the center where the new M was introduced. The probability of the GoldenEye being in existance was disputed between M and Tanner, and it wouldn't be resolved easily.

A large screen showed the picture of Severnaya, and Bond gazed upon it, saying only to M, "Are these pictures live?" She answered him, quipping, "Unlike the American government, we prefer not to get our bad news from CNN."

Natalya Fyderovna Simonova crawled out of her hiding spot in the cabinets and looked around at the bodies of her compatriots, grieving for only seconds, until she looked up at the screen, where satalite Petya was shown over head, and the countdown until the destruction of Severnaya was at four seconds. She then dove under the stairs, right as the blast occured, and watched, as the Severnaya bunker came crashing down around her.

The EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) was seen in London only as a knockout of the satalite; which furtherly perplexed every member of the staff of the Situation Room, even M and 007. Tanner's only words on the subject being, "What the bloody hell was that?"

The satalite feed was restored revealing that Severnaya had been compleately destroyed, along with three MiG-29 that were flying overhead only moments before - in responce to the alarm. Also seen, was the helicopter on the edge of the screen, gracefully flying away, destroying all evidence of the crime committed at Severnaya, all except Natalya.

Natalya, was trapped in the bunker for only moments, before the dish came crashing through the ceiling, giving her a way out. She took the chance, and crawling out of the wreckage, began to look in vain for Boris.

Bond was quickly assigned to find whoever committed the crimes at Severnaya by M. He had to find also, the lone survivor.

Meanwhile at St. Petersburg, General Ourumov presented the evidence to Defense Minister Dmitri Mishkin. He blamed the incident on Siberian seperatists, which didn't stand up with Mishkin. He then asked Ourumov a question which made Ourumov extremely uneasy, "And what of the two missing Severnaya technicians?" Ourumov lost his posture and answered uneasily, "I was aware only of the one; Boris Grishenko." Mishkin looked at a paper and then back up at Ourumov, "There was a girl also whose body was not found among the dead, Natalya Fyderovina Simonova; a second level programmer." Ourumov suddenly realized that his airtight alabi had flown out into the darkness like the EMP at Severnaya. "I will investigate immeaditely; Defense Minister." The Defense Minister didn't look pleased when he leaned foreward and quietly insulted Ourumov with an offhanded comment, "It would seem presumptious General Akardy Grigorvitch to blame this incident on Siberian seperatists, before the whereabouts of your own people are determined! Do you agree?" Ourumov stared him hard in the face, "Yes - Defense Minister. Thank you for bringing it to my attention."

Bond arrived in St. Petersburg later that week, and found Jack Wade. Wade quietly told him all he knew about Janus and led Bond to one of Janus' competitors - Valentien Dmitrivitch Zukovsky; head of a fraction of the Russian Mafia. James Bond quietly walked inside the building, and confronted Zukovsky, and then after a few minutes, askes him about Janus.

"...These are not just killers, Valentien; they are traitors!" Explaned Bond to Zukovsky when they were in his private study. "What would you expect from a cossak?"He answered, shrugging. Bond pushed him to go on. Valentien continued, "This Janus, I've never met the man, but I know he is a Lienz Cossak." Bond looked puzzled for a moment but then answered, "Group that worked for the Nazi's against the Russians during the second world war." Valentien nodded saying, "You know your history, Mr. Bond. At the end of the war, the Lienz Cossaks surrendered to the British at Austria thinking they would go back and wage war with the Communists. But; the British betrayed them, had them sent back to Stalin who had them immeaditaly all shot. Women, children, families." Bond noted, "Not exactly our finest hour." Zukovsky shrugged and answered coldly, "Still, ruthless people; they got what they deserved."

Earlier, at Our Lady of Smolensk; Natalya found Boris, and Xenia all at once. It was an unhappy reunion, which would leave Natalya swearing revenge upon Boris for his betrayal of her trust and friendship. Another vendetta perhaps.

Bond later, met Xenia Onatopp at the Grand Hotel, and after a battle of strength, Bond quickly commanded her to take him to Janus, "No, no, no. No more foreplay, take me to Janus." Xenia's only reply was a yell, "BLEEOTCH!"

Statue Park, was where Bond was transported. It was there, where he met the famous Janus; and in stunned stammering, said to the man only one word, "Alec?" The man responded, "Back from the dead, no longer just an anonymous star on a memorial board in the halls of MI6. What's the matter James, no glib remark? No pithy comeback?" Bond merely asked in astonishment, "Why?" To which Alec Trevelyan, James Bond's friend for so long explained his ability to hate the British, for the suicide of his parents; and then explained the cost of betrayal towards Bond, and the things to come of it. And how Janus fit in with it all. Alec Trevelyan was two-faced; and a traitor.

Bond and Natalya met soon after, when Alec had James knocked out and locked up with her in the Tiger helicopter, and then after a brif explosion, were thrown into prison together awaiting interrogation from the Defense Minister. Bond gained her trust then, and they both awaited Dmitri's arrival.

Mishkin arrived and began interrogating Bond, "Good morning, Mr. Bond, sit. I am Defense Minister Dmitri Mishkin. So, by what means shall we execute you?" Bond responded, "What, no small talk? No chitchat? That's the problem with the world today, no one takes the time to perform a truly sinister interrogation." Mishkin countered his quip with a mere brush, "I'm sorry commander, your sence of humor does not sway me." This started the arguement, but after a moment of fighting, Natalya finally confessed the truth, "Stop it! The both of you! You're like, boys with toys. It was Ourumov. General Ourumov set off the weapon" Mishkin smiled half-humoredly, "Are you certain it was Ourumov?" Natalya answered, "General Ourumov killed everyone, and stole the GoldenEye." Mishkin still didn't believe the girl's story, and then asked her doubtfully, "And why would he do that?" She answered him, "There is another sattalite." Defence Minister Mishkin suddenly went pale, his eyes growing large, and he gulped. "Another GoldenEye. Thank you...Ms Simonova. And I believe that Mr. Bond was just commenting about the lost art of interrogation?"

At that moment, Ourumov came in screaming, "Defense Minister, I must protest! This is my investigation, you are out of order!" Dmitri Mishkin didn't like his bursting in the door, he immediately went on the defense, "Marchycya! From what I am hearing it is you who is out of order!" The General tried to back out, by stealing Bond's PPK the PPK on the table and aiming it at Mishkin; but to no avail; he made one last chance, "Do you even know who the enemy is, Dmitri? DO YOU!?" In responce, Mishkin got up and shouted "GUARDS!" But only seconds before the bullet shattered his forehead, and ended his life. Ourumov then called for the guards, and Bond and Natalya were on the run through the archives; on a shooting spree.

In the archives, Natalya looses her footing during the battle, and falls into Ourumov's arms. Bond, escapes through a window, and lands on a truck; while Natalya is held hostage by Ourumov in his mercedies.

The tank chase through St. Petersburg commences when Bond hijacks a Russian tank and plows after Ourumov's car, tailing him all the way to a rail depot; where he then began to get ahead of the train.

The tank is used to de-rail the train and stop it, and Trevelyan and Onatopp are trapped in the front, when Bond came in, only to Trevelyan coldly asking, "Why can't you just be a good boy and die?" Bond responds, "You first." He then points the gun at Xenia, "You, second." The situation is deemed hopeless, until Ourumov is holding Natalya hostage behind Bond. The turning point emerges, when Bond asks Ourumov about Trevelyan being a Cossak. It evolves into a gun fight, when Bond shoots Ourumov and watches as Xenia and Alec escape. Then, he and Natalya are trapped in the car; until Bond uses his wristwatch and gets through the floor, while Natalya quietly hacks Boris' computer system and finds where Janus HQ. is located.

Bond and Natalya escape the deathtrap in the train, right after she finds that the base is in Cuba; and they ran until they looked behind themselves, to see the train explode; and the first love encounter between Natalya and James unfold.

The trip to Cuba involved love, until Bond and Natalya were assigned to find the dish, which proved almost unsuccessful until a SAM SITE missle shattered the plane's wing, sending them flying downward into the Cuban jungle.

Bond awoke a few hours later to see Xenia landing on him, kicking him into the ground, and then trying to strangle him with her theighs. It proves unsucessful when Bond defeats her by shooting the helicopter, and forcing her to be strangled on the trees, saying only one thing in her memory, "She always did enjoy a good squeeze."

The dish was exposed to Bond and Natalya next, and seeing the mammoth structure rise out of the lake, they began to plot on how to get inside, before they were shot at, making them fly downward towards the bottom of the draining area. They survive the fall, and make it inside the control center; where Alec aims Mischa at London.

Bond quickly gets in a gunfight, while Natalya goes for the main-frame computer. While Bond is shooting at the guards, Natalya hacks into Boris' system, and begins to program the GoldenEye to act differently than it already did.

Bond is brought to Trevelyan, and after a moment, Natalya joins them. They are all together, until Boris is smacked upside the head by Natalya; then, the retro-rockets on Mischa fire, and the satallite begins to self-destruct.

Boris, grabbing Bond's grenade pen, quickly begins to fiddle with it as he fixes the computers. Bond watches, as Boris gets up in frusteration; and Trevelyan yells to Natalya, "Tell him! Tell him now!" Boris clicks the pen three times and shouts at Natalya, "GIVE ME THE CODES NATALYA!! GIVE THEM TO ME!" Bond quickly throws the pen out of Boris' grasp and up onto another floor, where it detonates a pool of gas, leaking from tanks only meters away. Hot flames and shrapnel fly everywhere, and Natalya and Bond make their escape.

To cradle-top they flew, up in the elevator, and Bond quickly ran off, to fulfill the vendetta of ages past; against Trevelyan for his betrayal. Alec followed closely, and soon, they were shooting, and fist-fighting it out on the cradle, until they reached the bottom. As James was held at gunpoint, Alec smiled saying, "You know James, I was always better."

James dove down a ladder trap-door in responce and flew to the bottom, hurting himself on the way down. Trevelyan in responce climbed down also, and the two began to fight again, and on the verge of destroying Bond, Trevelyan looks up at the helicopter, giving 007 the advantage.

Bond kicked him, making Alec begin to fall from the height, high above the ground. But, Bond caught him by the ankle, just as he was about to make the final plunge, and Alec looked up at him saying, "For England James?" Bond looked dead serious, "No. For me." Then Trevelyan fell to the ground in a shrill scream, leaving Bond to jump to the helicopter and escape with Natalya to safety.

Meanwhile, Boris watched in horror as Mischa exploded in space, leaving him on earth completely powerless. It was seconds after, that Trevelyan watched, when Cradle came crashing down upon him, that Boris too, watched as cradle came crashing through the ceiling, almost killing him.

Stunned to survive, Boris jumped up in joy screaming, "YES! I AM INVINCIBLE!" Only seconds before he was frozen to death in an explosion of liquid nitrogyn.

It left Bond and Natalya together, and happy, until Bond went out on another adventure, but that was another story.