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Malice's New Friendship

Name: Sora'Kaelaja
ID: EU054M
Gender: Male
Sub-Species: Euclides
Rank: Puppeteer
Breed: Canine
Type: Instinct
Mutations: Larger that normal (may end up normal-sized when he reaches adulthood)
Accessories: Bronze swirly legband

As the days grew longer and the nights grew shorter the young anthro, Malice was traveling through the lands once more. He was a strange sight to see indeed for he had the full body of a dobermen pincher, but yet he walked like that of a human. The anthro was covered in fur like any normal dog but wore clothing so he did not offend any humans. Malice lacked a tail though yet it did make things easier for him to find clothes that don't have to be speically made if he did have a tail. The day was just beginning and already the anthro was up and about before the yellow orb peeked over the horizan. The young anthro wasn't sure what he was going to do today though he felt like making the humans nervous as he does occasionally. So with his mind made up he made his way into town and without it failing people started to scream and run home. Humans would mistaken him easily for a werewolf which he didn't mind he liked to scare others it was rare that he wanted a friend to speak with. He could easily speak with Euclides if they didn't feel uncomfortable around him besides he was more related to a type of canine then a human.
Walking along ever so calmly a Euclide jumped out infront of him with a smirk, which caused Malice to stop and take a step back. It was then that he realized who is was "Ah KaeJe it is a pleasure to meet up with you once again." He said with a friendly smile. KaeJe sat up on his hind legs with a smile as well "Yes, and I see you are out and about to cause some trouble again?" he asked tilting his head a little."Well yes I am would you like to join me?" asked the anthro looking around then over at the Euclide once more.
"Yes I would enjoy that very much" replied the destructive one who set off in search of what he could destroy. Malice ran off after him and the two destroied what ever they could by knocking things over, placing things else where, and Malice even set flames to a local hay barn. Where the hay for animals were stored in which after that the two ran off back ktowards the forest area. "Ha ha ha that was one of the best moves you did with that fire back there Malice" KaeJe said chuckling almost evil like. "Why thank you a comment like that from the great master of destruction himself is something you don't hear that often." Replied the large anthro as he sat himself down upon a log. With a deepened sigh he looked around his ears perked up listening to the creatures that rustled about the forest. KaeJe glanced around and then towards the anthro "My friend I think it is time for you to see about bonding to a younger how I did with Silver." He could sense how alone Malice felt and figured maybe if he would "adopt" a young Euclide and raise him or her that he wouldn't feel as alone in the world. The black and orange colored Euclide shifted his body into a more comfortable spot his tail curled around over his feet waiting to hear a reply from the mightly anthro.
Then out of no where SilverkaeJik popped out behind the bushes scareing both Euclide and Anthro. KaeJe shook his head as he had jumped and landed on all fours his fur fluffed up making him look bigger until he realized who it was "Silver are you tring to give me a heartattack?" he asked with a smile sitting back up on his hind legs. "Sorry old one I didn't mean to" Silver smirked sitting down and looked over at Malice scratching at his fur a little "Hi Malice long time so see eh?" In fact Malice had seen Silver when he was only a pup so Malice was rather surprised at how he grew up "Well well well you sure have grown to be a brave one haven't you?" Silver just nodded puffing out his chest a little and KaeJe rolled his eyes and looked back at malice. "So what do you think about that whole Euclide pup thing I was speaking of?" Malice looked over at him and thought for a few minutes about it "I like that idea and then maybe I won't be as along as I feel most of the time" he said with a smile looking over at Silcer then KaeJe "So where do I go to see if I am able to 'adpot' a Euclide pup?" he had never once thought about visiting an area where Euclides roam for he knew most Euclides wouldn't want him around that much. It never helped he thought a little bit negitivly about him self a lot of times so he was afraid in a way. KaeJe smiled "Well I can't come with you for this is pretty much a journey you must take yourself, but I can show you the way to take ok" he said and he got up and walked over to a certain path "Walk down this path for as far as it can go and you will soon see a theater raise from the horizan...there is where you will find a young one to raise."
He then walked back over by Silver and looked at him then Malice "Trust your heart my friend and you will find it now we must be off though so best of luck to you" he said as he walked away into the bushes not waiting for Silver. "Yes good luck Malice hope to see you with a friend soon" Silver said before he to ran off after KaeJe. "Thank you and good bye" he said before the two disappeared into the woods. With a sigh the anthro stood up once again streaching out every muscle in his body getting ready for a little journey.
When the sun was high in the sky he set out down the path wondering how long it would take and if he would be able to gain a new friend. Watching the trees pass him as he made his way down the path the sun would pass overhead soon and he felt like he had been walking for hours. His ears perked up quickly though when he heard the sounds of humans speaking talking about a werewolf that walked in the day. Malice couldn't help but smirk for he knew they were speaking of him but then they were talking about killing the creature. He growled as he stepped out from his hidding spot "Kill me?You think you can easily kill me by announcing that your going to kill me?" he growled as he walked towards them. The men couldn't believe he was there and they ran for there lives though one was so scared he couldn't run and the anthro walked up towards him grabbing him by the neck and lifting him above the ground "Now listen up human I will not stand by and let humans like you try to kill me for if you do I will make sure you are all dead got it?!" he said to the point of yelling then threw the man towards the ground who then darted off probably back home.
He sighed once more and continued to walk down the path by then the sun had reached the horizan. He was at the end of the path and imn a beautiful large feild which amazed him and there it was the Theater the Euclide spoke of. He smiled as he moved forward only to be greeted by another Euclide who welcomed him to the theater "Welcome friend I am sure you are here for a young pup, kitten, or cub?" Malice only nodded and he would then make his way to the theater hoping he would gain a new young friend to raise as he own.

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